Publikationen »Egeler, Matthias«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Egeler, Matthias
RI opac: 39 Einträge
1 | The life of Saint Enda, abbot of Aran: a translation of Vita Endei with an essay on landscape and labour in the Life Egeler, Matthias • Ruhland, Susanne. |
2 | Between the worlds: contexts, sources, and analogues of Scandinavian otherworld journeys Egeler, Matthias • Heizmann, Wilhelm [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Der Heilige Gral: Geschichte und Legende Egeler, Matthias. |
4 | Landscape and myth in North-Western Europe Egeler, Matthias [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Atlantic outlooks on being at home: Gaelic place-lore and the construction of sense of place in medieval Iceland Egeler, Matthias. |
6 | Islands in the West Classical: Myth and the Medieval Norse and Irish Geographical Imagination Egeler, Matthias. |
7 | Germanische Kultorte: vergleichende, historische und rezeptionsgeschichtliche Zugänge Egeler, Matthias [Hrsg.]. |
8 | Avalon, 66· Nord: zu Frühgeschichte und Rezeption eines Mythos Egeler, Matthias. |
9 | Celtic influences in Germanic religion: a survey Egeler, Matthias. |
10 | Walküren, Bodbs, Sirenen: Gedanken zur religionsgeschichtlichen Anbindung Nordwesteuropas an den mediterranen Raum Egeler, Matthias. |
11 | Inspiring Storytelling in Saga Literature: Toponymic and Topographic Perspectives from Icelandic Folklore Egeler, Matthias. |
13 | Magie, Fish, and Material Ecocriticism. Egeler, Matthias. |
15 | The Grave Mound of a Saga Hero: A Case Study in Context and ‘Continuity' between Grettis saga and Modern Folklore Egeler, Matthias. |
16 | Encounters: Celtic Egeler, Matthias. |
17 | Saga Writing, Folklore, and Labour: The Death o£ Svanr in Njäls saga Egeler, Matthias. |
18 | Kontinuitäten, Brüche und Verflechtungen Egeler, Matthias. |
20 | Landscape Meditations on Death: The Place Lore of the Hvanndalur Valley in Northern Iceland Egeler, Matthias. |
21 | Iceland and the Land of Women: The Norse Glæsisvellir and the Otherworld Islands of Early Irish Literature Egeler, Matthias. |
22 | Introduction: ‘Landscape', ‘Myth', and the North-Western European Perspective Egeler, Matthias. |
24 | The Medialization of the Supernatural in the Toponymy of the Book of Settlements Egeler, Matthias. |
25 | The Mythological Landscape of Sonatorrek: An Experiment in Contextualising Poetic Experience Egeler, Matthias. |
26 | Constructing a Landscape in Eyrbyggja saga: the Case of Dritsker 101 Egeler, Matthias. |
27 | Recent Work on "Celtic Religion" Egeler, Matthias. |
28 | Constructing a Landscape in Eyrbyggja saga: the Case of Dritsker Egeler, Matthias. |
29 | Icelandic Folklore, Landscape Theory, and Levity: The Seyðisfjörður Dwarf-Stone Egeler, Matthias. |
31 | A Retrospective Methodology for Using Landnámabók as a Source for the Religious History of Iceland? - Some Questions Egeler, Matthias. |
32 | Fedelm and the claideb corthaire (TBC I ll. 37 f.) Egeler, Matthias. |
33 | Horses, Lakes, and Heroes: Landnámabók S83, Volsunga saga 13, and the Grey of Macha Egeler, Matthias. |
34 | Sena and Avalon: some comments on Geoffrey of Monmouth, Vita Merlini 908-940 Egeler, Matthias. |
35 | Eikjjyrnir and the Rivers of Paradise. Cosmological Perspectives on dating Grimnismål 26-28 Egeler, Matthias. |
36 | Utgardaloki und die Britischen Inseln Egeler, Matthias. |
37 | Some thoughts on 'Goddess Medb' and her typological context Egeler, Matthias. |
39 | Death, wings, and divine devouring: possible Mediterraean affinities of Irish battlefield demons and Norse Valkyries. Egeler, Matthias. |
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