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Publikationen »Emery, Kent jr.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Emery, Kent jr.

RI opac: 61 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Philosophy and theology in the studia of the religious orders and at papal and royal courts: acts of the XVth annual colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l'Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, University of Notre Dame, 8 - 10 October 2008
Emery, Kent jr.Courtenay, William J.Metzger, Stephen M. [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2012)

2Sammelwerk  Philosophy and theology in the Long Middle Ages: a tribute to Stephen F. Brown
Emery, Kent jr.Friedman, Russell L.Speer, AndreasMauriège, Maxime [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2011)

3Monographie  B. Ioannis Duns Scoti Opera philosophica. 5: Quaestiones super secundum et tertiam De anima
Duns Scotus, Johannes. Bazán, Bernardo CarlosEmery, Kent jr.Green, R. [Hrsg.]. - Washington, DC (2006)

4Sammelwerk  Nach der Verurteilung von 1277: Philosophie und Theologie an der Universität von Paris im letzten Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts. Studien und Texte
Aertsen, Jan A.Emery, Kent jr.Speer, Andreas [Hrsg.]. - Berlin [u.a.] (2001)

5Sammelwerk  After the Condemnation of 1277. Philosophie and Theology at the University of Paris in the Last Quarter of the Thirteenth
Aertsen, Jan A.Emery, Kent jr.Speer, Andreas [Hrsg.]. - Berlin (2001)

6Sammelwerk  Christ among the medieval Dominicans. Representations of Christ in the texts and images of the Order of Preachers
Emery, Kent jr.Wawrykow, Joseph P. [Hrsg.]. - Notre Dame, Ind. [u.a.] (1998)

7Sammelwerk  Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages
Emery, Kent jr.. - Aldershot [u.a.] (1997)

8Sammelwerk  Ad litteram: authoritative texts and their medieval readers
Jordan, Mark D.Emery, Kent jr. [Hrsg.]. - Notre Dame, Ind. [u.a.] (1992)

9Monographie  Renaissance Dialectic and Renaissance Piety, Benet of Canfield's Rule of Perfection
Emery, Kent jr.. - Binghamton, NY (1987)

10Buchbeitrag  Veritas odium parit: Denys the Carthusian's Dialogue with the Saracens
Emery, Kent jr.. (2022) - In: Tolerance and Concepts of Otherness in Medieval Philosophy S. 249-296

11Buchbeitrag  What Does It Mean To Be a ‘Thomist'? Denys the Carthusian and Thomas Aquinas
Emery, Kent jr.. (2020) - In: Widersprüche und Konkordanz. Peter von Bergamo und der Thomismus im Spätmittelalter S. 259-306

12Buchbeitrag  Recourse to the library and the bookishness of medieval thought: three illustrative examples from the later Middle Ages
Emery, Kent jr.. (2020) - In: Die Bibliothek - The Library - La Bibliothèque. Denkräume und Wissensordnungen S. 250-302

13Buchbeitrag  Denys the Carthusian's Sentential Teachings on the Nature and Operations of the Soul
Emery, Kent jr.. (2020) - In: Philosophical psychology in late-medieval commentaries on Peter Lombard's 'Sentences' S. 227-250

14Buchbeitrag  Publications by Kent Emery, Jr.
Emery, Kent jr.. (2018) - In: Tribute Kent Emery S. XXIff.

15Buchbeitrag  Denys the Carthusian: the world of thought comes to Roermond
Emery, Kent jr.. (2014) - In: The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Studies in Monastic History and Heritage S. 255-304

16Buchbeitrag  Fate, Providence and Predestination in the Sapiential Project of Denys the Carthusian
Emery, Kent jr.. (2014) - In: Studies Carlos Steel S. 617-635

17Buchbeitrag  Lovers of the world and lovers of God and neighbor: spiritual commonplaces and the problem of authorship in the fifteenth century
Emery, Kent jr.. (2012) - In: Amo te, sacer ordo Carthusiensis S. 237-280

18Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Emery, Kent jr.. (2012) - In: Philosophy and theology in the studia of the religious orders and at papal and royal courts S. VII-XVI

