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Publikationen »Gentilcore, David«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Gentilcore, David

RI opac: 15 Einträge

1Monographie  Food and health in early modern Europe: diet, medicine and society, 1450 - 1800
Gentilcore, David. - London (2016)

2Artikel  From ‘Vilest Beverage' to ‘Universal Medicine': Drinking Water in Printed Regimens and Health Guides, 1450-1750
Gentilcore, David. (2020) - In: Social history of medicine Bd. 33 (2020) S. 683-703

3Buchbeitrag  Fit Only for Rustics: Peasant Diet and Peasant Health in European Medical Dietary Literature, 1500-1800
Gentilcore, David. (2019) - In: Médecine et santé dans les campagnes S. 315-328

4Artikel  "Cool and tasty waters": managing Naples's water supply, c. 1500-c. 1750
Gentilcore, David. (2019) - In: Water History Bd. 11 (2019) S. 125-151

5Buchbeitrag  Caught Between Unorthodox Medicine and Unorthodox Religion: Revisiting the Case of Costantino Saccardini, Charlatan-Heretic
Gentilcore, David. (2017) - In: Contesting Orthodoxy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe S. 57-68

6Buchbeitrag  II pane nell'Europa moderna tra dietetica e alimentazione (sec. XVI-XVIII)
Gentilcore, David. (2015) - In: La civiltà del pane. Storia, tecniche e simboli dal Mediterraneo all'Atlantico S. 1131-1150

7Buchbeitrag  "Con trattenimenti e buffoniane". Ciarlatani, protomedici e le origini di un gruppo professionale
Gentilcore, David. (2013) - In: Interpretare e curare. Medicina e salute nel Rinascimento S. 189-209

8Buchbeitrag  Tempi si calamitosi: Epidemic Disease and Public Health
Gentilcore, David. (2013) - In: A companion to early modern Naples S. 281-308

9Buchbeitrag  Body and Soul, or Living Physically in the Kitchen
Gentilcore, David. (2012) - In: A Cultural History of Food in the early modern age S. 143-164

10Buchbeitrag  Malattie, guaritori, istituzioni
Gentilcore, David. (2009) - In: Dal Medioevo all'età della globalizzazione. Ambiente, popolazione, società S. 499-538

11Artikel  Was there a "popular medicine" in early modern Europe?
Gentilcore, David. (2004) - In: Folklore Bd. 115 (2004) S. 151-166

12Buchbeitrag  The subcultures of the Renaissance world
Gentilcore, David. (2002) - In: A companion to the worlds of the Renaissance S. 299-315

13Buchbeitrag  The Fear of Disease and the Disease of Fear
Gentilcore, David. (1997) - In: Fear in Early Modern Society S. 184-208

14Buchbeitrag  Città e campagna nel Regno di Napoli dal punto di vista di uno storico della sanità
Gentilcore, David. (1997) - In: Town and country. Historiographical traditions and research prospects S. 51-57

15Artikel  Il Regio Protomedicato nella Napoli Spagnola
Gentilcore, David. (1996) - In: Dynamis Bd. 16 (1996) S. 219-236

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