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Publikationen »Crawford, Barbara E.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Crawford, Barbara E.

RI opac: 82 Einträge

1Monographie  The churches dedicated to St. Clement in medieval England. A hagio-geography of the Seafarer's Saint in 11th century north Europe
Crawford, Barbara E.. - Sankt Petersburg (2008)

2Sammelwerk  Papa Stour and 1299: commemorating the 700th anniversary of Shetland's first document
Crawford, Barbara E.Jørgensen, Jon Gunnar [Hrsg.]. - Lerwick (2002)

3Sammelwerk  The papar in the North Atlantic: environment and history: the proceedings of a day conference held on 24th February 2001
Crawford, Barbara E. [Hrsg.]. - St Andrews (2002)

4Monographie  The Biggings, Papa Stour, Shetland: the history and excavation of a royal Norwegian farm
Crawford, Barbara E.Smith, Beverley Ballin. - Edinburgh (1999)

5Sammelwerk  Church, Chronicle and Learning in Medieval and Early Renaissance Scotland: essays presented to Donald Watt on the occasion of the completion of the publication of Bower's Scotichronicon
Crawford, Barbara E. [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (1999)

6Sammelwerk  Conversion and Christianity in the North Sea World: the proceedings of a day conference held on 21st February 1998
Crawford, Barbara E. [Hrsg.]. - St Andrews (1998)

7Sammelwerk  Scotland in dark age Britain: the proceedings of a day conference held on 18 February 1995.
Crawford, Barbara E. [Hrsg.]. - St Andrews (1996)

8Monographie  Earl and Mormaer: Norse-Pictish Relationships in Northern Scotland
Crawford, Barbara E.. - Rosemarkie (1995)

9Sammelwerk  Scandinavian Settlement in Northern Britain. Thirteen Studies of Place-Names in Their Historical Context
Crawford, Barbara E. [Hrsg.]. - London (1995)

10Sammelwerk  Scotland in Dark Age Europe: the proceedings of a day conference held on 20 February 1993
Crawford, Barbara E. [Hrsg.]. - St Andrews (1994)

11Sammelwerk  St. Magnus Cathedral and Orkney's Twelfth-Century Renaissance
Crawford, Barbara E. [Hrsg.]. - Aberdeen (1988)

12Monographie  Scotland in the early Middle Ages. 2: Scandinavian Scotland
Crawford, Barbara E.. - Leicester (1987)

13Monographie  Scandinavian Scotland
Crawford, Barbara E.. - Leicester (1987)

14Sammelwerk  Essays in Shetland History. Heiðursrit to T.M.Y. Manson
Crawford, Barbara E. [Hrsg.]. - Lerwick (1984)

15Monographie  The Earls of Orkney-Caithness and their relations with Norway and Scotland, 1158-1470.
Crawford, Barbara E.. - [University of St. Andrews] (1970)

16Buchbeitrag  The Hirdmen in Orkney. Earls' and Kings'
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2023) - In: Gedenkschrift Doreen Waugh S. 145-167

17Buchbeitrag  St. Clement of Rome: patron saint of Cnut and the dynasty of Denmark
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2022) - In: Anglo-Danish empire. A companion to the reign of King Cnut the Great S. 431-457

18Artikel  The Norse waterways of West Mainland Orkney
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2020) - In: Scottish place-name news Bd. 49 (2020) S. 2-4

19Artikel  The Norse Waterways of West Mainland Orkney, Scotland
Bates, C. RichardBates, Martin R.Crawford, Barbara E.Sanmark, AlexandraWhittaker, John. (2020) - In: Journal of Wetland Archaeology Bd. 20 (2020) S. 25-42

20Buchbeitrag  Landscapes of Power in Medieval Orkney and Shetland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2017) - In: The buildings of medieval Reykholt S. 245-274

21Buchbeitrag  The Orkney Huseby Farms - The onomastic, historical and archaeological context
Crawford, Barbara E.Sanmark, Alexandra. (2016) - In: Husebyer - status quo, open questions and perspectives S. 91-106

22Buchbeitrag  Two Seals from Orkney: The 15th Century Community Seal and a Seal Matrix Dating to c. AD 1300
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2015) - In: Essays Ingvild Øye S. 105-117

23Buchbeitrag  The Northern Half of the Northern Earldoms' Lordship: A Comparison of Orkney and Shetland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2014) - In: Rex Insularum. The King of Norway and his "Skattlands" S. 143-162

24Buchbeitrag  The Kingdom of Man and the Earldom of Orkney - Some Comparisons
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2014) - In: Celtic-Norse relationships in the Irish Sea in the Middle Ages 800 - 1200 S. 65-80

