Publikationen »Enders, Jody«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Enders, Jody
RI opac: 41 Einträge
1 | A Cultural History of Tragedy in the Middle Ages Bushnell, Rebecca • Coletti, Theresa • Enders, Jody [Hrsg.]. |
2 | Trial by Farce: A Dozen Medieval French Comedies in English for the Modern Stage Enders, Jody [Hrsg.]. |
3 | A Cultural History of Tragedy In The Middle Ages (A Cultural History of Tragedy 2) Enders, Jody • Coletti, Theresa • Sebastian, John T. • Symes, Carol Lynne [Hrsg.]. |
4 | A cultural history of theatre in the Middle Ages (A Cultural History of Theater. 2) Enders, Jody [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Holy Deadlock and Further Ribaldries: Another Dozen Medieval French Plays in Modern English Enders, Jody. |
6 | [Bibliographie] Enders, Jody. |
7 | "The Farce of the Fart" and other ribaldries: twelve medieval French plays in modern English Enders, Jody [Hrsg.]. |
8 | Murder by accident: medieval theater, modern media, critical intentions Enders, Jody. |
9 | Death by drama and other medieval urban legends Enders, Jody. |
10 | The medieval theater of cruelty: rhetoric, memory, violence Enders, Jody. |
11 | Burlesque Signs: Performance, Translation, and the Betrayal of Sexism Enders, Jody. |
12 | Introduction: Medieval Theatre Makes History Enders, Jody. |
13 | Foul Play: Rape, Murder, and the Medieval Theater of Everyday Life Enders, Jody. |
14 | Rhetoric and theatre Enders, Jody. |
15 | "Coups de théâtre" and the Passion for vengeance Enders, Jody. |
16 | The Devil in the Flesh of Theater Enders, Jody. |
17 | Death by dance Enders, Jody. |
18 | Theater Makes History: Ritual Murder by Proxy in the "Mistere de la Sainte Hostie" Enders, Jody. |
19 | Art. Rhetoric, women and Enders, Jody. |
20 | Medieval Death, Modern Morality, and the Fallacies of Intention Enders, Jody. |
21 | Homicidal pigs and the antisemitic imagination Enders, Jody. |
22 | The Music of the medieval body in pain Enders, Jody. |
23 | Of miming and singing: the dramatic rhetoric of gesture. Enders, Jody. |
24 | Rhétorique, "performance" et la mémoire de la violence Enders, Jody. |
25 | Violence, théâtralité, et subjectivité littéraire dans la rhétorique médiévale Enders, Jody. |
26 | Dramatic memories and tortured spaces in the Mistere de la Sainte Hostie Enders, Jody. |
27 | Of protestantism, performativity, and the threat of theater Enders, Jody. |
28 | Cutting Off the Memory of Women Enders, Jody. |
29 | Memory, allegory, and the romance of rhetoric Enders, Jody. |
30 | Violence, silence, and the memory of witches Enders, Jody. |
31 | Medieval snuff drama Enders, Jody. |
32 | Commemorating Memory Enders, Jody. |
33 | Rhetoric, coercion, and the memory of violence Enders, Jody. |
34 | Pygmalion, memory, and the Bible Enders, Jody. |
35 | The feminist mnemonics of Christine de Pizan. Enders, Jody. |
36 | The theatre of scholastic erudition Enders, Jody. |
37 | Memory and the psychology of the interior monologue in Chrétien's Cligès Enders, Jody. |
38 | The farce of folly and of female authority in a sixteenth-century view of the Roman de Silence Enders, Jody. |
39 | Music, delivery, and the rhetoric of memory in Guillaume de Machaut's Remède de Fortune Enders, Jody. |
40 | Visions with voices: the rhetoric of memory and music in liturgical drama Enders, Jody. |
41 | The logic of the debates in the Chanson de Roland Enders, Jody. |
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