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Publikationen »Dance, Richard«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Dance, Richard

RI opac: 21 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Dance, Richard. (2016)

2Sammelwerk  The use and development of Middle English: proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Middle English, Cambridge 2008
Dance, RichardWright, L. [Hrsg.]. - Frankfurt a. M. [u.a.] (2012)

3Sammelwerk  Ancrene wisse: a corrected edition of the text in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 402, with variants from other manuscripts (Vol. 1-2)
Dobson, Eric JohnDance, Richard [Bearb.]. Millett, Bella [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2005 - 2006)

4Monographie  Words derived from Old Norse in early Middle English: studies in the vocabulary of the South-West Midland texts
Dance, Richard. - Tempe, Ariz. (2003)

5Buchbeitrag  Strong Language: An Old Norse Word and Northern English
Dance, Richard. (2023) - In: Essays Heather O'Donoghue S. 209-228

6Buchbeitrag  The Poetic Field, I: Old and Middle English Language and Poetry
Dance, Richard. (2023) - In: The Oxford history of poetry in English 2. Medieval poetry 1100-1400 S. 71-87

7Artikel  Tykes and Vikings: looking for the Old Norse influence on northern English vocabulary
Dance, RichardSchorn, Brittany Erin. (2018) - In: Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society Bd. 23 (2018) S. 46-78

8Buchbeitrag  Language Contact: Norse
Dance, Richard. (2017) - In: The History of English. 2. Old English S. 202-219

9Buchbeitrag  H. M. Chadwick and Old English philology
Dance, Richard. (2015) - In: H. M. Chadwick and the study of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic in Cambridge S. 83-98

10Buchbeitrag  "Tor for to telle': Words Derived from Old Norse in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Dance, Richard. (2013) - In: Multilingualism in medieval Britain c. 1066 - 1520 S. 41-58

11Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Dance, RichardWright, Laura C.. (2012) - In: The use and development of Middle English S. 9-16

12Artikel  Ealde æ, niwæ lage: Two words for 'Law' in the Twelfth Century
Dance, Richard. (2011) - In: New medieval literatures Bd. 13 (2011) S. 149-182

13Buchbeitrag  'Tomaban hit is awane': Words derived from Old Norse in four Lambeth Homilies
Dance, Richard. (2011) - In: Foreign influences on Medieval English S. 77-128

14Buchbeitrag  The Old English Language and the Alliterative Tradition
Dance, Richard. (2010) - In: A companion to medieval poetry S. 34-50

15Buchbeitrag  "kaer weard hream ahafen": a note on old english spelling and the sound of tie battle of Maldon
Dance, Richard. (2006) - In: Studies Donald G. Scragg (2006) S. 278-317

16Buchbeitrag  Sound, fury, and signifiers: or Wulfstan's language
Dance, Richard. (2004) - In: Wulfstan, Archbishop of York. The proceedings of the Second Alcuin Conference S. 29-61

17Buchbeitrag  The AB Language: The Recluse, the Gossip, and the Language Historian
Dance, Richard. (2003) - In: A companion to Ancrene wisse S. 57-82

18Buchbeitrag  Interpreting Lazamon: linguistic diversity and some cruces in Cotton Caligula A. ix, with particular regard to Norse-Derived words
Dance, Richard. (2002) - In: Lazamon. Contexts, language, and interpretation S. 187-202

19Artikel  Two difficult words in 'AB'
Dance, Richard. (2001) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 85 (2001) S. 635-646

20Artikel  Is the verb "die" derived from Old Norse? A review of the evidence
Dance, Richard. (2000) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 81 (2000) S. 368-383

21Artikel  The Battle of Maldon line 91 and the origins of call: a reconsideration
Dance, Richard. (1999) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 100 (1999) S. 143-154

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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