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Publikationen »Gerrard, Christopher M.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Gerrard, Christopher M.

RI opac: 46 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Waiting for the end of the world: new perspectives on natural disasters in medieval Europe
Gerrard, Christopher M.Forlin, PaoloBrown, Peter James [Hrsg.]. - Abingdon (2020)

2Sammelwerk  Faxton: Excavations in a deserted Northamptonshire village 1966-68
Butler, LawrenceGerrard, Christopher M. [Hrsg.]. - London (2020)

3Monographie  Waiting for the End of the World?: New Perspectives on Natural Disasters in Medieval Europe
Gerrard, Christopher M.. - Milton (2020)

4Sammelwerk  The Oxford handbook of later medieval archaeology in Britain
Gerrard, Christopher M.Gutiérrez, Alejandra [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2018)

5Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2016)

6Monographie  Interpreting the English Village: Landscape and Community at Shapwick, Somerset
Aston, Michael A.Gerrard, Christopher M.. - Oxford (2013)

7Monographie  The Shapwick project, Somerset: a rural landscape explored
Gerrard, Christopher M.Aston, Michael A.. - Leeds (2007)

8Monographie  Paisaje y señorío - la casa conventual de Ambel (Zaragoza): arqueología, arquitectura e historia de las Ordenes Militares del Temple y del Hospital
Gerrard, Christopher M.. - Zaragoza (2003)

9Monographie  Medieval archaeology: understanding traditions and contemporary approaches
Gerrard, Christopher M.. - London [u.a.] (2003)

10Monographie  Medieval archaeology: understanding traditions and contemporary approaches
Gerrard, Christopher M.. - New York, NY (2002)

11Sammelwerk  Spanish Medieval Ceramics in Spain and the British Isles
Gerrard, Christopher M.Gutiérrez, AlejandraVince, Alan G. [Hrsg.]. - s.l. (2000)

12Sammelwerk  Spanish Medieval Ceramics in Spain and in the British Isles
Gerrard, Christopher M.Gutiérrez, AlejandraVince, Alan G. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (1992)

13Monographie  Trade and settlement in medieval Somerset: an application of some geographical and economic models to historical data
Gerrard, Christopher M.. - [University of Bristol] (1987)

14Buchbeitrag  Transformación y catástrofe en Europa: reacciones a las amenazas medioambientales en la Edad Media
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2024) - In: Transformaciones del medioambiente en la Edad Media S. 11-44

15Buchbeitrag  The pot, the knife and the ring; an archaeology of later medieval material culture
Gerrard, Christopher M.O'Donnell, Ronan. (2022) - In: The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Rural Life S. 337-350

16Buchbeitrag  Arqueología y paisajes de los palacios reales ingleses: nuevos resultados y perspectivas
Gerrard, Christopher M.Gutiérrez, Alejandra. (2022) - In: Arqueología y arte en la representación material del Estado en la Corona de Aragón (siglos XIII-XV) S. 19-58

17Buchbeitrag  The pot, the knife and the ring; an archaeology of later medieval material culture
Gerrard, Christopher M.O'Donnell, Ronan. (2022) - In: The Routledge handbook of medieval rural life S. 337-350

18Buchbeitrag  Researching Natural Disasters in the Later Middle Ages
Gerrard, Christopher M.Forlin, PaoloBrown, Peter James. (2020) - In: Waiting for the end of the world. New perspectives on natural disasters in medieval Europe S. [1-16]

19Buchbeitrag  Catalogue of Medieval Disasters
Forlin, PaoloGerrard, Christopher M.Brown, Peter James. (2020) - In: Waiting for the end of the world. New perspectives on natural disasters in medieval Europe S. [1-54]

20Buchbeitrag  Medieval Tsunamis in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. Towards an archaeological perspective
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2020) - In: Waiting for the end of the world. New perspectives on natural disasters in medieval Europe S. [1-24]

21Buchbeitrag  Medieval Archaeology and Natural Disasters. Looking towards the future
Forlin, PaoloGerrard, Christopher M.Brown, Peter James. (2020) - In: Waiting for the end of the world. New perspectives on natural disasters in medieval Europe S. [1-16]

