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RI opac: 206 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The Routledge handbook of East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1300
Curta, Florin [Hrsg.]. - London (2022)

2Monographie  The Long Sixth Century in Eastern Europe
Curta, Florin. - Leiden [u.a.] (2021)

3Sammelwerk  The Velestino Hoard: Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages'
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. - Cham (2019)

4Monographie  Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1300 (Vol. 1-2)
Curta, Florin. - Leiden [u.a.] (2019)

5Sammelwerk  Bibliography of the History and Archaeology of Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages
Curta, Florin [Hrsg.]. - Leiden (2019 -)

6Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Curta, Florin. (2016)

7Sammelwerk  Great Events in Religion: An Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History (Vol. 1-3)
Curta, FlorinHolt, Andrew P. [Hrsg.]. - Santa Barbara (2016)

8Sammelwerk  The Steppe lands and the world beyond them: studies in honor of Victor Spinei on his 70th birthday
Curta, FlorinMaleon, Bogdan-Petru [Hrsg.]. - Iasi (2013)

9Sammelwerk  Writing history: identity, conflict, and memory in the Middle Ages
Geary, Patrick Joseph. Curta, FlorinSpinei, Cristina [Hrsg.]. - Bucuresti [u.a.] (2012)

10Monographie  The Edinburgh history of the Greeks, c. 500 to 1050: the early Middle Ages
Curta, Florin. - Edinburgh (2010)

11Sammelwerk  Neglected Barbarians
Curta, Florin [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2010)

12Sammelwerk  Text, context, history, and archaeology: studies in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Curta, Florin. - Bucuresti (2009)

13Monographie  Sazdavaneto na slavjanite: istorija i archeologija na dolnodunavskija region ok. 500 - 700 g. ; prevod ot anglijski ezik
Curta, Florin. - Sofija (2009)

14Sammelwerk  The other Europe in the middle ages: Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans
Curta, FlorinKovalev, Roman K. [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2008)

15Monographie  Aparitia slavilor: Istorie si arheologie la Dunarea de Jos în veacurile VI-VII [The emergence of the Slaves. History and archeology on the Lower Danube in the 6th-7th centuries]
Curta, Florin. - Târgoviste (2006)

16Monographie  Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages: 500 - 1250
Curta, Florin. - Cambridge (2006)

17Sammelwerk  East Central and Eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages
Curta, Florin [Hrsg.]. - Ann Arbor, Mich. (2005)

18Sammelwerk  Borders, barriers, and ethnogenesis: frontiers in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Curta, Florin [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2005)

19Monographie  The making of the slavs: history and archaeology of the Lower Danube Region, c. 500-700
Curta, Florin. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2002)

20Monographie  The making of the Slavs. History and archaeology of the Lower Danube Region, c. 500 - 700
Curta, Florin. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2001)

21Monographie  The making of the Slavs. History and archaeology of the Lower Danube region c. 500-700
Curta, Florin. - Paris (2001)

22Monographie  Making an early medieval ethnie: The case of the early Slavs (sixth to seventh century A.D.)
Curta, Florin. - [Western Michigan University] (1998)

23Buchbeitrag  Of beards and men: The archaeology of facial hair in the Carpathian Basin (6th-9th centuries)
Curta, FlorinLierse, Robert. (2023) - In: Continuation or change? Borders and frontiers in Late Antiquity and Medieval Europe S. 3-58

24Artikel  The Serpent Ramparts in Ukraine: fifty years of archaeological research
Curta, Florin. (2023) - In: Offa's Dyke Journal Bd. 5 (2023) S. 75-92

25Artikel  The current state of research on early medieval earthworks in east central and southeastern Europe
Curta, Florin. (2023) - In: Offa's Dyke Journal Bd. 5 (2023) S. 51-74

26Buchbeitrag  Bulgaria beyond the Danube: Water under the Bridge, or Is There More in the Pipeline?
Curta, Florin. (2022) - In: Christianization in early Medieval Transylvania S. 57-77

27Buchbeitrag  Pseudo-Martin of Braga and the Slavs: A Re-examination of the Poem "In Basilica"
Curta, Florin. (2022) - In: Studies Danuta Shanzer S. 115-141

28Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Curta, Florin. (2022) - In: The Routledge handbook of East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1300 S. 1-8

29Artikel  Oblivion and Invention
Curta, Florin. (2021) - In: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Bd. 55 (2021) S. 61-88

30Artikel  "Slavic" Bow Fibulae from the Environs of Bucharest
Curta, FlorinTeodor, Eugen S.. (2021) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 25, 1 (2021) S. 35-54

31Artikel  Critical Remarks on the Sucidava Class
Curta, Florin. (2021) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 25, 3 (2021) S. 57-118