19Buchbeitrag  Cognitive Theory and the Relation between the Scholastic and Mystical Modes of Theology: Why Denys the Carthusian Outlawed Durandus of Saint-Pourcain
Emery, Kent jr.. (2011) - In: Crossing boundaries at medieval universities S. 145-176

20Buchbeitrag  At the Outer Limits of Authenticity: Denys the Carthusian's Critique of John Duns Scotus and His Followers
Emery, Kent jr.. (2011) - In: Tribute Stephen F. Brown S. 641-672

21Artikel  Two New Heuristic Instruments and the Ideal Order of Research in Medieval Philosophy
Emery, Kent jr.. (2010) - In: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale Bd. 52 (2010) S. 235-250

22Buchbeitrag  Une réduction de la vie active à la vie contemplative: Denis le Chartreux à propos du mariage et des "états de vie" laìcs de la società chrétienne
Emery, Kent jr.. (2009) - In: Vie active et vie contemplative au Moyen Âge et au seuil de la Renaissance S. 531-549

23Artikel  Good ideas and the Support of Powerful Institutions
Emery, Kent jr.. (2007) - In: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale Bd. 49 (2007) S. 13-26

24Artikel  Quaestiones, Sententiae and Summae from the later twelfth and early thirteenth centuries: The Joseph N. Garvin papers
Emery, Kent jr.. (2006) - In: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale Bd. 48 (2006) S. 15-81

25Artikel  Quaestiones, Sntentiae and Summae from the later twelfth and early thirteenth centuries: The Joseph N. Garvin Papers
Emery, Kent jr.. (2005) - In: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale Bd. 47 (2005) S. 11-68

26Buchbeitrag  Richard of St. Victor.
Emery, Kent jr.. (2003) - In: A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages S. 588-594

27Buchbeitrag  Ulrich of Strassburg.
Emery, Kent jr.. (2003) - In: A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages S. 668-669

28Buchbeitrag  Denys the Carthusian on the cognition of divine attributes and the principal name of God: a propos the unity of a philosophical experience
Emery, Kent jr.. (2003) - In: FS Jan A. Aertsen (2003) S. 454-483

29Buchbeitrag  Denys the Cartusian.
Emery, Kent jr.. (2003) - In: A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages S. 243-244

30Buchbeitrag  After the Condemnation of 1277: New Evidence, New Perspectives, and Grounds for New Interpretations.
Emery, Kent jr.Speer, Andreas. (2001) - In: Nach der Verurteilung von 1277 S. 1-19

31Buchbeitrag  The Image of God Deep in the Mind: The Continuity of Cognition according to Henry of Ghent.
Emery, Kent jr.. (2001) - In: Nach der Verurteilung von 1277 S. 59-124

32Buchbeitrag  A complete reception of the Latin "Corpus Dionysiacum": the commentaries of Denys the Carthusian
Emery, Kent jr.. (2000) - In: Die Dionysius-Rezeption im Mittelalter S. 197-247

33Buchbeitrag  North American contributions to the editing of medieval Latin philosophical texts
Emery, Kent jr.. (1998) - In: Philologie und Philosophie. Beiträge zur VII. Internationalen Fachtagung S. 135-143

34Buchbeitrag  Denys the Carthusian (1402/3-71)
Emery, Kent jr.. (1998) - In: Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy Tl. 2 S. 884-887

35Buchbeitrag  Familia praedicatoria in the University of Notre Dame Library: manuscripts, incunables and sixteenth-century books containing texts and images of the Order of Preachers
Emery, Kent jr.Jordan, Louis Edward III. (1998) - In: Christ among the medieval Dominicans S. 493-541

36Buchbeitrag  The Matter and Order of Philosophy according to Denys the Carthusian.
Emery, Kent jr.. (1998) - In: Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? S. 667-679

37Buchbeitrag  Denys the Carthusian and traditions of meditation: Contra detestabilem cordis inordinationem
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 1-26

38Buchbeitrag  Twofold wisdom and contemplation in Denys of Ryckel ( "Dionysius Cartusiensis", 1402-1471)
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 99-134

39Buchbeitrag  Mysticism and the coincidence of opposites in sixteenth and seventeenth century France
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 3-23

