Publikationen »Gelfand, Laura D.«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Gelfand, Laura D.
RI opac: 25 Einträge
1 | Our dogs, our selves: dogs in Medieval and early modern art, literature, and society. Gelfand, Laura D. [Hrsg.]. |
2 | Push me, pull you. 2: Physical and spatial interaction in late medieval and renaissance art Blick, Sarah • Gelfand, Laura D. [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Push me, pull you. 1: Imaginative und emotional interaction in late medieval and Renaissance art Blick, Sarah • Gelfand, Laura D. [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Introduction: Our Dogs, Our Selves Gelfand, Laura D.. |
7 | Sinn und Simulacra. Die Manipulation der Sinne in mittelalterlichen 'Kopien' Jerusalems Gelfand, Laura D.. |
8 | Sense and simulacra: Manipulation of the senses in medieval 'copies' of Jerusalem Gelfand, Laura D.. |
9 | Illusionism and Interactivity: Medieval Installation Art, Architecture and Devotional Response Gelfand, Laura D.. |
10 | Chartreuse de Champmol Gelfand, Laura D.. |
11 | Jerusalem Chapel, Bruges Gelfand, Laura D.. |
12 | Holy Sepulchre, Architectural Copies of Gelfand, Laura D.. |
14 | Virtues and/or Sibyls: Ambiguity and the Identity of the Sculpted Female Figures on the Tomb of Philibert le Beau in Brou Gelfand, Laura D.. |
15 | A tale of two dukes: Philip the Bold, Giangaleazzo Visconti, and their Carthusian foundations Gelfand, Laura D.. |
17 | The Devotional Portrait Diptych and the Manuscript Tradition Gelfand, Laura D.. |
18 | "'Y Me Tarde'": the Valois, pilgrimage, and the Chartreuse de Champmol Gelfand, Laura D.. |
19 | Regency, power, and dynastic visual memory: Margaret of Austria as patron and propagandist Gelfand, Laura D.. |
20 | Surrogate selves: the 'Rolin Madonna' and the late-medieval devotional portrait. Gelfand, Laura D. • Gibson, Walter S.. |
21 | Negotiating harmonious divisions of power: a new reading of the tympanum of the Sainte-Anne portal of the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris Gelfand, Laura D.. |
22 | Surrogate selves: The Rolin Madonna and the late-medieval devotional portrait Gelfand, Laura D.. |
24 | Reading the architecture in Jan van Eyck's "Rolin Madonna Gelfand, Laura D.. |
25 | Girolamo Savoldo in the Cleveland Museum of Art: a question of mistaken identities Gelfand, Laura D.. |
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