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Publikationen »Gardiner, Mark F.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Gardiner, Mark F.

RI opac: 92 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Buildings in Society: International Studies in the Historic Era 2
Thomas, LizTagesson, GöranCornell, PerGardiner, Mark F.Weikert, Katherine [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2020)

2Sammelwerk  German trade in the North Atlantic c. 1400-1700: interdisciplinary perspectives
Mehler, NataschaGardiner, Mark F.Elvestad, Endre [Hrsg.]. - Stavanger (2019)

3Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2016)

4Sachtitel  Accounts and records of the manor of Mote in Iden: 1442 - 1551, 1673
Gardiner, Mark F.Whittick, Christopher [Hrsg.]. - Lewes, East Sussex (2011)

5Sammelwerk  Medieval landscapes
Gardiner, Mark F.Rippon, Stephen J. [Hrsg.]. - Macclesfield (2007)

6Sammelwerk  The Channel Islands: report and proceedings of the 150th summer meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute in 2004
Gardiner, Mark F.McDowell, J. [Hrsg.]. - London (2005)

7Sammelwerk  Romney Marsh: Environmental change and human occupation in a coastal lowland
Eddison, Jill A.Gardiner, Mark F.Long, Antony J. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1998)

8Monographie  Medieval settlement and society in the Eastern Sussex Weald before 1420
Gardiner, Mark F.. - [University of London] (1995)

9Artikel  Twelfth-Century Timbers From Sixhills, Lincolnshire, and a Review of Medieval Stave Construction in England
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2021) - In: Vernacular architecture Bd. 52 (2021) S. 30-40

10Buchbeitrag  The House in Europe, 800-1450
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2021) - In: A cultural history of the home in medieval age S. 49-70

11Buchbeitrag  Coinless exchange and foreign merchants in medieval Iceland (AD 900-1600)
Mehler, NataschaGardiner, Mark F.. (2021) - In: Merchants, measures and money. Understanding technologies of early trade in a comparative perspective S. 35-54

12Artikel  A Landscape of Medieval Common Peat Fens: The Lower Witham Valley and Wildmoor, Lincolnshire (UK)
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2021) - In: Landscapes Bd. 22 (2021) S. 173-190

13Artikel  The ‘Norman Hall' at Horton Court: A Reinterpretation
Gardiner, Mark F.Hill, Nick. (2019) - In: Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Bd. 137 (2019) S. 161-190

14Buchbeitrag  Introduction: German trade in the North Atlantic
Gardiner, Mark F.Mehler, Natascha. (2019) - In: German trade in the North Atlantic c. 1400-1700 S. 9-25

15Artikel  The English Medieval First-Floor Hall: 2 - The Evidence from the Eleventh to Early Thirteenth Century
Hill, NickGardiner, Mark F.. (2018) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 175 (2018) S. 315-361

16Buchbeitrag  Buildings, rural landscape and space in sixteenth-century Gaelic Ulster
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2018) - In: Becoming and belonging in Ireland AD c. 1200 - 1600. Essays on identity and cultural practice S. 189-211

17Artikel  The English Medieval First-Floor Hall: Part 1 - Scolland's Hall, Richmond, North Yorkshire
Hill, NickGardiner, Mark F.. (2018) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 175 (2018) S. 157-183

18Artikel  Landscape and farming in the north of Ireland in the late Middle Ages and early modern period: the evidence from the uplands
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2018) - In: The journal of Irish archaeology Bd. 27 (2018) S. 117-134

19Buchbeitrag  Oral tradition, landscape and the social life of place-names
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2017) - In: Medieval archaeology. Critical concepts in archaeology Tl. 2 S. 27-39

20Buchbeitrag  Manorial farmsteads and the expression of lordship before and after the Norman Conquest
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2017) - In: The archaeology of the 11th century continuities and transformations S. 88-103

21Artikel  The late medieval port buildings of Ardglass, county Down, in the context of northern european trade
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2017 - 2018) - In: Ulster journal of archaeology Bd. 74 (2017/18) S. 202-212

22Buchbeitrag  Inland Waterways and Coastal Transport: Landing Places, Canals and Bridges
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2017) - In: Material Culture of Daily Living in the Anglo-Saxon World 3 S. 152-166

