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Publikationen »Coyle, John Kevin«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Coyle, John Kevin

RI opac: 53 Einträge

1Monographie  Manichaeism and its legacy
Coyle, John Kevin. - Leiden [u.a.] (2009)

2Monographie  Augustine's "De moribus ecclesiae catholicae": a study of the work , its composition and its sources
Coyle, John Kevin. - Freiburg i. Ue. (1978)

3Buchbeitrag  Noli me tangere (John 20,17) in Manichaeism and Augustine
Coyle, John Kevin. (2016) - In: "Noli me tangere" in interdisciplinary perspective S. 123-136

4Buchbeitrag  Augustine and Apocalyptic: Thoughts on the Fall of Rome, the Book of Revelation, and the End of the World
Coyle, John Kevin. (2014) - In: Augustine and apocalyptic S. 23-52

5Buchbeitrag  Jesus, Mani, and Augustine
Coyle, John Kevin. (2011) - In: Studies Johannes van Oort S. 363-376

6Artikel  Augustine and the Magdalene
Coyle, John Kevin. (2011) - In: Theoforum Bd. 42 (2011) S. 17-35

7Buchbeitrag  Characteristics of Manichaeism in Roman Africa
Coyle, John Kevin. (2009) - In: New light on Manichaeism. Papers S. 101-114

8Buchbeitrag  Good Tree, Bad Tree: The Matthean/Lukan Paradigm in Manichaeism and Its Opponents
Coyle, John Kevin. (2008) - In: The reception and interpretation of the Bible in late antiquity S. 121-144

9Buchbeitrag  A clash of portraits: contrasts between Archelaus and Mani in the Acta Archelai
Coyle, John Kevin. (2007) - In: Frontiers of faith. Religious exchange and the constitution of religious identities S. 67-76

10Buchbeitrag  Hesitant and ignorant: the portrayal of Mani in the Acts of Archelaus
Coyle, John Kevin. (2007) - In: Frontiers of faith. Religious exchange and the constitution of religious identities S. 23-32

11Artikel  God's place in Augustine's Anti-Manichaean polemic
Coyle, John Kevin. (2007) - In: Augustinian studies Bd. 38 (2007) S. 87-102

12Artikel  Particularities of Christianity in Roman Africa
Coyle, John Kevin. (2006) - In: Studia patristica Bd. 39 (2006) S. 13-26

13Artikel  From homily to sermon to homily: the content of christian liturgical preaching in historical perspective
Coyle, John Kevin. (2006) - In: Liturgical ministry Bd. 15 (2006) S. 1-9

14Artikel  Foreign and insane: labelling Manichaeism in the Roman Empire
Coyle, John Kevin. (2004) - In: Studies in religion Bd. 33 (2004) S. 217-234

15Artikel  Saint Augustine?s Manichaean Legacy
Coyle, John Kevin. (2003) - In: Augustinian studies Bd. 34, 1 (2003) S. 1-22

16Artikel  'Contra aduersarium legis et prophetarum'. De nuevo la pregunta: ?quién es ese adversario?
Coyle, John Kevin. (2003) - In: Augustinus. Revista trimestral Bd. 48 (2003) S. 47-56

17Buchbeitrag  The self-identity of North African Christians in Augustine's time
Coyle, John Kevin. (2003) - In: Augustinus Afer S. 61-73

18Buchbeitrag  Memoriae Apostolorum: the Tombs and Remains of the Apostles at Rome as Symbols in Augustine? thought
Coyle, John Kevin. (2001) - In: Pietro e Paolo. Il loro rapporto con Roma nelle testimonianze antiche S. 473-490

19Artikel  Revisiting the Adversary in Augustine's Contra adversarium legis et prophetarum
Coyle, John Kevin. (2001) - In: Studia patristica Bd. 38 (2001) S. 56-63

20Buchbeitrag  What did Augustine know about Manichaeism when he wrote his two treatises "De moribus"?
Coyle, John Kevin. (2001) - In: Augustine and Manichaeism in the Latin West S. 43-56

21Buchbeitrag  Prolegomena to a Study of Women in Manichaeism
Coyle, John Kevin. (2001) - In: The Light and the Darkness S. 79-92

22Buchbeitrag  "Adimantum, contra" ("Against Adimantus")
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 7-8

23Buchbeitrag  Adapted discourse: Heaven in Augustine's "City of God" and in his contemporary preaching
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: History, apocalypse and the secular imagination S. 205-219

24Buchbeitrag  Mani, Manicheism
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 520-525

25Buchbeitrag  Duabus animabus, de (on the two souls)
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 287-288

