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Publikationen »Finlay, Alison«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Finlay, Alison

RI opac: 45 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Anglo-Danish empire: a companion to the reign of King Cnut the Great
North, RichardGoeres, Erin MichelleFinlay, Alison [Hrsg.]. - Kalamazoo (2022)

2Sammelwerk  [Bibliographie]
Finlay, Alison. (2021)

3Monographie  The Saga of the Jómsvikings: A Translation for Students
Finlay, AlisonJóhannesdóttir, Þórdís Edda. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (2019)

4Monographie  Heimskringla 1. The beginnings to Óláfr Tryggvason / Snorri Sturluson
Snorri <Sturluson>. Finlay, AlisonFaulkes, Anthony [Bearb.]. - London (2017)

5Monographie  Heimskringla 3. Magnús Óláfsson to Magnús Erlingsson / Snorri Sturluson
Snorri <Sturluson>. Finlay, AlisonFaulkes, Anthony [Bearb.]. - London (2015)

6Monographie  Heimskringla 2. Óláfr Haraldsson (the saint) / Snorri Sturluson
Snorri <Sturluson>. Finlay, AlisonFaulkes, Anthony [Bearb.]. - London (2014)

7Monographie  Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla. 1: The Beginnings to Olafr Tryggvason,
Snorri <Sturluson>. Finlay, AlisonFaulkes, Anthony [Hrsg.]. - London (2011)

8Sammelwerk  Making History: Essays on the fornaldarsögur
Arnold, MartinFinlay, Alison [Hrsg.]. - Exeter (2010)

9Sachtitel  Fagrskinna, a catalogue of the Kings of Norway
Finlay, Alison [Hrsg.]. - Leiden (2004)

10Sammelwerk  Kreddur: select studies in early Icelandic law and literature
Foote, Peter G.Finlay, Alison [Hrsg.]. - Reykjavík (2004)

11Sammelwerk  Stones, skalds and saints: the faces of Orkney
Waugh, Doreen J.Finlay, Alison [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (2003)

12Sachtitel  The saga of Bjorn, champion of the men of Hitardale
Finlay, Alison [Hrsg.]. - Enfield Lock (2000)

13Sammelwerk  Fótarkefli rist Peter Foote 26.v.99, (Vol. 1-2)
Finlay, AlisonNorth, RichardÓskarsdóttir, Svanhildur [Hrsg.]. - London (1999)

14Buchbeitrag  Wooden Performances: Carving and Versifying nid and Idolatry
Finlay, Alison. (2022) - In: FS Stefanie Gropper S. 157-166

15Buchbeitrag  'bat potti illr fundr': Phallic Aggression in Bjarnar saga Hitdaelakappa
Finlay, Alison. (2020) - In: Masculinities in Old Norse literature S. 167-182

16Artikel  So Far and No Further: The Story of Cnut and the Waves
Finlay, Alison. (2018) - In: Scandinavica Bd. 57, 1 (2018) S. 89-113

17Artikel  History and fiction in the Kings' Sagas. The case of Haraldr harðráði
Finlay, Alison. (2015) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 39 (2015) S. 77-102

18Buchbeitrag  Elegy and Old Age in Egil's Saga
Finlay, Alison. (2015) - In: Egil, the Viking poet. New approaches to Egil's saga S. 111-130

19Artikel  Comments on Daniel Sävborg's Paper
Finlay, Alison. (2014) - In: Scripta Islandica Bd. 65 (2014) S. 119-124

20Artikel  Jómsvíkinga Saga and Genre
Finlay, Alison. (2014) - In: Scripta Islandica Bd. 65 (2014) S. 63-80

21Buchbeitrag  Glúmr Geirason: Gráfeldardrápa.
Finlay, Alison. (2012) - In: Poetry from the Kings' Sagas 1 S. 245-265

22Buchbeitrag  Bjarni gullbráskáld: Kálfsflokkr
Finlay, Alison. (2012) - In: Poetry from the Kings' Sagas 1 S. 877-889

