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Publikationen »Donaldson, Gordon«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Donaldson, Gordon

RI opac: 23 Einträge

1Monographie  A Northern Commonwealth. Scotland and Norway
Donaldson, Gordon. - Saltire (1990)

2Monographie  Whithorn: and the ecclesiastical monuments of Wigtown District
Ralegh Radford, C. A.Donaldson, Gordon. - Edinburgh (1984)

3Monographie  Sources of Scottish History
Donaldson, Gordon. - Edinburgh (1978)

4Monographie  Scottish kings
Donaldson, Gordon. - London (1977)

5Monographie  Scottish Kings
Donaldson, Gordon. - London (1967)

6Monographie  The Edinburgh history of Scotland 3: Scotland: James V to James VII
Donaldson, Gordon. - Edinburgh (1965)

7Monographie  Scottish History, and the Scottish Nation
Donaldson, Gordon. - Edinburgh (1964)

8Monographie  A Short History of Scotland.
Mackie, Robert L.Donaldson, Gordon. - Edinburgh (1962)

9Monographie  Shetland Life under Earl Patrick
Donaldson, Gordon. - Edinburgh (1958)

10Sammelwerk  A source book of Scottish history. Bd. 1: From earliest times to 1424
Dickinson, William CroftDonaldson, GordonMilne, Isabel A. [Hrsg.]. - London (1952)

11Buchbeitrag  The contemporary scene
Donaldson, Gordon. (1988) - In: St. Magnus Cathedral and Orkney's Twelfth-Century Renaissance S. 1-10

12Buchbeitrag  Some Shetland parishes at the Reformation
Donaldson, Gordon. (1984) - In: Essays T. M. Y. Manson S. 143-160

13Buchbeitrag  Bibliography of works by Cordon Donaldson
Donaldson, Gordon. (1983) - In: Essays Gordon Donaldson S. 236-244

14Buchbeitrag  The Scots settlement in Shetland
Donaldson, Gordon. (1983) - In: Shetland and the Outside World 1469-1969 S. 8-19

15Buchbeitrag  Renaissance and reformation: 1488-1603
Donaldson, Gordon. (1981) - In: The Scottish world. History and culture of Scotland S. 87-118

16Artikel  Scotland's earliest church buildings
Donaldson, Gordon. (1972) - In: Records of the Scottish Church History Society Bd. 18 (1972) S. 1-9

17Artikel  The rights of the Scottish crown in episcopal vacancies
Donaldson, Gordon. (1966) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 45 (1966) S. 27-35

18Artikel  Northern history in Scottish records
Donaldson, Gordon. (1954) - In: Orkney miscellany Bd. 2 (1954) S. 72-78

19Artikel  Guisborough and the Annandale Churches
Neilson, GeorgeDonaldson, Gordon. (1953 - 1954) - In: Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society Ser. 3, Bd. 32 (1953/54) S. 142-154

20Artikel  Scottish Bishops' Sees before the reign of David I.
Donaldson, Gordon. (1952 - 1953) - In: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Bd. 87 (1952/53) S. 106-117

21Artikel  The Cistercian nunnery of St. Mary, Haddington
Jamieson, J. H.Easson, David E.Donaldson, Gordon. (1952) - In: Transactions of the East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists' Society Bd. 5 (1952) S. 1-24

22Artikel  The Pope's reply to the Scottish barons in 1320
Donaldson, Gordon. (1950) - In: Scottish Historical Review Bd. 29 (1950) S. 119-120

23Artikel  The bishops and priors of Whithorn
Donaldson, Gordon. (1948 - 1949) - In: Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society Ser. 3, Bd. 27 (1948/49) S. 127-154

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