26Artikel  Agustín, el maniqueísmo y la contracepción
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustinus. Revista trimestral Bd. 44 (1999) S. 89-97

27Buchbeitrag  "Natura boni, de" ("On the nature of the good")
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 581-582

28Buchbeitrag  Fortunatum Manicheum, acta contra (debate with Fortunatus, a Manichee)
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 371-372

29Buchbeitrag  Anti-Manichean works
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 39-41

30Buchbeitrag  Early monks, prayer, and the devil. Prayer and spirituality
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church Tl. 1 S. 229-249

31Buchbeitrag  "Genesi adversus Manicheos, de" ("On Genesis, against the Manichees")
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 378-379

32Buchbeitrag  "Secundinum Manicheum, contra" ("Against secundinus, a Manichee")
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 759-760

33Artikel  Adapted Discourse: Heaven in Augustine's City of God and in His Contemporary Preaching
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustinian studies Bd. 30, 2 (1999) S. 205-219

34Buchbeitrag  "Moribus ecclesiae Catholicae et de moribus Manicheorum, de" ("On the Catholic and the Manichean ways of life")
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 571

35Buchbeitrag  Epistulam Manichaei quam vocant fundamenti, contra (against the "Foundation letter" of Mani)
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 311-312

36Buchbeitrag  Felicem Manicheum, contra (against Felix, a Manichee)
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 358

37Buchbeitrag  "Faustum Manicheum, contra" ("Against Faustus, a Manichee")
Coyle, John Kevin. (1999) - In: Augustine through the ages. An encyclopedia S. 355-356

38Buchbeitrag  L'appel aux Pères dans la philosophie médiévale
Coyle, John Kevin. (1995) - In: Les philosophies morales et politiques au Moyen Âge Tl. 1 S. 45-64

39Artikel  Augustine's "millennialism" reconsidered
Coyle, John Kevin. (1993) - In: Augustinus. Revista trimestral Bd. 38 (1993) S. 155-164

40Artikel  Mary Magdalene in Manichaeism?
Coyle, John Kevin. (1991) - In: Le muséon Bd. 104 (1991) S. 39-55

41Buchbeitrag  Maurist manuscript sources for Augustine's two treatises "De moribus"
Coyle, John Kevin. (1990) - In: Mélanges T. J. van Bavel Tl. 1 S. 3-18

42Artikel  Maurist manuscript sources for Augustine's two treatises "De moribus"
Coyle, John Kevin. (1990) - In: Augustiniana Bd. 40 (1990) S. 3-18

43Buchbeitrag  Augustine's two treatises "De moribus". Remarks on their textual history
Coyle, John Kevin. (1989) - In: FS Cornelius Petrus Mayer (1989) S. 75-90

44Artikel  Augustine and Apocalyptic: Thoughts on the Fall of Rome, The Book of Revelation, and the End of the World
Coyle, John Kevin. (1987) - In: Florilegium Bd. 9 (1987) S. 1-34

45Artikel  The Exercise of Teaching in the Postapostolic Church
Coyle, John Kevin. (1984) - In: Eglise et théologie Bd. 15 (1984) S. 23-43

46Artikel  In Praise of Monica: A Note on the Ostia Experience of Confessions IX
Coyle, John Kevin. (1982) - In: Augustinian studies Bd. 13 (1982) S. 87-96

47Artikel  Concordia: The Holy Spirit as Bond of the Two Testaments in Augustine
Coyle, John Kevin. (1982) - In: Augustinianum Bd. 22 (1982) S. 427-456

48Artikel  Empire and Eschaton. The Early Church and the Question of Domestic Relationships
Coyle, John Kevin. (1981) - In: Eglise et théologie Bd. 12 (1981) S. 35-94

49Artikel  The Cologne Mani-Codex and Mani's Christian Connections
Coyle, John Kevin. (1979) - In: Eglise et théologie Bd. 10 (1979) S. 179-193

50Artikel  The Fathers on Women and Women's Ordination
Coyle, John Kevin. (1978) - In: Eglise et théologie Bd. 9 (1978) S. 51-101

51Artikel  Marriage Among Early Christians: A Consideration for the Future
Coyle, John Kevin. (1977) - In: Eglise et théologie Bd. 8 (1977) S. 73-89

52Buchbeitrag  Oswald von Wolkenstein and Mandeville's Travels
Coyle, John Kevin. (1965) - In: Studies Frederick Norman S. 262-272

53Artikel  Michel Velser and his German Translation of Mandeville's 'Travels'
Coyle, John Kevin. (1962 - 1963) - In: The Durham University journal Bd. 55 (1962-1963) S. 16-22

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