23Buchbeitrag  Risking one's head: Vafthrúdnismál and the mythic power of poetry
Finlay, Alison. (2011) - In: Essays John McKinnell S. 91-108

24Buchbeitrag  The Saga of Asmundr, Killer of Champions
Finlay, Alison [Bearb.]. (2010) - In: Making History. Essays on the fornaldarsögur S. 119-139

25Buchbeitrag  Chronology, Genealogy and Conversion: The Afterlife of St Edmund in the North
Finlay, Alison. (2009) - In: St Edmund, king and martyr. Changing images of a medieval saint S. 45-62

26Buchbeitrag  Thomas Gray's Translations of Old Norse Poetry
Finlay, Alison. (2007) - In: Old Norse made new. Essays on the post-medieval reception of old Norse literature S. 1-20

27Buchbeitrag  Putting a Bawn into Beowulf
Finlay, Alison. (2007) - In: Seamus Heaney. Poet, Critic, Translator S. 136-154

28Buchbeitrag  History and Fantasy in Jomsvikinga saga
Finlay, Alison. (2006) - In: The Fantastic in Old Norse Icelandic Literature. Preprint Papers Tl. 1 S. 248-257

29Buchbeitrag  The Garter of St Olafr: Links between Poets and Kings
Finlay, Alison. (2005) - In: Scandinavian and Christian Europe in the Middle Ages S. 138-146

30Buchbeitrag  Two Borgfirðinga sögur: the oldest or the youngest Íslendingasögur?
Finlay, Alison. (2004) - In: Sagas and Societies. International Conference Tl. 2

31Artikel  'Intolerable love': Tristrams Saga and the carlisle Tristan fragment
Finlay, Alison. (2004) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 73 (2004) S. 205-224

32Artikel  Interpretation or over-interpretation? The dating of two Íslendingasögur
Finlay, Alison. (2003) - In: Gripla Bd. 14 (2003) S. 61-91

33Buchbeitrag  The Garter of St Olafr: Links between Poets and Kings
Finlay, Alison. (2003) - In: Scandinavia and Christian Europe in the Middle Ages S. 138-146

34Buchbeitrag  Skald sagas in their literary context. 2: possible European contexts
Finlay, Alison. (2001) - In: Skaldsagas. Text, Vocation, and Desire in the Icelandic Sagas of Poets S. 232-271

35Artikel  Monstrous Allegations: An Exchange of "ýki" in Bjarnar "saga Hítdælakappa"
Finlay, Alison. (2001) - In: Alvíssmál Bd. 10 (2001) S. 21-44

36Artikel  Betrothal and women's autonomy in Laxdœla saga and the Poets' Sagas
Finlay, Alison. (1997) - In: Skáldskaparmál (1997) S. 107-129

37Buchbeitrag  Kings and Icelanders in Poet's Sagas and Þættir
Finlay, Alison. (1997) - In: Sagas and the Norwegian experience S. 159-168

38Buchbeitrag  The saga of Bjorn, champion of the Hitardal people.
Finlay, Alison. (1997) - In: The Complete Sagas of Icelanders, including 49 Tales S. 255-304

39Artikel  Skalds, troubadours and sagas
Finlay, Alison. (1994) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 24 (1994) S. 105-153

40Buchbeitrag  Art. "Droplaugarsona saga" (the saga of the sons of Droplaug)
Finlay, Alison. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 143

41Buchbeitrag  Art. "Fljótsdoela saga" (the saga of the people of Fljótsdalr)
Finlay, Alison. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 198-199

42Buchbeitrag  Art. "Brankrossa þáttr" (the tale of Brandkrossi)
Finlay, Alison. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 56

43Buchbeitrag  Art. "Bjarnar saga Hítdoelakappa" (the saga of Bjørn Hítdoelir-champion)
Finlay, Alison. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 47-48

44Artikel  Níð, adultery and feud in Bjarnar Saga Hítdœlakappa
Finlay, Alison. (1992) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 23 (1992) S. 158-178

45Buchbeitrag  The warrior Christ and the unarmed hero
Finlay, Alison. (1986) - In: Essays G. H. Russell S. 18-29

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