32Buchbeitrag  Migrations in the Archaeology of Eastern and Southeastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages (Some Comments on the Current State of Research)
Curta, Florin. (2020) - In: Migration histories of the medieval Afroeurasian transition zone S. 101-138

33Buchbeitrag  Humans or Human-Like Figures
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 39-95

34Artikel  Remarks on the economic and funerary uses of imitations of early Byzantine coins
Curta, Florin. (2019) - In: Byzantion Bd. 89 (2019) S. 91-122

35Buchbeitrag  Conclusion
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 211-216

36Buchbeitrag  Production
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 161-181

37Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 1-13

38Buchbeitrag  Historical Context
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 197-210

39Buchbeitrag  Function: Dies or Models?
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 183-196

40Buchbeitrag  Ornaments
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 135-147

41Artikel  Ethnicity in the Steppe Lands of the Northern Black Sea Region during the Early Byzantine Times
Curta, Florin. (2019) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 23, 1 (2019) S. 33-70

42Buchbeitrag  Forgery or Genuine?
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 15-38

43Buchbeitrag  Children in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Hungary and Poland: An Archaeological Comparison
Curta, FlorinKoval, Matthew B.. (2019) - In: The medieval networks in East Central Europe. Commerce, contacts, communication S. 87-122

44Buchbeitrag  Real and Fantastic Animals
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 97-134

45Artikel  Teutonic Hierotopy. St Christopher at Lochstedt
Curta, FlorinLeighton, Gregory. (2019) - In: Ephemeris Napocensis Bd. 29 (2019) S. 127-164

46Buchbeitrag  Style and Chronology
Curta, FlorinSzmoniewski, Bartolomiej Szymon. (2019) - In: The Velestino Hoard. Casting Light on the Byzantine 'Dark Ages' S. 149-159

47Buchbeitrag  Angel on earth and heavenly man. St. Sava of Serbia
Curta, Florin. (2018) - In: Portraits of Medieval Eastern Europe, 900-1400 S. 91-99

48Buchbeitrag  The earliest Slavs in East Central Europe? Remarks on the Early Medieval settlement in Nova Tabla (Slovenia)
Curta, Florin. (2018) - In: FS Dan Gh. Teodor S. 81-98

49Buchbeitrag  Church, Churchyard, and Children in the Early Medieval Balkans: A Comparative Perspective
Curta, Florin. (2018) - In: Migration, integration and connectivity on the Southeastern frontier of the Carolingian Empire S. 245-267

50Artikel  Sklavinia in Theophylact Siniocatta, (hopefully) for the last time
Curta, Florin. (2018) - In: Porphyra Bd. 27 (2018) S. 4-15

51Buchbeitrag  An Ironic Smile: The Carpathian Mountains and the Migration of the Slavs
Curta, Florin. (2018) - In: FS Victor Spinei (2018) S. 47-72

52Buchbeitrag  Some remarks on ethnicity in medieval archaeology
Curta, Florin. (2017) - In: Medieval archaeology. Critical concepts in archaeology Tl. 4 S. 9-33

53Buchbeitrag  Observatii cu privire la opaitele de lut din Peninsula Balcanica în decursul secolului al VI-lea si la începutul secolului al VII-lea
Curta, Florin. (2017) - In: FS Florin Topoleanu S. 159-240

54Artikel  Coins, forts and commercial exchanges in the sixth- and early seventh-century Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2017) - In: Oxford journal of archaeology Bd. 36 (2017) S. 439-454

55Buchbeitrag  Observatii cu privire la opaitele de lut din Peninsula Balcanica în decursul secolului al VI- lea si la începutul secolului al VII-lea [Remarks on 6th to Early 7th Century Clay Lamps in the Balkans]
Curta, Florin. (2017) - In: FS Florin Topoleanu S. 159-240

56Artikel  Monede, castre si schimburi comerciale în Peninsula Balcanica (sec. VI începutul sec. VII) [Coins, Castra and Commercial Exchange in the Balkan Peninsula (6th century - early 7th century)]
Curta, Florin. (2017) - In: Pontica Bd. 50 (2017) S. 49-70

57Buchbeitrag  Social Identity on the Platter. Clay Pans in Sixth to Seventh Century Ceramic Assemblages
Curta, Florin. (2017) - In: Entangled identities and otherness in late antique and early medieval Europe S. 132-177

58Buchbeitrag  Observatii asupra tipsiilor de lut din secolele VI-VII
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Identitati si schimburi culturale în mileniul I p. Chr. S. 149-246

59Artikel  Burials in Prehistoric Mounds: Reconnecting with the Past in Early Medieval Greece
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Revue des études byzantines Bd. 74 (2016) S. 269-285

60Artikel  Postcards from Maurilia, or the historiography of the dark-age cities of Byzantium
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: PCA. Post classical archaeologies Bd. 6 (2016) S. 141-162

61Artikel  Teofilacto simocates revisado. una respuesta a andreas gkoutzioukostas [Theophylact Simocatta revisited. A response to Andreas Gkoutzioukostas]
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Byzantion Nea-Hellás Bd. 35 (2016) S. 195-209

62Artikel  Shedding Light on a Murky Matter: Remarks on 6th to Early 7th Century Clay Lamps in the Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 20, 3 (2016) S. 51ff.

