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Publikationen »Earl, James W.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Earl, James W.

RI opac: 29 Einträge

1Artikel  The Swedish Wars In Beowulf
Earl, James W.. (2015) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 114 (2015) S. 32-60

2Buchbeitrag  Psychological Approaches to Beowulf
Earl, James W.. (2014) - In: Teaching "Beowulf" in the Twenty-First Century S. 215-222

3Buchbeitrag  Trinitarian Language: Augustine, "The Dream of the Rood", and Aelfric
Earl, James W.. (2007) - In: Studies Thomas D. Hill S. 63-79

4Buchbeitrag  Beowulf and the Origins of Civilization
Earl, James W.. (2006) - In: The postmodern Beowulf. A critical casebook S. 259-286

5Buchbeitrag  Reading Beowulf with Original Eyes
Earl, James W.. (2006) - In: The postmodern Beowulf. A critical casebook S. 687ff.

6Buchbeitrag  Christian tradition in the Old English "Exodus"
Earl, James W.. (2002) - In: The poems of MS Junius 11. Basic readings S. 137-172

7Artikel  Violence and non-violence in Anglo-Saxon England: Aelfric's "Passion of St. Edmund"
Earl, James W.. (1999) - In: Philological quarterly Bd. 78 (1999) S. 125-149

8Artikel  Prophecy and parable in medieval apocalyptic history
Earl, James W.. (1999) - In: Religion and literature Bd. 31, 1 (1999) S. 25-45

9Buchbeitrag  Freud on Epic: The Poet as Hero
Earl, James W.. (1998) - In: New methods in the research of epic S. 161-171

10Artikel  "Beowulf": the raw and the cooked
Earl, James W.. (1998) - In: Old English newsletter Bd. 31, 3 (1998) S. 16-27

11Buchbeitrag  The Battle of Maldon, line 86: OE lytegian = Lat. litigare?
Earl, James W.. (1992) - In: Studies Frederic G. Cassidy S. 76-82

12Buchbeitrag  Typology and iconographic style in early medieval hagiography
Earl, James W.. (1992) - In: Typology and English Medieval Literature S. 89-120

13Buchbeitrag  "Beowulf" and the origins of civilization
Earl, James W.. (1991) - In: Speaking Two Languages. Traditional Disciplines and Contemporary Theory in Medieval Studies S. 65-89

14Artikel  King Alfred's talking poems
Earl, James W.. (1989) - In: Pacific coast philology Bd. 24 (1989) S. 49-61

15Artikel  Hisperic style and the Old English "rhyming poem"
Earl, James W.. (1987) - In: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America Bd. 102 (1987) S. 187-196

16Buchbeitrag  The "Luue-Ron" of Thomas of Hales
Earl, James W.. (1986) - In: Studies Robert Earl Kaske S. 195-205

17Artikel  The Rhyming Poem and the Hisperica Famina.
Earl, James W.. (1985) - In: Old English newsletter Bd. 18, 2 (1985) S. A14-A15

18Artikel  Maxims I
Earl, James W.. (1983) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 67 (1983) S. 277-283

19Artikel  Apocalypticism and mourning in Beowulf
Earl, James W.. (1982) - In: Thought. A review of culture and ideas Bd. 57 (1982) S. 362-370

20Artikel  Typology of spiritual growth in Augustine's confessions
Earl, James W.. (1981) - In: Notre Dame English journal Bd. 13, 2 (1981) S. 13-28

21Artikel  Early English apocalypticism.
Earl, James W.. (1981) - In: Old English newsletter Bd. 14, 2 (1981) S. 50

22Buchbeitrag  The typological structure of Andreas
Earl, James W.. (1980) - In: Old English Literature in Context. Ten Essays S. 66-89, 167-170

23Artikel  Beowulf's rowing-match
Earl, James W.. (1979) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 63 (1979) S. 285-290

24Artikel  The hall and the hut.
Earl, James W.. (1979) - In: Old English newsletter Bd. 12, 2 (1979) S. 24

25Artikel  The necessity of evil in "Beowulf"
Earl, James W.. (1979) - In: South Atlantic bulletin Bd. 44 (1979) S. 81-98

26Artikel  Typology and Iconographic Style in Early Medieval Hagiography
Earl, James W.. (1975) - In: Studies in the Literary Imagination Bd. 8 (1975) S. 15-46

27Artikel  The Shape of Old Testament History in the Towneley Plays
Earl, James W.. (1972) - In: Studies in philology Bd. 69 (1972) S. 434-452

28Artikel  Saint Margaret and the Pearl Maiden
Earl, James W.. (1972) - In: Modern philology Bd. 70 (1972) S. 1-8

29Artikel  Christian Tradition in the Old English 'Exodus'
Earl, James W.. (1970) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 71 (1970) S. 541-570

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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