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Publikationen »Franklin, Carmela Vircillo«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Franklin, Carmela Vircillo

RI opac: 18 Einträge

1Monographie  Material restoration: a fragment from eleventh century Echternach in a nineteenth century Parisian codex
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. - Turnhout (2009)

2Monographie  The ecclesiae Atinatis historia of Marcantonio Palombo (Codd. Vat. lat. 15184-15186) (Vol. 1-2)
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. - Città del Vaticano (1996)

3Buchbeitrag  The Lost Farnesianus Manuscript: Uncial Capitals for the Bishops of Rome
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2021) - In: Studies Alan Cameron S. 134-167

4Buchbeitrag  L'IRHT et la communauté académique d'Amérique du Nord
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2019) - In: 80 ans de l'Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes S. 139-145

5Artikel  Reading the Popes: The Liber pontificalis and Its Editors
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2017) - In: Speculum Bd. 92 (2017) S. 607-629

6Artikel  The reception of the Latin Life of St Giles in Anglo-Saxon England
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2013) - In: Anglo-Saxon England Bd. 42 (2013) S. 63-145

7Artikel  Ab Urbe in Franciam: local topographies and the papal tour in the 12th century Liber pontificalis of Petrus Gulielmus.
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2013) - In: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia Ser. NS, Bd. 12 (2013) S. 71-90

8Buchbeitrag  The Legendary of Saint Peter s basilica: hagiographie traditions and innovations in the late eleventh century
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2013) - In: Old Saint Peter's, Rome S. 287-305

9Buchbeitrag  Christine A. E. M. Mohrmann (1903-1988) and the Study of Christian Latin
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2005) - In: Women Medievalists and the Academy S. 599-612

10Buchbeitrag  Words as Food: Signifying the Bible in the Early Middle Ages
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2005) - In: Comunicare e significare nell'alto medioevo S. 733-763

11Buchbeitrag  Bilingual philology in Bede's exegesis.
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2003) - In: Medieval Cultures in Contact S. 3-18

12Buchbeitrag  Grammar and exegesis: Bede's Liber de schematibus et tropis
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2002) - In: Latin Grammar and Rhetoric S. 63-91

13Buchbeitrag  Hagiographic translations in the early middle ages (7th-10th centuries)
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2001) - In: Les traducteurs au travail S. 1-18

14Artikel  The date of composition of Bede's "De schematibus et tropis" and "De arte metrica"
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (2000) - In: Revue bénédictine Bd. 110 (2000) S. 199-203

15Buchbeitrag  Theodore and the Passio s. Anastasii
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (1995) - In: Archbishop Theodore. Commemorative Studies on his Life and Influence S. 175-203

16Artikel  The restored Life and Miracles of St. Dominic of Sora by Alberic of Monte Cassino
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (1993) - In: Mediaeval Studies Bd. 55 (1993) S. 285-345

17Artikel  On the authorship of the Inventio et miracula s. Secundini (BHL 7553b and 7553d)
Franklin, Carmela Vircillo. (1988) - In: Analecta Bollandiana Bd. 106 (1988) S. 323-332

18Artikel  Has Bede's version of Passio S. Anastasii come down to us in "BHL" 408?
Franklin, Carmela VircilloMeyvaert, Paul. (1982) - In: Analecta Bollandiana Bd. 100 (1982) S. 373-400

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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