63Artikel  Sredina srednjoavarskog perioda: opaske o polukružnim privjescima s alkom
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Starohrvatska prosvjeta Bd. 43 (2016) S. 199-216

64Artikel  Constantinople and the Echo Chamber: the Vlachs in the French Crusade Chronicles
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Medieval encounters Bd. 22 (2016) S. 427-461

65Buchbeitrag  Burial in early medieval Greece: on ethnicity in Byzantine archaeology
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Prof d-r Boris Borisov uchenici i priiateli S. 419-448

66Buchbeitrag  Avar Blitzkrieg, Slavic and Bulgar Raiders, and Roman Special Ops: Mobile Warriors in the Sixth-Century Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Studies Peter B. Golden S. 69-90

67Artikel  2015 publications on the history and archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe, c. 500 to c. 1250
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Medieval and early modern studies for central and eastern Europe Bd. 8 (2016) S. 97-206

68Artikel  Monede, castre si schimburi comerciale în peninsula Balcanica (sec. VI-începutul sec. VII)
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Plural Bd. 4, 2 (2016) S. 5-26

69Buchbeitrag  Amphorae and Seals: The "Sub-Byzantine" Avars and the Quaestum Exercitus
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: FS Csanád Bálint S. 307-334

70Artikel  Shedding light on a murky matter: remarks on 6th to early 7th century clay lamps in the Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 20, 3 (2016) S. 51-116

71Buchbeitrag  Burial in early Medieval Greece: on ethnicity in Byzantine archaeology
Curta, Florin. (2016) - In: FS Boris Borisov (2016) S. 419-448

72Artikel  Four questions for those who still believe in prehistoric Slavs and other fairy tales
Curta, Florin. (2015) - In: Starohrvatska prosvjeta Bd. 120 (2015) S. 286-303

73Artikel  East Central Europe: the gate to Byzantium
Curta, Florin. (2015) - In: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Bd. 108 (2015) S. 609-651

74Artikel  Imaginea vlahilor la cronicarii cruciadei a IV-a. Pâna unde razbate ecoul discutiilor intelectuale de la Constantinopol? [The Image of the Vlachs from the Chroniclers of the Fourth Crusade. How Far Does the Echo of Constantinopolitan Intellectual Debates Reach?]
Curta, Florin. (2015) - In: Arheologia Moldovei Bd. 38 (2015) S. 25-68

75Buchbeitrag  Coins and burials in dark-age Greece: Archaeological remarks on the byzantine "Reconquista"
Curta, Florin. (2014) - In: FS Kazimir Popkonstantinov S. 55-86

76Artikel  Un hagialâc sovaielnic prin tarâmul unor cunostinte straine: d-l Niculescu, strutul si arheologia cultural-istorica
Curta, Florin. (2014) - In: Istros Bd. 20 (2014) S. 907-925

77Buchbeitrag  Ethnic identity and archaeology
Curta, Florin. (2014) - In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology S. 2507-2514

78Artikel  An Early Seventh-Century Female Grave from Dobruja
Ailincai, Sorin-CristianConstantinescu, MihaiCurta, FlorinSoficaru, Andrei Dorian. (2014) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 18, 1 (2014) S. 65-84

79Artikel  2014 publications on the history and archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe , c. 500 to c. 1250
Curta, Florin. (2014 - 2015) - In: Medieval and early modern studies for central and eastern Europe Bd. 6/7 (2014/15) S. 165-241

80Buchbeitrag  He (Megale) Morabia
Curta, Florin. (2014) - In: Mesaionikos Slabikos Kosmos S. 105-124

81Artikel  A hesitating journey through foreign knowledge: Niculescu, the ostrich, and culture history
Curta, Florin. (2014) - In: Arheologia Moldovei Bd. 37 (2014) S. 299-306

82Artikel  Archeológia ranostredovekej služobníckej organizácie vo východnej Európe [The Archaeology of Early Medieval Service Settlements in Eastern Europe]
Curta, Florin. (2014) - In: Forum Historiae Bd. 8, 2 (2014) S. 142-158