25Artikel  The Norse Earldoms of Orkney and Caithness: Joint Earldoms and Divided Loyalties
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2012) - In: Quaestio insularis Bd. 13 (2012) S. 1-27

26Buchbeitrag  The Norse in the West with Particular Reference to Bute
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2012) - In: Historic Bute. Land and People S. 33-48

27Buchbeitrag  St. Magnus Cathedral - a proprietorial church of the Orkney earls?
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2012) - In: "Ecclesia Nidrosiensis" and "Noregs veldi" S. 177-202

28Buchbeitrag  The Biggins Stofa: A Colonial Feature of North Atlantic Society
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2011) - In: Viking settlements and Viking society S. 31-49

29Buchbeitrag  Tax and tribute in the joint earldoms of Orkney and Caithness
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2011) - In: Taxes, tributes and tributary lands in the making of Scandinavian kingdoms in the Middle Ages S. 33-56

30Buchbeitrag  The Joint Earldoms of Orkney and Caithness
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2010) - In: The Norwegian domination and the Norse world c.1100 - c.1400 S. 75-97

31Buchbeitrag  F. T. Wainwright and The Problem of the Picts
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2010) - In: Pictish progress. New studies on northern Britain in the Middle Ages S. 3-14

32Buchbeitrag  The Saint Clement Dedications at Clementhorpe and Pontefract Castle: Anglo-Scandinavian or Norman?
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2008) - In: Essays Nicholas Brooks S. 189-210

33Buchbeitrag  Barbara E. Crawford. A Bibliography
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2007) - In: FS Barbara E. Crawford S. XXVff.

34Buchbeitrag  Houseby, Harray and Knarston in the West Mainland of Orkney. Toponymic indicators of administrative authority
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2006) - In: FS Gillian Fellows-Jensen S. 21-44

35Artikel  The Cult of Clement in Denmark
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2006) - In: Historie (Jysk) (2006) S. 235-282

36Artikel  Kongemakt og jarlemakt, stedsnavn som bevis?: betydningen av Houseby, Harray og staðir navn pa Orknøyenes West Mainland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2006) - In: Viking. Tidsskrift for norrøn arkeologi Bd. 69 (2006) S. 195-214

37Buchbeitrag  The Sinclairs in the Late Middle Ages
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2005) - In: Lordship and architecture in medieval and Renaissance Scotland S. 189-204

38Buchbeitrag  Adam (d. 1222)
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2004) - In: Oxford dictionary of national biography

39Artikel  The Churches dedicated to St. Clement in Norway
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2004) - In: Collegium medievale Bd. 17 (2004) S. 100-131

40Buchbeitrag  Earldom strategies in north Scotland and the significance of place-names
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2004) - In: Sagas, saints and settlements S. 105-124

41Buchbeitrag  Baltroddi, Walter of (d. 1270), bishop of Caithness
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2004) - In: Oxford dictionary of national biography

42Buchbeitrag  The bishopric of Orkney
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2003) - In: Ecclesia Nidrosiensis 1153-1537 S. 143-158

43Artikel  The southern frontier of Norse settlement in North Scotland: place-names and history
Crawford, Barbara E.Taylor, Simon. (2003) - In: Northern Scotland Bd. 23 (2003) S. 1-76

44Buchbeitrag  The Vikings
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2003) - In: From the Vikings to the Normans S. 41-72

45Artikel  The Historical and Archaeological Background to the Papa Stour Project
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2002) - In: Collegium medievale Bd. 15 (2002) S. 13-36

46Buchbeitrag  Connections between Scotland and western Norway from the Viking Age to c. 1500
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2001) - In: Fiender og forbundsfeller. Regional kontakt gjennom historien S. 81-96, 137-138

47Artikel  The Scandinavian contribution to the development of the Kingdom of Scotland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2000) - In: Acta archaeologica Bd. 71 (2000) S. 123-134

48Buchbeitrag  Medieval Strathnaver
Crawford, Barbara E.. (2000) - In: The Province of Strathnaver S. 1-12

49Buchbeitrag  Are the Dark Ages still dark?
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1997) - In: Studies Isabel Henderson S. 1-4

50Buchbeitrag  Art. Thorfinn, Jarl der Orkney-Inseln († um 1065)
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1997) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Tl. 8 S. Sp. 731-732

51Buchbeitrag  The excavation of a wooden building at the Biggings, Papa Stour, Shetland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1996) - In: Shetland's Northern Links. Language and History S. 136-158

52Artikel  Bishops of Orkney in the eleventh and twelfth centuries: bibliography and biographical list
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1996) - In: The Innes Review Bd. 47 (1996) S. 1-13