23Artikel  Seaborne trade and the commercialisation of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Gaelic Ulster
Gardiner, Mark F.McNeill, Thomas E.. (2016) - In: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy C Bd. 116 (2016) S. 229-262

24Buchbeitrag  Written Sources for English Medieval Timber Architecture
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2016) - In: Historic wooden architecture in Europe and Russia. Evidence, study and restoration S. 68-77

25Buchbeitrag  The character of commercial fishing in Icelandic waters in the Fifteenth Century
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2016) - In: Cod and herring. The archaeology and history of medieval sea fishing S. 80-90

26Buchbeitrag  Agrarian technology in the medieval landscape - an introduction
Svensson, EvaGardiner, Mark F.. (2016) - In: Agrarian technology in the medieval landscape S. XIII-XVIII

27Buchbeitrag  Timber Churches in Medieval England: A Preliminary Study
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2016) - In: Historic wooden architecture in Europe and Russia. Evidence, study and restoration S. 28-41

28Buchbeitrag  Conceptions of domestic space in the long term - the example of the English medieval hall
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2015) - In: Medieval Archaeology in Scandinavia and Beyond. History, Trends and Tomorrow S. 313-334

29Buchbeitrag  The Distribution and Adoption of the Byre-House (Longhouse) in Late Medieval Britain
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2014) - In: FS Jan Klápšte (2014) S. 145-163

30Artikel  An archaeological approach to the development of the late medieval peasant house
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2014) - In: Vernacular architecture Bd. 45 (2014) S. 16-28

31Buchbeitrag  Stacks, Barns and Granaries in Early and High Medieval England: Crop Storage and its Implications
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2013) - In: Horrea, barns and silos. Storage and incomes in Early Medieval Europe S. 23-38

32Buchbeitrag  On the verge of colonialism: English and Hanseatic trading sites in the North Atlantic islands
Mehler, NataschaGardiner, Mark F.. (2013) - In: Exploring Atlantic Transitions. Archaeologies of Permanence and Transience in New Found Lands S. 1-14

33Buchbeitrag  The Sophistication of Late Anglo-Saxon Timber Buildings
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2013) - In: Trees and timber in the Anglo-Saxon world S. 45-77

34Artikel  La tradición constructiva de la alta Edad Media en Gran Bretaña
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2012) - In: Arqueología de la arquitectura Bd. 9 (2012) S. 231-246

35Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Medieval Rural Settlement Research. Emergence, Examination and Engagement
Gardiner, Mark F.Christie, Neil J.Stamper, Paul A.. (2012) - In: Medieval rural settlement. Britain and Ireland, Ad 800 - 1600 S. 2-10

36Artikel  Medieval settlement on the Garron Plateau of Northern Ireland
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2012) - In: Medieval Settlement Research Group Annual Report Bd. 27 (2012) S. 20-28

37Buchbeitrag  South-East England: Forms and Diversity in Medieval Rural Settlement
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2012) - In: Medieval rural settlement. Britain and Ireland, Ad 800 - 1600 S. 100-117

38Buchbeitrag  Time Regained: Booley Huts and Seasonal Settlement in the Mourne Mountains, County Down, Ireland
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2012) - In: Papers Harold S. A. Fox S. 106-124

39Buchbeitrag  Bateliers, pêcheurs et habitants des ports: les conflits sur les droits des rivières dans l'Angleterre médiévale
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2012) - In: Eaux et conflits dans l'Europe médiévale et moderne S. 59-70

40Buchbeitrag  Boundaries of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms: the example of the South Saxons
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2011) - In: Papers Martin G. Welch S. 139-146

41Buchbeitrag  Late Saxon Settlements
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2011) - In: The Oxford handbook of Anglo-Saxon archaeology S. 198-220

42Artikel  The Quantification of Assarted Land in Mid- and Late Twelfth-Century England
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2009) - In: The Haskins Society journal Bd. 21 (2009) S. 165-186

43Buchbeitrag  Introduction: marginality in the preindustrial European countryside
Svensson, EvaGardiner, Mark F.. (2009) - In: Ruralia 7 S. 21-25

