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Publikationen »Firth, Matthew«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Firth, Matthew

RI opac: 18 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Emotional Alterity in the Medieval North Sea World
Anlezark, DanielFirth, MatthewSebo, Erin Madeleine [Hrsg.]. - Cham (2023)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Firth, Matthew. (2016)

3Artikel  What's in a Name? Tracing the Origins of Alfred's ‘the Great'
Firth, Matthew. (2024) - In: The English Historical Review Bd. 139 (2024) S. 1-32

4Artikel  The Lonely Afterlives of Early English Queens
Firth, MatthewSchilling, Cassandra. (2023) - In: Neophilologus Bd. 107 (2023) S. 127-143

5Artikel  Saxo Grammaticus's Account of the Viking Age Site on the Danish Island of Hjarnø in Gesta Danorum
Sebo, Erin MadeleineFirth, Matthew. (2023) - In: Scandinavian studies Bd. 95 (2023) S. 166-182

6Buchbeitrag  Identifying Queenship in Pre-Conquest England
Firth, Matthew. (2023) - In: Norman to early Plantagenet consorts. Power, influence, and dynasty S. 17-46

7Buchbeitrag  Rage and Lust in the Afterlives of King Edgar the Peaceful
Firth, Matthew. (2023) - In: Emotional Alterity in the Medieval North Sea World S. 201-230

8Artikel  Memories of Viking Age Cultural Contact: England in the Íslendingasögur
Firth, Matthew. (2023) - In: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance history Ser. 3, Bd. 17 (2023) S. 1-26

9Buchbeitrag  Emotional Alterity in the Medieval Northern Sea World
Anlezark, DanielFirth, MatthewSebo, Erin Madeleine. (2023) - In: Emotional Alterity in the Medieval North Sea World S. 1-16

10Artikel  On the Dating of the Norse Siege of Chester
Firth, Matthew. (2022) - In: Notes and queries Bd. 69 (2022) S. 1-4

11Artikel  Deconstructing the Female Antagonist of the Coronation Scandal in B's Vita Dunstani
Firth, Matthew. (2022) - In: English studies. A journal of English language and literature Bd. 103 (2022) S. 527-546

12Artikel  Æthelred II ‘the Unready' and the Role of Kingship in Gunnlaugs saga Ormstungu
Firth, Matthew. (2020) - In: The court historian Bd. 25 (2020) S. 1-14

13Artikel  The Character of the Treacherous Woman in the Passiones of Early Medieval English Royal Martyrs
Firth, Matthew. (2020) - In: Royal Studies Journal Bd. 7, 1 (2020) S. 1-21

14Artikel  Kingship and Maritime Power in 10th-Century England
Firth, MatthewSebo, Erin Madeleine. (2020) - In: The international journal of nautical archaeology Bd. 49 (2020) S. 329-340

15Artikel  The Broken Body in Eleventh to Thirteenth-Century Anglo-Scandinavian Literature
Firth, Matthew. (2019) - In: Comitatus Bd. 50 (2019) S. 45-75

16Artikel  The Politics of Hegemony and the ‘Empires' of Anglo-Saxon England
Firth, Matthew. (2018) - In: Cerae Bd. 5 (2018) S. 27-60

17Artikel  Constructing a King: William of Malmesbury and the Life of Aithelstan
Firth, Matthew. (2017) - In: Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association Bd. 13 (2017) S. 67-90

18Artikel  Allegories of Sight: Blinding and Power in Late Anglo-Saxon England
Firth, Matthew. (2016) - In: Cerae Bd. 3 (2016) S. [1-33]

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