Publikationen »Efthymiadis, Stephanos«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Efthymiadis, Stephanos
RI opac: 89 Einträge
2 | Pour une poétique de Byzance. Hommage à Vassilis Katsaros Efthymiadis, Stephanos • Messis, Charis • Odorico, Paolo • Polemis, Ioannis D. [Hrsg.]. |
3 | The Ashgate research companion to Byzantine hagiography Efthymiadis, Stephanos [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Hagiography in Byzantium: Literature, Social History and Cult Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
5 | The prosopography of Byzantine Lesbos, 284 - 1355 A.D.: a contribution to the social history of the Byzantine province Kaldellis, Anthony • Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
6 | Niketas Choniates: a historian and a writer Simpson, Alicia J. • Efthymiadis, Stephanos [Hrsg.]. |
7 | The life of the patriarch Tarasios / by Ignatios the Deacon Ignatius <Diaconus>. Efthymiadis, Stephanos [Hrsg.]. |
8 | The correspondence of Ignatios the Deacon Ignatius <Diaconus>. Efthymiadis, Stephanos [Bearb.]. Mango, Cyril A. [Hrsg.]. |
9 | Bosphorus. Essays in Honour of Cyril Mango Efthymiadis, Stephanos • Rapp, Claudia • Tsougarakis, Dimitris [Hrsg.]. |
10 | The "Vita Tarasi" and the Hagiographical Work of Ignatios the Deacon Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
11 | The Vita Tarasii and the Hagiographical Work of Ignatios the Deacon Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
12 | The Cult of Saints in Constantinople (Sixth-Twelfth Century). Some Observations Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
14 | Rewriting Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
15 | Vie et Passion de Bacchos le Jeune (BHG 209) par Etienne le Diacre Binggeli, André • Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
17 | Single People in Early Byzantine Literature Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
18 | Hagiography between Byzantium and the West: the universal and the local dimension of South Italian Lives of Saints (ninth-twelfth centuries) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
19 | Plutarch's Reception in the Work of Nikephoros Xanthopoulos Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
20 | Vers un Grégoire imaginaire ou presque: l'Éloge de Grégoire le Théologien par Nicétas le Paphlagonien (BHG 725) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
21 | The Cult of Saints in Early Byzantine Cyprus as Mirrored in Church Building and Epigraphy Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
22 | The Sea as Topos and as Original Narrative in Middle and Late Byzantine Hagiography Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
23 | Per Leone di Centuripe e i suoi encomidi s. Nettario (BHG 2284)e di s. Giacomo maggiore (BHG 786D) Cesaretti, Paolo • Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
24 | Per Leone di Centuripe e i suoi? encomi di s. Nettario (BHG 2284) e di s. Giacomo Maggiore? (BHG 768d), Cesaretti, Paolo • Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
25 | Questions and Answers Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
26 | The disabled in the Byzantine Empire Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
28 | Déclassiciser pour édifier ? Remarques et réflexions à propos de la métaphrase de l'Alexiade d'Anne de Comnène Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
30 | Hagiography of the Greek Fathers Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
31 | Diegesis on Hagia Sophia from Late Antiquity to Tenth-Century Byzantium Merino Peral, Esther • Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
32 | Une hagiographie classicisante et son auteur: La Vie longue de sainte Thomaïs de Lesbos (BHG 2455) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
33 | 'The Children of Putrefaction': A Phoenician Mythological Allusion in Patriarch Photios' Homily IX on the Birth of the Virgin (Ch. 6) Efthymiadis, Stephanos • Lopez-Ruiz, Carolina. |
34 | Les premières traductions grecques: la 'Passion' anonyme (BHG 554) et la 'Passion' de Méthode (554d) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
35 | Le 'premier classicisme byzantin ': mythes grecs et réminiscences païennes chez Photios, Léon VI le Sage et Aréthas de Césarée Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
36 | Byzantine history-writers and their representation history Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
38 | A Game of Dice and a Game of Chess: a Byzantine vs. a Scandinavian Allegory Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
39 | Re-reading the 'Life' of St Demetrianos of Chytri Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
40 | Les saints d'talie meridionale (IXe-XIIe s.) et leur role dans la societe locale Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
41 | The Place of Holy and Unholy Bishops in Byzantine Hagiographie Narrative (Eighth-Twelfth Centuries) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
42 | Quand Nicétas Choniatès a pris la plume: la genèse d'une oeuvre historiographique. Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
43 | Greek Hagiography in Late Antiquity (Fourth-Seventh Centuries) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. Déroche, Vincent [Bearb.]. |
44 | Introduction Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
46 | The function of the holy man in Asia Minor in the Middle Byzantine period Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
49 | Living in a city and living in a Scetis: the dream of Eustathios the banker (BHG Nov. Auct. 1317d) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
51 | New developments in hagiography: the rediscovery of Byzantine hagiography Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
52 | Two Gregories and three genres: autobiography, autohagiography and hagiography Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
55 | Hagiographica Varia (9th-10th c.) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
57 | The Byzantine hagiographer and his audience in the ninth and tenth centuries Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
58 | John of Sardis and the "Metaphrasis" of the "Passio" of St Nikephoros the martyr (BHG 1334) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
59 | Late Byzantine collections of miracles and their implications Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
61 | Le miracle et les saints durant et après le second iconoclasme Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
62 | "De debito bis soluto": an edifying story on the administered oath (BHG Novum Auctarium 1317n) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
63 | A historian and his tragic hero: a literary reading of Theophylact Simokatta's Ecumenical History Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
64 | Redeeming the Genre's Remnants: Some Beneficial Tales Written in the Last Centuries of Byzantium Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
65 | Life of St. Demetrianus of Kythrea/Chytri Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
66 | Greek and Biblical Exempla in the Service of an ArtfuI Writer Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
67 | La chronique familiale du Parisinus gr. 1601 et l'identité de son rédacteur Efthymiadis, Stephanos • Mazarakis, Andreas. |
68 | Niketas Choniates: the Writer Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
69 | Niketas Choniates and Ioannes Kinnamos: the poisoning of Stephen IV of Hungary (13 April, 1165) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
70 | Questions de chronologie sur Ramon Muntaner (Ch. 234) et Georges Pachymérès (XIII, 27-38): la prise de Phocée et de Thasos en 1307 Efthymiadis, Stephanos • Mazarakis, Andreas. |
74 | Chrétiens et Sarrasins en Italie méridionale et en Asie Mineure (IX-XI siècle): essai d'étude comparée Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
75 | Two Gregories and three genres: autobiography, autohagiography and hagiography Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
76 | Le miracle et les saints durant et après le second iconoclasme Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
79 | De debito bis soluto: an edifying story on the administered oath (BHG Novum Auctuarium 1317n) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
80 | L'enseignement secondane à Constantinople pendant les XIe et XIIe siècles: modèle éducatif pour la Terre d'Otrante au XIIIe siècle Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
82 | The biography of Ignatios the Deacon: a reassessment of the evidence Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
83 | Hagiographica Varia (9th-10th c.) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
85 | Living in a city and living in a scetis: the dream of Eustathios the banker Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
86 | The editying story of the charirable gardener (BHG 1322}) and its original (BHG 1445e) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
87 | Le panégyrique de s. Théophane le Confesseur par s. Théodore Stoudite ( BHG 1792b): édition critique du texte intégral Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
88 | On the Hagiographical Work of Ignatius the Deacon Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
89 | La Vie inédit de S. Procope le Décapolite (BHG 1583) Efthymiadis, Stephanos. |
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