83Artikel  Archeológia ranostredovekej služobníckej organizácie vo východnej Európe
Curta, Florin. (2014) - In: Forum Historiae Bd. 8 (2014) S. 142-158

84Artikel  The image and archaeology of Pechenegs
Curta, Florin. (2013) - In: Banatica Bd. 23 (2013) S. 143-202

85Artikel  Seventh-Century Fibulae with Bent Stem in the Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2013) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 17, 1 (2013) S. 49-70

86Buchbeitrag  Gift-giving and Violence in Bulgaria and Poland. A Comparative Approach to Ruling Strategies in the Early Middle Ages
Curta, Florin. (2013) - In: Consensus or violence? Cohesive forces in early and high medieval societies (9th-14th c.) S. 113-144

87Artikel  Obraz i arkheologiia pechenegov
Curta, Florin. (2013) - In: Stratum plus , 5 (2013) S. 203-234

88Artikel  The Beginning of the Middle Ages in the Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2013) - In: Millennium-Jahrbuch Bd. 10 (2013) S. 145-214

89Buchbeitrag  With Brotherly Love: The Czech Beginnings of Medieval Archaeology in Bulgaria and Ukraine
Curta, Florin. (2013) - In: Manufacturing Middle Ages. Entangled history of medievalism S. 377-396

90Artikel  Sixth-century fibulae with bent stem [Sixth-century fibulae with bent stem]
Gândila, AndreiCurta, Florin. (2013) - In: Peuce Bd. 11 (2013) S. 101-176

91Artikel  Da se smeesh s cialo garlo: Nedelchev, rannite slaviani i rumanskiiat zagovor
Curta, Florin. (2013 - 2014) - In: Izvestiia na Regionalen istoricheski muzei Veliko Tarnovo Bd. 28/29 (2013/14) S. 417-428

92Artikel  Markets in Tenth-Century al-Andalus and Volga Bulgharia: Contrasting Views of Trade in Muslim Europe
Curta, Florin. (2013) - In: Al-Masaq Bd. 25 (2013) S. 305-330

93Buchbeitrag  Horsemen in Forts or Peasants in Villages? Remarks on the Archaeology of Warfare in the 6th to 7th c. Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2013) - In: War and warfare in late Antiquity S. 809-852

94Artikel  The elephant in the room. A reply to Sebastian Brather
Curta, Florin. (2013) - In: Ephemeris Napocensis Bd. 23 (2013) S. 163-174

95Artikel  Neither Gothic, nor Slavic: Bow Fibulae of Werner's Class II B
Curta, Florin. (2012) - In: Archaeologia Austriaca Bd. 92 (2012) S. 45-78

96Artikel  'Slavic' bow fibulae: twenty years of research
Curta, Florin. (2012) - In: Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission Bd. 93 (2012) S. 235-342

97Artikel  Were there any Slavs in seventh-century Macedonia?
Curta, Florin. (2012) - In: Istorija (Skopje) Bd. 47 (2012) S. 61-75

98Artikel  The Jägala fibula revisited, or remarks on Werner's class II D.
Curta, Florin. (2012) - In: Estonian journal of archaeology Bd. 16 (2012) S. 26-69

99Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Curta, Florin. (2012) - In: Geary, Writing history S. 11-18

100Artikel  Werner's Class I C: Erratum corrigendum cum commentariis
Curta, Florin. (2011) - In: Ephemeris Napocensis Bd. 21 (2011) S. 63-110

101Artikel  Too much typology, too little history: a critical approach to the classification and interpretation of cast fibulae with bent stem
Curta, FlorinGândila, Andrei. (2011) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 15, 3 (2011) S. 51-81

102Artikel  Introduction - The centrality of the periphery: the archaeology of al-Andalus
Curta, Florin. (2011) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 19 (2011) S. 377-384

103Artikel  Sklavinios y adjetivos étnicos: una clarificación
Curta, Florin. (2011) - In: Byzantion Nea-Hellás Bd. 30 (2011) S. 85-98

104Artikel  Hoards and Hoarding Patterns in the Early Byzantine Balkans
Curta, FlorinGândila, Andrei. (2011 - 2012) - In: Dumbarton Oaks papers Bd. 65/66 (2011/12) S. 45-111

105Buchbeitrag  Linear Frontiers in the 9th Century: Bulgaria and Wessex
Curta, Florin. (2011) - In: Frontiers and borderlands S. 15-32

106Buchbeitrag  Utvárení Slovanu. Návrat ke slovanské etnogenezi
Curta, Florin. (2011) - In: "Neslované" o pocátcích Slovanu S. 21-40

