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Publikationen »Cribiore, Raffaella«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Cribiore, Raffaella

RI opac: 29 Einträge

1Monographie  Between City and School. Selected Orations of Libanius
Libanius. Cribiore, Raffaella [Bearb.]. - Liverpool (2016)

2Monographie  An Oasis City
Bagnall, Roger S.Aravecchia, NicolaCribiore, RaffaellaDavoli, PaolaKaper, Olaf E.McFadden, Susanna. - New York (2015)

3Monographie  Between city and school: selected orations of Libanius
Libanius. Cribiore, Raffaella [Hrsg.]. - Liverpool (2015)

4Monographie  Libanius the Sophist. Rhetoric, Reality, and Religion in the Fourth Century
Cribiore, Raffaella. - Ithaca, NY (2013)

5Monographie  The School of Libanius in Late Antique Antioch
Cribiore, Raffaella. - Princeton, NJ (2007)

6Monographie  Women's letters from ancient Egypt: 300 BC - AD 800
Bagnall, Roger S.Cribiore, Raffaella. - Ann Arbor, Mich. (2006)

7Monographie  Writing, teachers, and students in Graeco-Roman Egypt
Cribiore, Raffaella. - Atlanta (1996)

8Buchbeitrag  Stenographers in Late Antiquity. Villains or Victims?
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2021) - In: Studies Alan Cameron S. 220-232

9Buchbeitrag  Classical Decadence or Christian Aesthetics? Libanius, John Chrysostom, and Augustine on Rhetoric
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2020) - In: Rhetoric and religious identity in late antiquity S. 99-113

10Buchbeitrag  The versatility of Progymnasmata: evidence from the Papyri and Libanius.
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2020) - In: Les "Progymnasmata" en pratique, de l'Antiquité à nos jours S. 67-76

11Buchbeitrag  Different Ways of Life: Being Single in the Fourth Century CE
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2020) - In: The Single Life in the Roman and Later Roman World S. 259-275

12Buchbeitrag  Schools and School Exercises Again
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2019) - In: Proceedings of the 28th Congress of Papyrology S. 291-297

13Buchbeitrag  Genetic Criticism and the Papyri: Some Suggestions
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2019) - In: Greek medical papyri. Text, context, hypertext S. 173-192

14Buchbeitrag  The Conflict between Rhetoric and Philosophy and Zacharias' Ammonius
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2017) - In: L' École de Gaza. Espace littéraire et identité culturelle dans l'Antiquité tardive S. 73-84

15Buchbeitrag  Defending Julian: Libanius and Or. 37
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2011) - In: Libanios, le premier humaniste S. 167-176

16Buchbeitrag  The Use of Books in Late Antique Higher Education
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2010) - In: Libri di scuola e pratiche didattiche. Dall'Antichità al Rinascimento S. 153-168

17Buchbeitrag  Una scuola di greco del IV secolo d.C. a Trimithis (Oasi di Dakhla, Egitto)
Davoli, P.Cribiore, Raffaella. (2010) - In: Leggere greco e latino fuori dai confini nel mondo antico S. 73-88

18Buchbeitrag  The education of orphans: a reassessment of die evidence of Libanius
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2009) - In: Growing up Fatherless in Antiquity S. 257-272

19Buchbeitrag  Education in the Papyri
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2009) - In: The Oxford Handbook of papyrology S. 320-337

20Buchbeitrag  The Value of a Good Education: Libanius and Public Authority
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2009) - In: A companion to late Antiquity S. 233-245

21Buchbeitrag  Vying with Aristides in the Fourth Century: Libanius and His Friends
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2008) - In: Aelius Aristides between Greece, Rome, and the gods S. 263-278

22Artikel  Menander the Poet or Menander Rhetor? An Encomium of Dioscoros Again
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2008) - In: Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies Bd. 48 (2008) S. 95-109

23Buchbeitrag  Spaces for Teaching in Late Antiquity .
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2007) - In: Alexandria. Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education S. 143-150

24Buchbeitrag  Higher Education in early Byzantine Egypt: Rhetoric, Latin, and the Law
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2007) - In: Egypt in the Byzantine World, 300-700 S. 47-60

25Artikel  Lucian, Libanius, and the Short Road to Rhetoric
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2007) - In: Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies Bd. 47 (2007) S. 71-86

26Artikel  A Coptic Letter from Two Women
Bagnall, Roger S.Cribiore, RaffaellaRenner, Timothy. (2005) - In: Studi di egittologia e papirologia Bd. 2 (2005) S. 33-35

27Buchbeitrag  Libanius' letters of evaluation of students
Cribiore, Raffaella. (2003) - In: L'épistolographie et la poésie épigrammatique S. 11-20

28Buchbeitrag  A fragment of Basilius of Caesarea
Cribiore, Raffaella. (1997) - In: Akten des 21. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses S. 187-193

29Artikel  Literary School Exercises
Cribiore, Raffaella. (1997) - In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik Bd. 116 (1997) S. 53-60

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