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Publikationen »Crombie, Alistair Cameron«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Crombie, Alistair Cameron

RI opac: 47 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. - London [u.a.] (1996)

2Monographie  Styles of scientific thinking in the European tradition: The history of argument and explanation especially in the mathematical and biomedical sciences and arts (Vol. 1-3)
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. - London (1994)

3Sammelwerk  Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. - London (1990)

4Sammelwerk  The Rational Arts of Living. Ruth and Clarence Kennedy Conference in the Renaissance, 1982
Crombie, Alistair CameronSiraisi, Nancy Gillian [Hrsg.]. - Northampton, Mass. (1987)

5Sammelwerk  Scientific Change. Historical Studies in the Intellectual, Social and Technical Conditions for Scientific Discovery and Technical Invention, from Antiquity to the Présent
Crombie, Alistair Cameron [Hrsg.]. - London (1963)

6Monographie  Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. - Oxford (1953)

7Buchbeitrag  Universo
North, JohnCrombie, Alistair Cameron. (2004) - In: Dizionario dell'Occidente medievale. Temi e percorsi Tl. 2 S. 1188-1203

8Buchbeitrag  Univers
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1999) - In: Dictionnaire raisonné de l'Occident médiéval S. 1150-1165

9Buchbeitrag  Roger Bacon (c. 1219-1292)
Crombie, Alistair CameronNorth, John David. (1996) - In: Crombie, Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought S. 51-65

10Buchbeitrag  Designed in the Mind: Western Visions of Science, Nature and Humankind
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1996) - In: Crombie, Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought S. 1-12

11Buchbeitrag  Historical Perceptions of Medieval Science
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1996) - In: Crombie, Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought S. 31-38

12Buchbeitrag  Mathematics and Platonism in the Sixteenth-Century Italian Universities and in Jesuit Educational Policy
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1996) - In: Crombie, Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought S. 115-148

13Buchbeitrag  Infinite Power and the Laws of Nature: A Medieval Speculation
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1996) - In: Crombie, Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought S. 67-87

14Buchbeitrag  Robert Grosseteste (c. 1168-1253)
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1996) - In: Crombie, Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought S. 39-49

15Buchbeitrag  Experimental Science and the Rational Artist in Early Modern Europe
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1996) - In: Crombie, Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought S. 89-114

16Buchbeitrag  The Western Experience of Scientific Objectivity
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1996) - In: Crombie, Science, art and nature in medieval and modern thought S. 13-30

17Buchbeitrag  La scienza sperimentale e l'artista razionale agli albori dell'Europa moderna
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1994) - In: Saggi Luigi Belloni S. 9-37

18Buchbeitrag  Intuizioni storiche della scienza medievale
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1994) - In: Federico II e le scienze S. 15-24

19Buchbeitrag  The Relevance of the Middle Ages to the Scientifc Movement
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 41-71

20Buchbeitrag  Historical Commitments of European Science
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 1-22

21Buchbeitrag  Some Attitudes to Scientific Progress: Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 23-40

22Buchbeitrag  Appendix. (c), Beginnings at Oxford (1984)
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 461-464

23Buchbeitrag  The Mechanistic Hypothesis and the Scientific Study of Vision
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 175-284

24Buchbeitrag  Kepler: De Modo Visionis
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 285-322

25Buchbeitrag  Grosseteste's Position in the History of Science
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 115-137

26Buchbeitrag  Appendix. (a), History and Philosophy at Oxford (1962)
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 453-457

27Buchbeitrag  Science and the Arts in the Renaissance: The Search for Truth and Certainty, Old and New
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 161-173

28Buchbeitrag  Bibliography of Alistair Cameron Crombie.
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. XVII-XXII

29Buchbeitrag  Quantification in Medieval Physics
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 73-90

30Buchbeitrag  Historical Commitments of Biology
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 429-440

31Buchbeitrag  Avicenna's Influence on the Medieval Scientific Tradition
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 91-114

32Buchbeitrag  The Study of the Senses in Renaissance Science
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 379-398

33Buchbeitrag  Appendix. (b), Quinquennial Application by the Oxford University Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science (1972)
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1990) - In: Crombie, Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought S. 458-461

34Buchbeitrag  Griechisch-arabische Naturwissenschaften und abendländisches Denken
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1989) - In: Europa und der Orient, 800-1900 S. 102-131, 878

35Buchbeitrag  Contingent Expectation and Uncertain Choice: Historical Contexts of Arguments from Probabilities
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1987) - In: The Rational Arts of Living S. 53-101

36Artikel  Experimental science and the rational artist in early modern Europe
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1986) - In: Daedalus Bd. 115, 3 (1986) S. 49-74

37Buchbeitrag  Experimental Science and the Rational Artist in Early Modern Europe
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1986) - In: Art and Science S. 49-74

38Buchbeitrag  Science and the arts in the Renaissance: the search for truth and certainty, old and new
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1985) - In: Science and the Arts in the Renaissance S. 15-26

39Artikel  Science and the arts in the Renaissance: the search for truth and certainty, old and new.
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1980) - In: History of science Bd. 18 (1980) S. 233-246

40Artikel  Some attitudes to scientific progress: ancient, medieval and modern.
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1975) - In: History of science Bd. 13 (1975) S. 217-223

41Buchbeitrag  Roger Bacon
Crombie, Alistair CameronNorth, John David. (1970) - In: Dictionary of scientific biography Tl. 1 S. 377-385

42Buchbeitrag  Quantification in Medieval Physics
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1964) - In: Change in medieval Society. Europe north of the Alps 1050-1520 S. 188-207

43Buchbeitrag  The Relevance of the Middle Ages to the Scientific Movement
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1963) - In: Perspectives in Medieval History S. 35-57

44Artikel  Quantification in medieval physics
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1961) - In: Isis (Chicago) Bd. 52 (1961) S. 143-160

45Buchbeitrag  Science
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1958) - In: Medieval England (1958) S. 571-604

46Buchbeitrag  Grosseteste's Position in the History of Science
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1955) - In: Robert Grosseteste. Scholar and bishop S. 98-120

47Artikel  The notion of Species in Medieval Philosophy and Science
Crombie, Alistair Cameron. (1950) - In: Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Bd. 4 (1951) S. 365-373

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