107Artikel  Medieval Archaeology and Ethnicity: Where are We?
Curta, Florin. (2011) - In: History Compass Bd. 9 (2011) S. 537-548

108Buchbeitrag  New remarks on Christianity beyond the 6th and early 7th century frontier of the Roman Empire
Curta, Florin. (2011) - In: Keszthely-Fenékpuszta im Kontext spätantiker Kontinuitätsforschung zwischen Noricum und Moesia S. 303-323

109Artikel  Zhenshchina iz Danchen' ili k voprosu o fibulakh tip II C po Verneru [A woman from Danceni, or bow fibulae of Werner's class II C)]
Curta, Florin. (2011) - In: Tyragetia Ser. NS, Bd. 5 (2011) S. 153-192

110Artikel  Exotic Lands, Quixotic Friends: Eastern Lithuania and the Carpathian Basin in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (AD c 380 to c 620)
Bliujiene, AudroneCurta, Florin. (2011) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 55 (2011) S. 29-65

111Buchbeitrag  New Remarks on Early Medieval Hoards of Iron Implements and Weapons
Curta, Florin. (2011) - In: Frühgeschichtliche Zentralorte in Mitteleuropa S. 309-332

112Artikel  Charlemagne in medieval East Central Europe (ca. 800 to ca. 1200)
Curta, FlorinStuckey, Jace Andrew. (2011) - In: Canadian Slavonic papers Bd. 53 (2011) S. 181-208

113Buchbeitrag  Not "Slavic" after all: bow fibulae of Werner's Class II A
Curta, Florin. (2010) - In: Studii Radu Harhoiu S. 149-176

114Buchbeitrag  Still Waiting for the Barbarians? The Making of the Slavs in 'Dark-Age' Greece
Curta, Florin. (2010) - In: Neglected Barbarians S. 403-478

115Buchbeitrag  Art. Archaeology: the Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2010) - In: The Oxford dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 1 S. 93-96

116Artikel  Aspecte ale tezaurizarii monedei bizantine în Balcani (sec. VI-VII) [Aspect concerning the hoarding of Byzantine coin in Balkans (6th-7th century)]
Curta, FlorinGândila, Andrei. (2010) - In: Cercetari numismatice Bd. 16 (2010) S. 49-134

117Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Curta, Florin. (2010) - In: Neglected Barbarians S. 1-12

118Artikel  Etnicitet u ranosrednjovjekovnoj arheologiji: Primjer ranoslavenskih nalaza u jadranskoj regiji [Die Ethnizität in der frühmittelalterlichen Archäologie: das Beispiel frühslawischer Funde in der adriatischen Region]
Curta, Florin. (2010) - In: Starohrvatska prosvjeta Ser. NS, Bd. 37 (2010) S. 17-50

119Buchbeitrag  Emperor Heraclius and the conversion of the Croats and the Serbs
Curta, Florin. (2010) - In: Medieval Christianitas. Different Regions, 'Faces', Approaches S. 121-138

120Artikel  The early Slavs in the northern and eastern Adriatic region. A critical approach
Curta, Florin. (2010) - In: Archeologia medievale Bd. 37 (2010) S. 307-332

121Buchbeitrag  A note on trade and trade centers in the eastern and northern Adriatic region between the eighth and the ninth Century
Curta, Florin. (2010) - In: Les renaissances médiévales S. 267-276

122Buchbeitrag  Qagan, khan, or king? Power in early medieval Bulgaria (seventh to ninth century)
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 393-432

123Buchbeitrag  Hiding behind a piece of tapestry- Jordanes and the Slavic Venethi
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 321-348

124Buchbeitrag  The Amber Trail in early medieval Eastern Europe
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 239-256

125Artikel  The history and archaeology of Great Moravia: an introduction
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 17 (2009) S. 238-247

126Buchbeitrag  Some remarks on ethnicity in medieval archaeology
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 293-320

127Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 9-12

128Artikel  A note on the "Slavic" bow fibulae of Werner's class I J
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Archaeologia Baltica Bd. 12 (2009) S. 124-136

129Buchbeitrag  Language, ethne, and national gods: a note on Emperor Julian's concept of Hellenism
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 41-58

130Buchbeitrag  Iron and potlatch; early medieval hoards of implements and weapons in Eastern Europe
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 433ff.