40Buchbeitrag  "Sapientissimus Aristoteles" and "Theologicissimus Dionysius": the reading of Aristotle and the understanding of nature in Denys the Carthusian
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 572-606

41Buchbeitrag  Reading the world rightly and squarely: Bonaventure's doctrine of the Cardinal Virtues
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 183-218

42Buchbeitrag  Denys the Carthusian and the doxography of scholastic theology
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 327-359

43Buchbeitrag  Theology as a science: the teaching of Denys of Ryckel (Dionysius Cartusiensis, 1402-1471)
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 376-388

44Buchbeitrag  The 'Sentences' abbreviation of William de Rothwell
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 69-135

45Buchbeitrag  "The cloud of unknowing" and "Mystica theologia"
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 46-70

46Buchbeitrag  Denys the Carthusian and the invention of preaching materials
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 377-409

47Buchbeitrag  Fondements théoriques de la réception de la Beauté sensible dans les écrits de Denys le Chartreux (1402-1471)
Emery, Kent jr.. (1996) - In: Emery, Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Middle Ages S. 307-324

48Buchbeitrag  Monastic collectaria from the abbey of St. Trudo (Limburg) and the reception of writings by Denys the Carthusian
Emery, Kent jr.. (1995) - In: Studies Siegfried Wenzel S. 237-261

49Artikel  Denys the Carthusian and the invention of preaching materials
Emery, Kent jr.. (1994) - In: Viator Bd. 25 (1994) S. 377-409

50Artikel  Two more copies of Henry of Ghent, Summa, and the heuristic of critical editions (Henry of Ghent and Denys the Carthusian)
Emery, Kent jr.. (1992) - In: Manuscripta Bd. 36 (1992) S. 3-21

51Buchbeitrag  Denys the Carthusian and the Doxography of Scholastic Theology
Emery, Kent jr.. (1992) - In: Ad litteram. Authoritative texts and their medieval readers S. 327-359

52Buchbeitrag  Sapientissimus Aristoteles and Theologissimus Dionysius. The reading of Aristotle and the understanding of nature in Denys the Carthusian
Emery, Kent jr.. (1991) - In: Mensch und Natur im Mittelalter Tl. 2 S. 572-606

53Buchbeitrag  Theology as a science: The teaching of Denys of Ryckel (Dionysius Cartusiensis, 1402-1471)
Emery, Kent jr.. (1990) - In: Knowledge and the sciences in medieval philosophy Tl. 3 S. 376-388

54Artikel  Did Denys the Carthusian also read Henricus Bate?
Emery, Kent jr.. (1990) - In: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale Bd. 32 (1990) S. 196-206

55Buchbeitrag  Fondements théoriques de la réception de la beauté sensible dans les écrits de Denys le Chartreux (1402-1471)
Emery, Kent jr.. (1989) - In: Les Chartreux et l'art, XIVe-XVIIe siècle S. 307-324

56Artikel  Twofold wisdom and contemplation in Denys of Ryckel (Dionysius Cartusiensis, 1402-1471)
Emery, Kent jr.. (1988) - In: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance studies Bd. 18 (1988) S. 99-134

57Artikel  The Sentences abbreviation of William de Rothwell, O.P., University of Pennsylvania, Lat. MS. 32
Emery, Kent jr.. (1984) - In: Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale Bd. 51 (1984) S. 69-135

58Buchbeitrag  The Cloud of Unknowing and Mystica Theologia
Emery, Kent jr.. (1984) - In: The Roots of the Modern Christian Tradition S. 46-70

59Artikel  Reading the world rightly and squarely: Bonaventure's doctrine of the cardinal virtues
Emery, Kent jr.. (1983) - In: Traditio Bd. 39 (1983) S. 183-218

60Buchbeitrag  Lovers of the world and lovers of God and neighbor. Spiritual commonplaces and the problem of authorship in the fifteenth century
Emery, Kent jr.. (1983) - In: Historia et Spiritualitas Cartusiensis. Colloquii quarti internationalis acta S. 177-219

61Buchbeitrag  Dionysii Cartusiensis Bibliotheca et Manuscripta: Prologue and Queries
Emery, Kent jr.. (1982) - In: Kartäusermystik und -Mystiker Tl. 4 S. 119-155

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