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Publikationen »Defries, David J.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Defries, David J.

RI opac: 12 Einträge

1Monographie  From Sithiu to Saint-Bertin: hagiographic exegesis and collective memory in the early medieval cults of Omer and Bertin
Defries, David J.. - Toronto (2019)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Defries, David J.. (2016)

3Monographie  Constructing the past in eleventh-century Flanders: Hagiography at Saint-Winnoc
Defries, David J.. - [Ohio State University] (2004)

4Buchbeitrag  Signa, Res, et Memoria: Ordering the Virtues of Saints in Boulogne, Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 107
Defries, David J.. (2020) - In: Studies Frank T. Coulson S. 66-86

5Buchbeitrag  The Unconvincing Martyrdom of William Longsword, Norman Count of Rouen (r. 928-42)
Defries, David J.. (2020) - In: Hagiography and the history of Latin Christendom, 500-1500 S. 252-271

6Buchbeitrag  Wonder, Mirror Neurons and Embodied Cognition in the Early Medieval Experience of Miracles
Defries, David J.. (2016) - In: Shaping authority. How did a person become an authority S. 223-250

7Artikel  The Emergence of the Territorial Principality of Flanders, 750-1050
Defries, David J.. (2013) - In: History Compass Bd. 11 (2013) S. 619-631

8Buchbeitrag  Processions of Relics
Defries, David J.. (2010) - In: Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage

9Artikel  Godeliph of Gistel and the Politics of Innocent Martyrdom in Eleventh-Century Flanders
Defries, David J.. (2008) - In: Hagiographica Bd. 15 (2008) S. 31-62

10Artikel  The making of a minor saint in Drogo of Saint-Winnoc's Historia translationis s. Lewinnae
Defries, David J.. (2008) - In: Early medieval Europe Bd. 16 (2008) S. 423-444

11Artikel  Drogo of Saint-Winnoc and the Innocent Martyrdom of Godeliph of Gistel
Defries, David J.. (2008) - In: Mediaeval Studies Bd. 70 (2008) S. 29-66

12Artikel  The Oswald's Martyrdom: Drogo of Saint-Winnoc's Sermo secundus de s. Oswaldo
Defries, David J.. (2006) - In: The heroic age Bd. 9 (2006)

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