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Publikationen »Etchingham, Colmán«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Etchingham, Colmán

RI opac: 32 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Norse-Gaelic contacts in a Viking world: studies in the literature and history of Norway, Iceland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man
Etchingham, ColmánSigurðsson, Jón ViðarNí Mhaonaigh, MáireRowe, Elizabeth Ashman. - Turnhout (2019)

2Monographie  Church organisation in Ireland AD 650 to 1000
Etchingham, Colmán. - Maynooth (2002)

3Monographie  Viking raids on Irish church settlements in the ninth century: a reconsideration of the annals
Etchingham, Colmán. - Dublin (1996)

4Buchbeitrag  Slavery or Ransom? Why Vikings Took Captives in Ireland and Beyond
Etchingham, Colmán. (2021) - In: Viking-Age slavery S. 117-146

5Buchbeitrag  Recently discovered early cross slabs at Aghowle, Co. Wicklow
Etchingham, Colmán. (2021) - In: Essays Roger Stalley S. 47-64

6Buchbeitrag  Clontarf 1014: military significance, external dimension and outcome
Etchingham, Colmán. (2017) - In: Medieval Dublin 16 S. ??

7Buchbeitrag  Conversion in Ireland
Etchingham, Colmán. (2016) - In: The Introduction of Christianity into the Early Medieval Insular World. Converting the Isles 1 S. 181-208

8Buchbeitrag  Skuldelev 2 and Viking-age ships and fleets in Ireland
Etchingham, Colmán. (2015) - In: Essays Donnchadh Ó Corráin S. 79-90

9Buchbeitrag  Vikings at Annagassan: the evidence of the annals and the wider context
Etchingham, Colmán. (2015) - In: The Vikings in Ireland and beyond. Before and after the battle of Clontarf S. 117-128

10Buchbeitrag  Bishops and abbots in the early Irish church, with some observations on the Irish perception of Rome
Etchingham, Colmán. (2014) - In: Chiese locali e chiese regionali nell'alto medioevo S. 1073-1094

11Buchbeitrag  Names for the Vikings in Irish Annals
Etchingham, Colmán. (2014) - In: Celtic-Norse relationships in the Irish Sea in the Middle Ages 800 - 1200 S. 23-38

12Buchbeitrag  The concept of purgatory in ninth-century Ireland
Etchingham, Colmán. (2013) - In: Treasures of Irish Christianity 2 S. 50-52

13Buchbeitrag  "Uita Findani": a Hiberno-German Window on the Early Viking Age
Etchingham, Colmán. (2013) - In: Between the Islands - and the continent S. 55-82

14Buchbeitrag  The organization and function of an early Irish church settlement: what was Glendalough?
Etchingham, Colmán. (2011) - In: Glendalough. City of God S. 22-53

15Buchbeitrag  The Viking impact on Glendalough
Etchingham, Colmán. (2011) - In: Glendalough. City of God S. 211-222

16Buchbeitrag  Bishops, church and people: how Christian was 'Early Christian Ireland'?
Etchingham, Colmán. (2010) - In: L'Irlanda e gli Irlandesi nell'alto Medioevo S. 325-348

17Artikel  The battle of Cenn Fúait, 917
Etchingham, Colmán. (2010) - In: Peritia Bd. 21 (2010) S. 208-232

18Buchbeitrag  Laithlinn, 'Fair Foreigners' and 'Dark Foreigners': the identity and provenance of Vikings in ninth-century Ireland
Etchingham, Colmán. (2010) - In: The Viking age. Ireland and the West S. 80-88

19Buchbeitrag  Viking-age Gwynedd and Ireland: political relations
Etchingham, Colmán. (2007) - In: Ireland and Wales in the Middle Ages S. 149-167

20Buchbeitrag  Pastoral provision in the first millennium: a two-tier service?
Etchingham, Colmán. (2006) - In: The parish in medieval and early modern Ireland. Community, territory and building S. 79-90

21Artikel  English and Pictish Terms for Brooch in an 8th-century Irish Law-Text
Swift, CatherineEtchingham, Colmán. (2004) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 48 (2004) S. 31-50

22Buchbeitrag  Les Vikings dans les sources documentaires irlandaises: le cas des annals
Etchingham, Colmán. (2002) - In: L'Héritage maritime des Vikings en Europe de l'Ouest S. 35-56

23Artikel  Early Irish Church organisation: the case of Drumlease and the Book of Armagh
Swift, CatherineEtchingham, Colmán. (2001) - In: Breifne Bd. 9, 37 (2001) S. 285-312

24Artikel  North Wales, Ireland and the Ises: the insular Viking zone
Etchingham, Colmán. (2001) - In: Peritia Bd. 15 (2001) S. 145-187

25Artikel  Kildare before the Normans: "an episcopal and conventual see"
Etchingham, Colmán. (2000 - 2001) - In: Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society and surrounding districts Bd. 19, 1 (2000-2001) S. 7-26

26Artikel  Episcopal hierarchy in Connacht and Tairdelbach Ua Conchobair
Etchingham, Colmán. (2000) - In: Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society Bd. 52 (2000) S. 13-29

27Buchbeitrag  The idea of monastic austerity in early Ireland
Etchingham, Colmán. (1999) - In: Luxury and austerity S. 14-29

28Buchbeitrag  Early medieval Irish history
Etchingham, Colmán. (1996) - In: Progress in medieval Irish studies S. 123-154

29Buchbeitrag  Evidence of Scandinavian settlement in Wicklow
Etchingham, Colmán. (1994) - In: Wicklow. History and society S. 113-138

30Artikel  Bishops in the early Irish church: a reassessment
Etchingham, Colmán. (1994) - In: Studia hibernica Bd. 28 (1994) S. 35-62

31Artikel  The early Irish church: some observations on pastoral care and dues.
Etchingham, Colmán. (1991) - In: Ériu Bd. 42 (1991) S. 99-118

32Artikel  The Early Irish Church: Some Observations on Pastoral Care and Dues
Etchingham, Colmán. (1991) - In: Ériu Bd. 42 (1991) S. 99-118

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