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Publikationen »Gastle, Brian W.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Gastle, Brian W.

RI opac: 19 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Later Middle English literature, materiality, and culture: essays in honor of James M. Dean
Gastle, Brian W.Kelemen, Erick [Hrsg.]. - Newark, Del. (2018)

2Sammelwerk  The Routledge research companion to John Gower
Sáez-Hidalgo, AnaGastle, Brian W.Yeager, Robert F. [Hrsg.]. - London (2017)

3Sammelwerk  Approaches to teaching the poetry of John Gower
Yeager, Robert F.Gastle, Brian W. [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2011)

4Monographie  "Femme sole" and mercantile writing in late medieval England
Gastle, Brian W.. - [University of Delaware] (1998)

5Buchbeitrag  The Constraints of Justice and Gower's "Lawyerly Habit of Mind"
Gastle, Brian W.. (2020) - In: FS Robert F. Yeager S. 203-216

6Buchbeitrag  A Caxton Confessio: readers and users from Westminster to Chapel Hill
Gastle, Brian W.. (2020) - In: John Gower in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books S. 201-217

7Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Gastle, Brian W.Kelemen, Erick. (2018) - In: Essays James M. Dean S. XIff.

8Buchbeitrag  The Need for Economy: Poetic Identity and Trade in Gower's Confessio Amantis
Gastle, Brian W.. (2018) - In: Money, Commerce, and Economics in Late Medieval English Literature S. 127-142

9Buchbeitrag  Gower and Chaucer
Gastle, Brian W.. (2017) - In: The Routledge research companion to John Gower S. 296-311

10Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Gower scholarship then and now
Sáez-Hidalgo, AnaGastle, Brian W.Yeager, Robert F.. (2017) - In: The Routledge research companion to John Gower S. 1-5

11Buchbeitrag  "The Lucre of Marchandie": Poet, Patron, and Payment in Gower's Confessio Amantis
Gastle, Brian W.. (2017) - In: John Gower. Others and the self S. 283-294

12Buchbeitrag  Using Beowulf to Teach Argumentation
Gastle, Brian W.. (2014) - In: Teaching "Beowulf" in the Twenty-First Century S. 121-128

13Buchbeitrag  Electronic Resources
Gastle, Brian W.. (2011) - In: Approaches to teaching the poetry of John Gower S. 26-30

14Buchbeitrag  Introduction: Gower in Context
Yeager, Robert F.Gastle, Brian W.. (2011) - In: Approaches to teaching the poetry of John Gower S. 1-5

15Buchbeitrag  Gower's Business: Artistic Production of Cultural Capital and the Tale of Florent
Gastle, Brian W.. (2010) - In: John Gower, trilingual poet. Language, translation, and tradition S. 182-195

16Buchbeitrag  Historical Context for Middle English Literature
Gastle, Brian W.. (2009) - In: The medieval British literature handbook S. 23-48

17Buchbeitrag  "As if she were single": working wives and the late medieval English "femme sole"
Gastle, Brian W.. (2004) - In: The Middle Ages at work. Practicing labor in late medieval England S. 41-64

18Buchbeitrag  The Beast Fable
Gastle, Brian W.. (2002) - In: A Companion to Old and Middle English literature S. 69-85

19Artikel  Chaucer's "shaply" guildsmen and mercantile pretensions
Gastle, Brian W.. (1998) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 99 (1998) S. 211-216

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