131Buchbeitrag  The Prague type: a critical approach to pottery classification
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 87-130

132Buchbeitrag  Medieval Archaeology in South-eastern Europe
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Reflections. 50 years of medieval archaeology, 1957-2007 S. 191-226

133Buchbeitrag  Furor Teutonicus. A note on ethnic stereotypes in Suger's Deeds of Louis the Fat
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 349-366

134Buchbeitrag  Pavel Chinezul, Negru Voda, and "imagined communities": medievalism in Romanian rock music
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 217-238

135Buchbeitrag  The archaeology of early medieval service settlements in Eastern Europe
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Central and Eastern Europe in the middle ages. A cultural history S. 30-41

136Buchbeitrag  Merovingian and Carolingian gift giving
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 257-292

137Buchbeitrag  Color perception, dyestuffs, and color terms in twelfth-century French literature
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 59-86

138Buchbeitrag  Kaiserliche Lobrede und politisches Programm: die dritte Rede des Julianus Caesars
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 21-40

139Artikel  The early Slavs in Bohemia und Moravia: A response to my critics.
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Archeologické rozhledy Bd. 61 (2009) S. 725-754

140Buchbeitrag  The changing image of the Early Slavs in the Romanian historiography and archaeological literature. A critical survey
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 131-216

141Buchbeitrag  The Slavic lingua franca (Linguistic notes of an archaeologist turned historian)
Curta, Florin. (2009) - In: Curta, Text, context, history, and archaeology S. 367-392

142Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Curta, Florin. (2008) - In: The other Europe in the middle ages. Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans S. 1-12

143Artikel  The North-Western Region of the Black Sea during the 6th and Early 7th Century AD
Curta, Florin. (2008) - In: Ancient West and East Bd. 7 (2008) S. 151-187

144Buchbeitrag  The earliest Avar-age stirrups, or the stirrup controversy revisited
Curta, Florin. (2008) - In: The other Europe in the middle ages. Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans S. 297-326

145Artikel  Arkheologiia identichnostei v Vostochnoi Evrope (VI-pervaia polovina VII vv.) [The archaeology of identities in Eastern Europe (ca. 500 to ca. 650)]
Curta, Florin. (2008) - In: Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana , 2 (2008) S. 133-154

146Artikel  Once again on bow fibulae of the "Pietroasele Type" (Werner's class I F)
Curta, Florin. (2008) - In: Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Bd. 59 (2008) S. 319-346

147Artikel  Utvárení Slovanu (se zvláštním zretelem k Cechám a Morave)
Curta, Florin. (2008) - In: Archeologické rozhledy Bd. 60 (2008) S. 1-54

148Buchbeitrag  The making of the Slavs: Slavic ethnogenesis revisited
Curta, Florin. (2008) - In: MESS and RAMSES II, Mediterranean Ethnological Summer School 7 S. 277-307

149Artikel  Some remarks on bow fibulae of Werner's class I C
Curta, Florin. (2008) - In: Slavia antiqua Bd. 49 (2008) S. 45-98

150Artikel  The Making of the Slavs between ethnogenesis, invention, and migration
Curta, Florin. (2008) - In: Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana , 2 (2008) S. 155-172

151Buchbeitrag  The Amber Trail in Early Medieval Eastern Europe
Curta, Florin. (2007) - In: Paradigms and methods in early medieval studies S. 84-111

152Artikel  Some remarks on ethnicity in medieval archaeology
Curta, Florin. (2007) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 15 (2007) S. 159-185

153Artikel  The Archaeology of Identities in Old Russia (ca. 500 to ca. 650)
Curta, Florin. (2007) - In: Russian history Bd. 34 (2007) S. 31-62

154Buchbeitrag  Tworzenie Slowian. Powrót do slowianskiej etnogenezy
Curta, Florin. (2006) - In: Nie-Slowianie o poczatkach Slowian S. 27-55

155Artikel  Imperiul Bizantin în Grecia medievala timpurie (materialul numismatic în context balcanic) [Byzantium in Dark Age Greece (the Numismatic Evidence in its Balkan Context)]
Curta, Florin. (2006 - 2007) - In: Cercetari numismatice Bd. 12/13 (2006/07) S. 123-144

156Artikel  Merovingian and Carolingian Gift Giving
Curta, Florin. (2006) - In: Speculum Bd. 81 (2006) S. 671-699

157Artikel  Slavic bow fibulae Werner's class I D revisited
Curta, Florin. (2006) - In: Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Bd. 57 (2006) S. 423-474

158Artikel  Qagan, Khan, or King? Power in Early Medieval Bulgaria (Seventh to Ninth Century)
Curta, Florin. (2006) - In: Viator Bd. 37 (2006) S. 1-32

159Artikel  A contribution to the study of bow fibulae of Werner's class I G.
Curta, Florin. (2006) - In: Arheologia Moldovei Bd. 29 (2006) S. 93-123

160Buchbeitrag  The history and archaeology of early medieval Eastern and East Central Europe (ca. 500-1000): A bibliography
Curta, Florin. (2005) - In: East Central and Eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages S. 297-380

