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Publikationen »Crawford, Sally«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Crawford, Sally

RI opac: 32 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of childhood
Crawford, SallyHadley, Dawn M.Shepherd, Gillian [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2018)

2Sammelwerk  Ark of civilization: refugee scholars and Oxford University, 1930 - 1945
Crawford, SallyUlmschneider, KatharinaElsner, Jas [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2017)

3Sammelwerk  Social dimensions of medieval disease and disability
Crawford, SallyLee, Christina [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2014)

4Sammelwerk  Celtic art in Europe: making connections: essays in honour of Vincent Megaw on his 80th birthday
Ulmschneider, KatharinaGosden, ChrisCrawford, Sally [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2014)

5Sammelwerk  The Oxford handbook of Anglo-Saxon archaeology
Hamerow, Helena F.Hinton, David AlbanCrawford, Sally [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2011)

6Sammelwerk  Bodies of knowledge: cultural interpretations of illness and medicine in Medieval Europe
Crawford, SallyLee, Christina [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2010)

7Monographie  Daily life in Anglo-Saxon England
Crawford, Sally. - Oxford (2009)

8Sammelwerk  Form and order in the Anglo-Saxon world, AD 600 - 1100
Webster, Leslie E. [Bearb.]. Crawford, SallyHamerow, Helena F. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2009)

9Sammelwerk  Children, Childhood and Social Identity
Crawford, SallyShepherd, G. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2007)

10Buchbeitrag  Childhood and Adolescence: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Archaeological and Documentary Evidence
Crawford, Sally. (2018) - In: Childhood and adolescence in Anglo-Saxon literary culture S. 15-31

11Buchbeitrag  Birth and childhood
Crawford, Sally. (2018) - In: The Oxford handbook of later medieval archaeology in Britain S. 774-788

12Buchbeitrag  Archaeology of the Medieval Family
Crawford, Sally. (2014) - In: Medieval childhood. Archaeological approaches S. 26-38

13Buchbeitrag  Introduction: social dimensions of medieval disease and disability
Crawford, Sally. (2014) - In: Social dimensions of medieval disease and disability S. 5-6

14Buchbeitrag  Baptism and Infant Burial in Anglo-Saxon England
Crawford, Sally. (2013) - In: Medieval life cycles. Continuity and change S. 55-80

15Buchbeitrag  The nadir of Western Mediane? Texts, contexts and practice in Anglo-Saxon England
Crawford, Sally. (2011) - In: Bodies of knowledge. Cultural interpretations of illness and medicine in Medieval Europe S. 41-52

16Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Crawford, SallyLee, Christina. (2011) - In: Bodies of knowledge. Cultural interpretations of illness and medicine in Medieval Europe S. 1-4

17Buchbeitrag  Overview: The Body and Life Course
Crawford, Sally. (2011) - In: The Oxford handbook of Anglo-Saxon archaeology S. 625-640

18Buchbeitrag  Food, fasting and starvation: food control and body consciousness in early Anglo-Saxon England
Crawford, Sally. (2010) - In: Papers Martin Biddle and Birthe Kjølbye-Biddle S. 99-105

19Buchbeitrag  Infanticide, Abandonment and Abortion in the Graeco-Roman and Early Medieval World: Archaeological Perspectives
Crawford, Sally. (2010) - In: Childhood and violence in the Western tradition S. 59-66

20Buchbeitrag  Differentiation in the Later Anglo-Saxon Burial Ritual on the Basis of Mental or Physical Impairment: A Documentary Perspective
Crawford, Sally. (2010) - In: Burial in later Anglo-Saxon England c. 650 - 1100 AD S. 93-102

21Artikel  The Dictionary of Old English, the Archaeology of Ritual Landscapes, and the Burial Ritual in Early Anglo-Saxon England
Crawford, Sally. (2009) - In: Florilegium Bd. 26 (2009) S. 207-233

22Buchbeitrag  Settlement and Social Differentiation
Crawford, Sally. (2009) - In: A companion to the Early Middle Ages. Britain and Ireland c. 500 - 1100 S. 432-445

23Buchbeitrag  Anglo-Saxon women, furnished burial, and the church
Crawford, Sally. (2003) - In: Women and Religion in Medieval England S. 1-12

24Artikel  A late Anglo-Saxon sculptural fragment from Worcester Cathedral
Crawford, Sally. (2000) - In: Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society Ser. 3, Bd. 17 (2000) S. 345-348

25Buchbeitrag  Grave goods
Crawford, Sally. (1999) - In: The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England S. 218-220

26Buchbeitrag  Children
Crawford, Sally. (1999) - In: The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England S. 103-104

27Buchbeitrag  Cemeteries, furnished
Crawford, Sally. (1999) - In: The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England S. 90-91

28Buchbeitrag  Children, death and the afterlife in Anglo-Saxon England
Crawford, Sally. (1999) - In: The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England. Basic Readings S. 339-358

29Buchbeitrag  Britons, Anglo-Saxons and the Germanic Burial Ritual
Crawford, Sally. (1997) - In: Migrations and Invasions in Archaeological Explanation S. 45-72

30Buchbeitrag  An Anglo-Saxon cemetery near West Hendred, Oxon
Hamerow, Helena F.Crawford, SallyMortimer, Catherine. (1993) - In: Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 6 S. 113-123

31Buchbeitrag  Children, death and the afterlife in Anglo-Saxon England
Crawford, Sally. (1993) - In: Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 6 S. 83-91

32Artikel  The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Chimney, Oxfordshire.
Crawford, SallyBlair, JohnHarman, Mary. (1989) - In: Oxoniensia Bd. 54 (1989) S. 45-56

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