44Artikel  Dales, long lands, and the medieval division of land in eastern England
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2009) - In: The agricultural history review Bd. 57 (2009) S. 1-14

45Buchbeitrag  Looking to the Future of Medieval Archaeology
Gardiner, Mark F.Rippon, Stephen J.. (2009) - In: Reflections. 50 years of medieval archaeology, 1957-2007 S. 65-78

46Buchbeitrag  Buttery and pantry and their antecedents: idea and architecture in the English medieval house
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2008) - In: Medieval domesticity. Home, housing and household in Medieval England S. 37-65

47Buchbeitrag  The Origins and Persistence of Manor Houses in England
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2007) - In: Medieval Landscapes Tl. 2 S. 170-184

48Buchbeitrag  Graffiti and their Use in Late Medieval England
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2007) - In: Ruralia 6 S. 265-276

49Buchbeitrag  The Transformation of Marshlands in Anglo-Norman England
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2007) - In: Anglo-Norman studies 29 S. 35-50

50Buchbeitrag  Conclusions: The Future of Medieval Landscapes Studies
Rippon, Stephen J.Gardiner, Mark F.. (2007) - In: Medieval Landscapes Tl. 2 S. 231-236

51Buchbeitrag  Hythes, Small Ports, and Other Landing Places in Later Medieval England
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2007) - In: Waterways and canal-building in medieval England S. 85-109

52Buchbeitrag  Introduction: The Medieval Landscapes of Britain
Gardiner, Mark F.Rippon, Stephen J.. (2007) - In: Medieval Landscapes Tl. 2 S. 1-?

53Artikel  English and Hanseatic trading and fishing sites in medieval Iceland: Report on initial fieldwork
Gardiner, Mark F.Mehler, Natascha. (2007) - In: Germania Bd. 85 (2007) S. 385-427

54Artikel  Implements and Utensils in Gerefa and the Organization of Seigneurial Farsmsteads in the High Middle Ages
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2006) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 50 (2006) S. 260-267

55Artikel  Review of medieval settlement research, 1996-2006
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2006) - In: Medieval Settlement Research Group Annual Report Bd. 21 (2006) S. 22-28

56Artikel  Timber fittings and fixtures in churches and secular buildings: mid 14th-century timber stairs at Brabourne, Kent
Gardiner, Mark F.Brown, DavidMurray, Emily. (2006) - In: Church archaeology Bd. 7/9 (2006) S. 45-50

57Artikel  Rethinking the early medieval settlement of woodlands: Evidence from the western Sussex Weald
Chatwin, DianaGardiner, Mark F.. (2005) - In: Landscape history Bd. 27 (2005) S. 31-49

58Buchbeitrag  Archaeological evidence for the exploitation, reclamation and flooding of salt marshes
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2005) - In: Ruralia 5 S. 73-83

59Buchbeitrag  Timber Buildings without Earth-fast Footings in Viking-age Britain
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2004) - In: Land, sea and home. Proceedings S. 345-358

60Buchbeitrag  Economy and landscape change in post-Roman and early medieval Sussex, 450-1175
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2003) - In: The archaeology of Sussex to AD 2000 S. 151-160

61Buchbeitrag  The late medieval "antediluvian" landscape of Walland Marsh
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2002) - In: Romney Marsh. Coastal and landscape change through the ages S. 101-120

62Artikel  [Rezension zu:] Harold Fox, The Evolution of the Fishing Village: Landscape and Society Along the South Devon Coast, 1086-1550
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2002) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 46 (2002) S. 298

63Artikel  Medieval fishing and settlement on the Sussex coast
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2001) - In: Medieval Settlement Research Group Annual Report Bd. 16 (2001) S. 6-7

64Artikel  Continental Trade and Non-Urban Ports in Mid-Saxon England. Excavations at Sandtun, West Hythe, Kent
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2001) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 158 (2001) S. 161-290

65Artikel  Vernacular buildings and the development of the later medieval domestic plan in England
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2000) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 44 (2000) S. 159-179

66Buchbeitrag  Shipping and Trade between England and the Continent during the Eleventh Century
Gardiner, Mark F.. (2000) - In: Anglo-Norman Studies 22 S. 71-93

