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Publikationen »Fisher, Matthew N.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Fisher, Matthew N.

RI opac: 13 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  St. Albans and the Markyate psalter: seeing and reading in twelfth-century England: [symposium "Seeing and reading in twelfth century England" held jointly at the J. Paul Getty Museum and the University of California, Los Angeles in 2014, in conjunction with the exhibition "Canterbury and St. Albans: treasures from church and cloister"]
Collins, Kristen M.Fisher, Matthew N. [Hrsg.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (2017)

2Monographie  Scribal authorship and the writing of history in medieval England
Fisher, Matthew N.. - Columbus, Ohio (2013)

3Monographie  Once called Albion: the composition and transmission of history writing in England, 1280-1350
Fisher, Matthew N.. - [University of Oxford] (2005)

4Artikel  Richard Sotheworth, Chancery Clerks, and a Discourse of Books
Fisher, Matthew N.. (2023) - In: Studies in the age of Chaucer Bd. 45 (2023) S. 313-361

5Artikel  Salve, Viator!
Fisher, Matthew N.. (2019) - In: Viator Bd. 50, 3 (2019) S. 7-10

6Buchbeitrag  Vernacular Historiography
Fisher, Matthew N.. (2019) - In: Medieval historical writing. Britain and Ireland, 500-1500 S. 339-355

7Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Collins, Kristen M.Fisher, Matthew N.. (2017) - In: St. Albans and the Markyate psalter S. ??

8Artikel  Encountering the Dartmouth 'Brut' in the Midst of History
Fisher, Matthew N.. (2014) - In: Digital philology Bd. 3 (2014) S. 323-330

9Buchbeitrag  Archive
Fisher, Matthew N.. (2014) - In: Medievalism. Key critical terms S. 11-18

10Buchbeitrag  Dismembered Borders and Treasonous Bodies in Anglo-Norman Historiography
Fisher, Matthew N.. (2013) - In: Violence and the writing of history in the medieval francophone world S. 83-98

11Buchbeitrag  When Variants Aren't: Authors as Scribes in Some English Manuscripts
Fisher, Matthew N.. (2013) - In: Probable truth. Editing medieval texts from Britain S. 207-222

12Artikel  Authority, Interoperability, and Digital Medieval Scholarship
Fisher, Matthew N.. (2012) - In: Literature Compass Bd. 9 (2012) S. 955-964

13Buchbeitrag  Genealogy rewritten: inheriting the legendary in insular historiography
Fisher, Matthew N.. (2008) - In: Broken lines. Genealogical literature in late-medieval Britain and France S. 123-141

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