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Publikationen »Enders, Jody«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Enders, Jody

RI opac: 41 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  A Cultural History of Tragedy in the Middle Ages
Bushnell, RebeccaColetti, TheresaEnders, Jody [Hrsg.]. - London (2023)

2Sachtitel  Trial by Farce: A Dozen Medieval French Comedies in English for the Modern Stage
Enders, Jody [Hrsg.]. - Ann Arbor (2023)

3Sammelwerk  A Cultural History of Tragedy In The Middle Ages (A Cultural History of Tragedy 2)
Enders, JodyColetti, TheresaSebastian, John T.Symes, Carol Lynne [Hrsg.]. - London (2020)

4Sammelwerk  A cultural history of theatre in the Middle Ages (A Cultural History of Theater. 2)
Enders, Jody [Hrsg.]. - New York (2017)

5Monographie  Holy Deadlock and Further Ribaldries: Another Dozen Medieval French Plays in Modern English
Enders, Jody. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2017)

6Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Enders, Jody. (2016)

7Sammelwerk  "The Farce of the Fart" and other ribaldries: twelve medieval French plays in modern English
Enders, Jody [Hrsg.]. - Philadelphia, Pa. (2011)

8Monographie  Murder by accident: medieval theater, modern media, critical intentions
Enders, Jody. - Chicago, Ill. (2009)

9Monographie  Death by drama and other medieval urban legends
Enders, Jody. - Chicago, Ill. [u.a.] (2002)

10Monographie  The medieval theater of cruelty: rhetoric, memory, violence
Enders, Jody. - Ithaca, NY [u.a.] (1999)

11Buchbeitrag  Burlesque Signs: Performance, Translation, and the Betrayal of Sexism
Enders, Jody. (2022) - In: Studies Stephen G. Nichols S. 125-142

12Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Medieval Theatre Makes History
Enders, Jody. (2017) - In: A cultural history of theatre in the Middle Ages S. 1-15

13Buchbeitrag  Foul Play: Rape, Murder, and the Medieval Theater of Everyday Life
Enders, Jody. (2013) - In: Le droit et son écriture. La médiatisation du fait judiciaire dans la littérature médiévale S. 145-164

14Buchbeitrag  Rhetoric and theatre
Enders, Jody. (2011) - In: The Cambridge history of French literature S. 164-171

15Buchbeitrag  "Coups de théâtre" and the Passion for vengeance
Enders, Jody. (2008) - In: The passion story. From visual representation to social drama S. 121-130, 250-252

16Buchbeitrag  The Devil in the Flesh of Theater
Enders, Jody. (2007) - In: Transformationen des Religiösen. Performativität und Textualität im geistlichen Spiel S. 127-138

17Artikel  Death by dance
Enders, Jody. (2006) - In: Mediaevalia Bd. 27, 1 (2006) S. 135-154

18Artikel  Theater Makes History: Ritual Murder by Proxy in the "Mistere de la Sainte Hostie"
Enders, Jody. (2004) - In: Speculum Bd. 79 (2004) S. 991-1016

19Buchbeitrag  Art. Rhetoric, women and
Enders, Jody. (2004) - In: Women in the Middle Ages. An encyclopedia S. 799-805

20Artikel  Medieval Death, Modern Morality, and the Fallacies of Intention
Enders, Jody. (2002) - In: New medieval literatures Bd. 5 (2002) S. 87-114

21Artikel  Homicidal pigs and the antisemitic imagination
Enders, Jody. (2002) - In: Exemplaria Bd. 14 (2002) S. 201-238

22Artikel  The Music of the medieval body in pain
Enders, Jody. (2002) - In: Fifteenth Century Studies Bd. 27 (2002) S. 93-112

23Buchbeitrag  Of miming and singing: the dramatic rhetoric of gesture.
Enders, Jody. (2001) - In: Davidson, Gesture in Medieval Drama and Art S. 1-25

24Artikel  Rhétorique, "performance" et la mémoire de la violence
Enders, Jody. (2000) - In: Revue de musicologie Bd. 86 (2000) S. 65-76

25Buchbeitrag  Violence, théâtralité, et subjectivité littéraire dans la rhétorique médiévale
Enders, Jody. (2000) - In: Ethos et pathos. Le statut du sujet rhétorique S. 267-278

26Buchbeitrag  Dramatic memories and tortured spaces in the Mistere de la Sainte Hostie
Enders, Jody. (2000) - In: Medieval Practices of Space S. 199-222

27Artikel  Of protestantism, performativity, and the threat of theater
Enders, Jody. (1999) - In: Mediaevalia Bd. 22, Sonderheft (1999) S. 55-74

28Buchbeitrag  Cutting Off the Memory of Women
Enders, Jody. (1999) - In: The changing tradition. Women in the history of rhetoric S. 47-55

29Artikel  Memory, allegory, and the romance of rhetoric
Enders, Jody. (1999) - In: Yale French studies Bd. 95 (1999) S. 49-64

30Buchbeitrag  Violence, silence, and the memory of witches
Enders, Jody. (1998) - In: Violence Against Women in Medieval Texts S. 210-232

31Artikel  Medieval snuff drama
Enders, Jody. (1998) - In: Exemplaria Bd. 10 (1998) S. 171-206

32Buchbeitrag  Commemorating Memory
Enders, Jody. (1997) - In: Signs of the Early Modern 2. 17th Century and Beyond S. 183-186

33Buchbeitrag  Rhetoric, coercion, and the memory of violence
Enders, Jody. (1996) - In: Criticism and Dissent in the Middle Ages S. 24-55

34Buchbeitrag  Pygmalion, memory, and the Bible
Enders, Jody. (1995) - In: Études Daniel Poirion S. 153-161

35Artikel  The feminist mnemonics of Christine de Pizan.
Enders, Jody. (1994) - In: Modern language quarterly Bd. 55 (1994) S. 231-249

36Artikel  The theatre of scholastic erudition
Enders, Jody. (1993) - In: Comparative drama Bd. 27 (1993) S. 341-363

37Artikel  Memory and the psychology of the interior monologue in Chrétien's Cligès
Enders, Jody. (1992) - In: Rhetorica Bd. 10 (1992) S. 5-23

38Artikel  The farce of folly and of female authority in a sixteenth-century view of the Roman de Silence
Enders, Jody. (1992) - In: Romance notes Bd. 33 (1992) S. 33-37

39Artikel  Music, delivery, and the rhetoric of memory in Guillaume de Machaut's Remède de Fortune
Enders, Jody. (1992) - In: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America Bd. 107 (1992) S. 450-464

40Artikel  Visions with voices: the rhetoric of memory and music in liturgical drama
Enders, Jody. (1990) - In: Comparative drama Bd. 24 (1990) S. 34-54

41Artikel  The logic of the debates in the Chanson de Roland
Enders, Jody. (1989) - In: Olifant Bd. 14 (1989) S. 81-100

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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