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Publikationen »Federico, Sylvia«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Federico, Sylvia

RI opac: 19 Einträge

1Monographie  The classicist writings of Thomas Walsingham: 'worldly cares' at St Albans Abbey in the fourteenth century
Federico, Sylvia. - Woodbridge [u.a.] (2016)

2Sammelwerk  The post-historical Middle Ages
Scala, Elizabeth DoreenFederico, Sylvia [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2009)

3Monographie  New Troy: fantasies of empire in the late Middle Ages
Federico, Sylvia. - Minneapolis, MN (2003)

4Monographie  Old ''stories'' and new Trojans: The gendered construction of English historical identity
Federico, Sylvia. - [Indiana University] (1997)

5Buchbeitrag  On the road and in the market: Chaucer 's mapping of 1381
Federico, Sylvia. (2021) - In: Essays W. Mark Ormrod (2021) S. 56-71

6Artikel  The Ambivalent Motif of Troy in the Dynastic Debate of Late Medieval England
Federico, Sylvia. (2019) - In: Troianalexandrina Bd. 19 (2019) S. 275-291

7Buchbeitrag  Chronicles and Literary Form
Federico, Sylvia. (2014) - In: Medieval literature. Criticism and debates S. 17-26

8Artikel  Two Troy Books: The Political Classicism of Walsingham's Ditis ditatus and Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde
Federico, Sylvia. (2013) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 35 (2013) S. 137-177

9Artikel  Queer rimes: Richard II in the poems and chronicles of late fourteenth-century England
Federico, Sylvia. (2010) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 79 (2010) S. 25-47

10Artikel  Chaucer and the Matter of Spain
Federico, Sylvia. (2010 - 2011) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 45 (2010/11) S. 299-320

11Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Getting Post-Historical
Federico, SylviaScala, Elizabeth Doreen. (2009) - In: The post-historical Middle Ages S. 1-12

12Artikel  Chaucer and the Masculinity of Historicism
Federico, Sylvia. (2007) - In: Medieval feminist forum Bd. 43, 1 (2007) S. 72-76

13Buchbeitrag  The Place of Chivalry in the New Trojan Court: Gawain, Troilus, and Richard II
Federico, Sylvia. (2007) - In: Place, space, and landscape in medieval narrative S. 171-180

14Buchbeitrag  New historicism
Federico, Sylvia. (2005) - In: Chaucer. An Oxford Guide S. 416-431

15Buchbeitrag  Preface [Shifting Horizons of Expectation: The Late Medieval Family]
Federico, Sylvia. (2003) - In: Love, marriage, and family ties in the later middle ages S. 123-128

16Artikel  The imaginary society: women in 1381
Federico, Sylvia. (2001) - In: Journal of British Studies Bd. 40 (2001) S. 159-183

17Artikel  Chaucer's Utopian Troy Book: alternatives to historiography in Troilus and Criseyde
Federico, Sylvia. (1999) - In: Exemplaria Bd. 11 (1999) S. 79-106

18Artikel  A fourteenth-century erotics of politics: London as a feminine new Troy
Federico, Sylvia. (1997) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 19 (1997) S. 121-155

19Artikel  Transgressive teaching and censorship in a fifteenth-century vision of Purgatory
Federico, Sylvia. (1995) - In: Mystics quarterly Bd. 21 (1995) S. 59-67

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