161Buchbeitrag  Before Cyril and Methodius: Christianity and barbarians beyond the sixth- and seventh-century Danube frontier
Curta, Florin. (2005) - In: East Central and Eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages S. 181-219

162Artikel  Byzantium in Dark-Age Greece (the numismatic evidence in its Balkan context)
Curta, Florin. (2005) - In: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Bd. 29 (2005) S. 113-146

163Buchbeitrag  East Central and Eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages
Curta, Florin. (2005) S. 1-38

164Buchbeitrag  Paves Chinezul, Negru Voda, and "Imagined Communities": Medievalism in Romanian Rock Music
Curta, Florin. (2005) - In: Postmodern medievalisms S. 3-16

165Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Curta, Florin. (2005) - In: Borders, barriers, and ethnogenesis S. 1-9

166Artikel  Female dress and 'Slavic' bow fibulae in Greece
Curta, Florin. (2005) - In: Hesperia. Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Bd. 74 (2005) S. 101-146

167Artikel  "Furor Teutonicus". A Note on Ethnic Stereotypes in Suger's Deeds of Louis the Fat
Curta, Florin. (2005) - In: The Haskins Society journal Bd. 16 (2005) S. 62-76

168Buchbeitrag  Frontier Ethnogenesis in Late Artiquity. The Danube, the Tervingi and the Slavs
Curta, Florin. (2005) - In: Borders, barriers, and ethnogenesis S. 173-204

169Artikel  The Slavic lingua Franca: linguistic notes of an archeologist turned historian
Curta, Florin. (2004) - In: East Central Europe Bd. 31 (2004) S. 125-148

170Artikel  L'administration byzantine dans les Balkans pendant la 'grande brèche': le témoignage des sceaux
Curta, Florin. (2004) - In: Bizantinistica Ser. 2, Bd. 6 (2004) S. 155-189

171Artikel  Colour perception, dyestuffs, and colour terms in twelfth-century French literature
Curta, Florin. (2004) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 73 (2004) S. 43-65

172Artikel  Werner's Class IH of Slavic Bow Fibulae Revisited
Curta, Florin. (2004) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 8, 1 (2004) S. 59-78

173Buchbeitrag  Barbarians in Dark-Age Greece: Slavs or Avars?
Curta, Florin. (2004) - In: FS Georgi Bakalov (2004) S. 513-550

174Artikel  Origins of the European Economy: a debate. East central Europe
Curta, Florin. (2003) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 12 (2003) S. 283-292

175Artikel  Transilvania în jurul anului 1000 [Transylvania around A.D. 1000 ]
Curta, Florin. (2002) - In: Ephemeris Napocensis Bd. 12 (2002) S. 267-288

176Artikel  Consideratii privind conceptul de caracter etnic (etnicitate) în arheologia contemporana [Some remarks on the concept of ethnicity in contemporary archaeology]
Curta, Florin. (2002) - In: Arheologia medievala Bd. 4 (2002) S. 5-26

177Buchbeitrag  From Kossinna to Bromley: Ethnogenesis in Slavic Archaeology.
Curta, Florin. (2002) - In: On barbarian identity. Critical approaches to ethnicity in the early middle ages S. 201-218

178Artikel  Quaestura exercitus: The evidence of lead seals. Appendix: Sixth- and seventh-century lead seals in the northern Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2002) - In: Acta Byzantina Fennica Ser. NS, Bd. 1 (2002) S. 9-26

179Artikel  Language, ethne, and national gods: a note on Emperor Julian's concept of Hellenism
Curta, Florin. (2002) - In: The Ancient world Bd. 33 (2002) S. 3-19

180Artikel  Pots, Slavs and 'imagined communities': Slavic archaeologies and the history of the early Slavs
Curta, Florin. (2001) - In: European journal of archaeology Bd. 4 (2001) S. 367-384

181Artikel  The Prague Type: a Critical Approach to Pottery Classification
Curta, Florin. (2001) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 5, 1 (2001) S. 73-106

182Artikel  Limes and cross: the religious dimension of the sixth-century Danube frontier of the early Byzantine empire
Curta, Florin. (2001) - In: Starinar Bd. 51 (2001) S. 45-70

183Buchbeitrag  Peasants as "Makeshift Soldiers for the Occasion": Sixth-Century Settlement Patterns in the Balkans
Curta, Florin. (2001) - In: Urban Centers and Rural Contexts in Late Antiquity S. 199-218

184Buchbeitrag  Transylvania around A.D. 1000
Curta, Florin. (2001) - In: Europe around the year 1000 S. 141-165