53Buchbeitrag  Introduction - the study of place-names
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1995) - In: Scandinavian Settlement in Northern Britain S. 1-15

54Buchbeitrag  Art. Sigurd digri († 1014)
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1995) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Tl. 7 S. Sp. 1896

55Buchbeitrag  The "Norse background" to the Govan hogbacks
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1994) - In: Govan and its Early Medieval Sculpture S. 103-112

56Buchbeitrag  Earl William Sinclair and the Building of Roslin Collegiate Church
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1994) - In: Medieval Art and Architecture in the Diocese of St Andrews S. 99-107

57Buchbeitrag  Art. Caithness
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 63-65

58Buchbeitrag  Norse earls and Scottish bishops in Caithness: a clash of cultures.
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1993) - In: The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic S. 129-147

59Buchbeitrag  Art. Orkney Inseln
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1993) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Tl. 6 S. 1458-1459

60Buchbeitrag  The cult of S. Clement of the Danes in England and Scotland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1992) - In: Religion and belief. Pre-printed papers S. 1-3

61Buchbeitrag  Thorvald Thoresson, Duke Håkon and Shetland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1992) - In: FS Grethe Authén Blom S. 69-89

62Artikel  North Sea kingdoms, North Sea bureaucrat: a royal official who transcended national boundaries
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1990) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 69 (1990) S. 175-184

63Artikel  Excavations at the Biggings, Papa Stour, Shetland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1990) - In: Acta archaeologica Bd. 61 (1990) S. 36-43

64Buchbeitrag  The making of a frontier: the firthlands from the ninth to twelfth centuries
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1986) - In: Firthlands of Ross and Sutherland S. 33-46

65Buchbeitrag  The Earldom of Caithness and the Kingdom of Scotland, 1150-1266
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1985) - In: Essays on the Nobility of Medieval Scotland S. 25-43

66Buchbeitrag  William Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, and his family: a study in the politics of survival
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1985) - In: Essays on the Nobility of Medieval Scotland S. 232-253

67Buchbeitrag  Introduction [The Scandinavians in Cumbria]
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1985) - In: The Scandinavians in Cumbria S. 1-4

68Buchbeitrag  Papa Stour: survival, continuity and change in one Shetland island
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1984) - In: The Northern and Western Isles in the Viking World S. 40-58

69Buchbeitrag  The cult of St. Magnus in Shetland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1984) - In: Essays T. M. Y. Manson S. 65-81

70Buchbeitrag  The pledging of the islands in 1469: the historical background
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1983) - In: Shetland and the Outside World 1469-1969 S. 32-48

71Buchbeitrag  Art. Birsay
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1983) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Tl. 2 S. Sp. 225-226

72Buchbeitrag  Scots and Scandinavians in Mediaeval Caithness: A Study of the Period 1266-1375
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1982) - In: Caithness. A Cultural Crossroads S. 61-74

73Artikel  A progress report on excavations at "Da Biggins", Papa Stour, Shetland, 1978
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1979) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 13 (1979) S. 37-41

74Artikel  A progress report of the first season's excavations at "Da Biggins", Papa Stour, Shetland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1978) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 11 (1978) S. 25-29

75Buchbeitrag  Sir David Sinclair of Sumburgh: 'Foud' of Shetland and governor of Bergen castle
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1978) - In: Scandinavian Shetland. An ongoing tradition? S. 1-11

76Artikel  The fifteenth-century "Genealogy of the earls of Orkney" and its reflection of the contemporary political and cultural situation in the earldom
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1977) - In: Mediaeval Scandinavia Bd. 10 (1977) S. 156-178

77Buchbeitrag  Scotland's foreign relation: Scandinavia
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1977) - In: Scottish Society in the Fifteenth Century S. 85-100

78Artikel  The earldom of Caithness and the kingdom of Scotland 1150-1266
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1976 - 1977) - In: Northern Scotland Bd. 2, 2 (1976/77) S. 97-117

79Buchbeitrag  Peter's Pence in Scotland
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1974) - In: Essays Ronald Gordon Cant S. 14-22

80Artikel  Weland of Stiklaw: A Scottish royal servant at the Norwegian court
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1973) - In: Historisk tidsskrift (Oslo) Bd. 52 (1973) S. 329-339

81Artikel  The pawning of Orkney and Shetland: a reconsideration of the events of 1460-1469
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1969) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 48 (1969) S. 35-53

82Artikel  The Earldom of Orkney and Lordship of Shetland: A Reinterpretation of their Pledging to Scotland in 1468-70
Crawford, Barbara E.. (1966 - 1969) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 17 (1966/69) S. 156-176

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