Publikationen »Flanigan, C. Clifford«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Flanigan, C. Clifford
RI opac: 17 Einträge
2 | The moving subject: Medieval liturgical processions in semiotic and cultural perspective Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
3 | Liturgy as social performance: expanding the definitions Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
4 | Medieval liturgy and the arts. Visitatio sepulchri as paradigm Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
5 | The Apocalypse and the Medieval Liturgy Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
6 | Medieval Latin music-drama Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
7 | Teaching the medieval Latin "drama": reflections historical and theoretical Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
8 | Comparative literature and the study of medieval drama Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
9 | The Fleury Playbook, the Traditions of Medieval Latin Drama, and Modern Scholarship Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
10 | The Fleury "Playbook" and the traditions of medieval Latin drama Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
11 | Karl Young and the drama of the medieval church: an anniversary appraisal Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
12 | The medieval drama and manuscript study: the exemple of the Beauvais Daniel Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
13 | The liturgical drama and its tradition: a review of scholarship 1965-1975 Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
14 | The liturgical drama and its tradition: a review of scholarship 1965-1975 Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
15 | The liturgical context of the "Quem queritis" trope Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
16 | The Roman rite and the origins of the liturgical drama Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
17 | The Liturgical Context of the Quem Queritis Trope Flanigan, C. Clifford. |
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