185Artikel  The Cave and the Dyke: a rock Monastery on the tenth-century frontier of Bulgaria
Curta, Florin. (1999) - In: Studia monastica Bd. 41 (1999) S. 129-149

186Artikel  Hiding behind a piece of tapestry: Jordanes and the Slavic Venethi
Curta, Florin. (1999) - In: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas Ser. NF, Bd. 47 (1999) S. 321-340

187Artikel  Feasting with "Kings" in an Ancient "Democracy": Early Medieval Slavic Society of the Early Middle Ages (Sixth to Seventh Century, A.D.)
Curta, Florin. (1998) - In: Essays in Medieval studies Bd. 15 (1998) S. 19-34

188Artikel  Iron and Potlatch: Early Medieval Hoards of Implements And Weapons in Eastern Europe
Curta, Florin. (1998 - 1999) - In: Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi Bd. 10 (1998/99) S. 15-62

189Artikel  Kaiserliche Lobrede und politisches Programm: die dritte Rede des Julianus Caesars
Curta, Florin. (1997) - In: Eranos Bd. 95 (1997) S. 39-56

190Artikel  Slavs in Fredegar and Paul the Deacon: Medieval 'gens' or "scourge" of God?
Curta, Florin. (1997) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 6 (1997) S. 141-167

191Artikel  Blacksmiths. Warriors, and Tournaments of Value: Dating and Interpreting Early Medieval Hoards of Iron Implements in Eastern Europe
Curta, Florin. (1997) - In: Ephemeris Napocensis Bd. 7 (1997) S. 211-268

192Artikel  Slavs in Fredegar: Medieval gens or narrative strategy?
Curta, Florin. (1996) - In: Acta historica (Szeged) Bd. 103 (1996) S. 3-20

193Artikel  Atticism, Homer, Neoplatonism, and Fürstenspiegel: Julians' Second Panegyric on Constantius
Curta, Florin. (1995) - In: Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies Bd. 36 (1995) S. 177-211

194Artikel  How to do things with saints: On the iconography of St. Mercurius's legend
Curta, Florin. (1995) - In: Revue roumaine d'histoire Bd. 34 (1995) S. 109-129

195Artikel  Archaeology and history: a centaur or an interface?
Curta, Florin. (1994) - In: Revue roumaine d'histoire Bd. 33 (1994) S. 401-416

196Artikel  The changing image of the early slavs in the romanian historiography. A critical survey
Curta, Florin. (1994) - In: Revue des études sud-est européennes Bd. 32 (1994) S. 129-142

197Artikel  On the Dating of the "Vetel-Cosoveni" Group of Curved Fibulae
Curta, Florin. (1994) - In: Ephemeris Napocensis Bd. 4 (1994) S. 233-265

198Artikel  Über die Bügelfibel aus Pietroasele und ihre Verwandten
Curta, FlorinDupoi, Vasile. (1994 - 1995) - In: Dacia. Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne Ser. NS, Bd. 38/39 (1994/95) S. 217-238

199Artikel  Depozite de unelte si arme medievale timpurii de pe teritoriul României
Canache, A.Curta, Florin. (1994) - In: Mousaios Bd. 4, 1 (1994) S. 179-222

200Artikel  Asupra problemelor de cronologie a tezaurelor de lingouri de la Crasna (jud. Covasna) si Feldioara (jud. Brasov)
Curta, Florin. (1994) - In: Mousaios Bd. 4, 1 (1994) S. 133-148

201Artikel  La mort de l'Apostat (sur la légende de St. Mercure dans la vie de st. Niphon)
Curta, Florin. (1992) - In: Revue roumaine d'histoire Bd. 31 (1992) S. 3-27

202Artikel  Die Fibeln der Sammlung V. Culica
Curta, Florin. (1992) - In: Dacia. Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne Bd. 36 (1992) S. 37-67

203Artikel  Apostat et philosophe (sur le reflet historiographique de la personalité de l'empereur Julien chez Voltaire et Gh. Sincai)
Curta, Florin. (1991) - In: Revue des études sud-est européennes Bd. 29 (1991) S. 51-70

204Artikel  Zu den chronologischen Problemen der römischen Goldbarrenschätze aus Crasna (Kr. Covasna) und Feldioara (Kr. Brasov)
Curta, Florin. (1990) - In: Dacia. Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne Bd. 34 (1990) S. 269-284

205Artikel  Semiotica, istorie, cultura. Despre sistemele semnificante
Curta, Florin. (1989) - In: Revista de istorie Bd. 42 (1989) S. 147-171

206Artikel  Programul iconografic al paterei din tezaurul de la Pietroasa
Curta, Florin. (1988) - In: Buletinul stiintific studentesc Bd. 3 (1988) S. 38-46

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