67Artikel  Exploitation of whales in Anglo-Saxon England: Some evidence from Denge Marsh, Lydd, Kent
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1999) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 42 (1999) S. 96-101

68Artikel  Anglo-Saxon whaling: some evidence from Dengemarsh, Lydd, Kent
Gardiner, Mark F.Stewart, JohnPriestley-Bell, Greg. (1998) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 42 (1998) S. 96-101

69Buchbeitrag  Medieval settlement and society in the Broomhill area and excavations at Broomhill Church
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1998) - In: Romney Marsh. Evolution, occupation, reclamation S. 112-127

70Buchbeitrag  Settlement change on Walland and Denge Marshes, 1400-1550
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1998) - In: Romney Marsh. Environmental change and human occupation in a coastal lowland S. 129-145

71Artikel  The characterization of medieval Wealden settlements: excavations at Ivenden, Combe Farm, Mayfield, East Sussex
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1998) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 136 (1998) S. 95-110

72Artikel  The exploitation of sea-mammals in medieval England: bones and their social context
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1997) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 154 (1997) S. 173-195

73Artikel  Archaeological excavations in Steyning, 1992-95: further evidence for the evolution of a late Saxon town
Gardiner, Mark F.Greatorex, Christopher. (1997) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 135 (1997) S. 143-171

74Artikel  A seasonal fisherman's settlement at Dungeness, Kent
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1996) - In: Medieval Settlement Research Group Annual Report Bd. 11 (1996) S. 18-20

75Artikel  The geography and peasant rural economy of the eastern Sussex High Weald, 1300-1420
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1996) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 134 (1996) S. 125-140

76Artikel  Excavations at Lewes Friary 1985-6 and 1988-9
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1996) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 134 (1996) S. 71-124

77Buchbeitrag  Medieval Farming and Flooding in die Brede Valley
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1995) - In: Romney Marsh. The debatable ground S. 127-137

78Artikel  Aspects of the history and archaeology of medieval Seaford
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1995) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 133 (1995) S. 189-212

79Artikel  Old Romney: an examination of the evidence for a lost Saxo-Norman port
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1994) - In: Archaeologia Cantiana Bd. 114 (1994) S. 329-345

80Artikel  The excavation of a late Anglo-Saxon settlement at Market Field, Steyning, 1988-1989
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1993) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 131 (1993) S. 21-67

81Artikel  Excavations at Church Street, Waltham Abbey 1976-87: urban development and prehistoric evidence
Clarke, C. P.Gardiner, Mark F.Huggins, Peter Joseph. (1993) - In: Essex archaeology and history. Transactions Ser. 3, Bd. 24 (1993) S. 69-113

82Artikel  The Excavation of a Medieval Aisled Hall at Park Farm, Salehurst, East Sussex
Gardiner, Mark F.Jones, GwenMartin, David. (1991) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 129 (1991) S. 81-97

83Artikel  An Anglo-Saxon and medieval settlement at Botolphs, Bramber, West Sussex
Gardiner, Mark F.u.a.. (1990) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 147 (1990) S. 216-275

84Artikel  The Archaeology of the Weald - a Survey and a Review
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1990) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 128 (1990) S. 33-54

85Artikel  Some Lost Anglo-Saxon Charters and the Endowment of Hastings College
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1989) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 127 (1989) S. 39-48

86Artikel  Ford Deserted Village
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1989) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 127 (1989) S. 249-251

87Artikel  Broomhill Church project, Camber, East Sussex
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1989) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 146 (1989) S. 576-577

88Artikel  A Medieval Anthropomorphic Jug from Crawley
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1989) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 127 (1989) S. 247-249

89Artikel  Excavations at Testers, White Horse Square, Steyning, 1985
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1988) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 126 (1988) S. 53-76

90Artikel  Ellingsdean, A Viking Battlefield Identified
Gardiner, Mark F.Coates, Richard. (1987) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 125 (1987) S. 251-252

91Artikel  Planned medieval land division in Withyham, East Sussex
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1985) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 123 (1985) S. 109-114

92Artikel  Saxon settlement and land division in the western Weald
Gardiner, Mark F.. (1984) - In: Sussex archaeological collections Bd. 122 (1984) S. 75-83

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