22Buchbeitrag  Embracing new perspectives
Graves, C. PamelaGerrard, Christopher M.. (2018) - In: The Oxford handbook of later medieval archaeology in Britain S. 38-51

23Buchbeitrag  A last word: the study of later medieval archaeology
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2018) - In: The Oxford handbook of later medieval archaeology in Britain S. 982-996

24Buchbeitrag  Overview: people and projects
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2018) - In: The Oxford handbook of later medieval archaeology in Britain S. 3-19

25Buchbeitrag  Looking south: Spain and Portugal in the Middle Ages
Gerrard, Christopher M.Avelino Gutiérrez González, José. (2018) - In: The Oxford handbook of later medieval archaeology in Britain S. 964-981

26Buchbeitrag  A risk society? Environmental hazards, risk and resilience in the later Middle Ages in Europe
Gerrard, Christopher M.Petley, David N.. (2017) - In: Medieval archaeology. Critical concepts in archaeology Tl. 2 S. 376-410

27Artikel  A Collaborative Engineering and Archaeology Project to Investigate Decay in Historic Rammed Earth Structures: The Case of the Medieval Preceptory in Ambel
Miccoli, LorenzoGerrard, Christopher M.Perrone, ChiaraGardei, AndréZiegert, Christof. (2017) - In: International journal of architectural heritage Bd. 11 (2017) S. 636-655

28Buchbeitrag  Diet, society and economy in late medieval Spain: stable isotope evidence from Muslims and Christians from Gandía, Valencia
Alexander, Michelle M.Gerrard, Christopher M.Gutiérrez, AlejandraMillard, Andrew R.. (2017) - In: Medieval archaeology. Critical concepts in archaeology S. 382-404

29Artikel  Constructing Identity in the Middle Ages: Relics, Religiosity, and the Military Orders
Borowski, TomaszGerrard, Christopher M.. (2017) - In: Speculum Bd. 92 (2017) S. 1056-1100

30Artikel  The Ecology of Crusading: Investigating the Environmental Impact of Holy War and Colonisation at the Frontiers of Medieval Europe
Pluskowski, AleksanderBoas, Adrian J.Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2011) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 55 (2011) S. 192-225

31Buchbeitrag  Geophysical and geoarchaeological survey at the Bishop's Palace, Wells
Turner, AlexGerrard, Christopher M.Wilkinson, Keith N.. (2010) - In: Jocelin of Wells. Bishop, builder, courtier S. 125-136

32Buchbeitrag  Edificios en un paisaje medieval: el papel y recursos de las órdenes militares en Ambel (Zaragoza)
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2010) - In: I Jornadas de arqueología medieval en Aragón S. 53-78

33Buchbeitrag  The Society for Medieval Archaeology: The Early Years (1956-62)
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2009) - In: Reflections. 50 years of medieval archaeology, 1957-2007 S. 23-46

34Buchbeitrag  Tribes and Territories, People and Places: 50 Years of Medieval Archaeology in Britain
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2009) - In: Reflections. 50 years of medieval archaeology, 1957-2007 S. 79-112

35Buchbeitrag  Artefacts, Sites, and Landscapes: Archaeology and Medieval Studies
Gerrard, Christopher M.Rippon, Stephen J.. (2008) - In: A century of British medieval studies S. 525-556

36Buchbeitrag  Building biographies: graffiti, architecture and people at the Hospitaller preceptory at Ambel (Zaragoza), Spain
Gerrard, Christopher M.Dauber, Robert L.. (2008) - In: The military orders 4. On land and by sea S. 235-250

37Buchbeitrag  Artefacts, sites and landscapes: archaeology and medieval studies
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2007) - In: A century of British medieval studies S. 525-555

38Artikel  John Williams and Nigel Brown, An Archaeological Research Framework for the Greater Thames Estuary; Nigel Brown and Jenny Glazebrook, Research and Archaeology: A Framework for the Eastern Counties 2. Research Agenda and Strategy; David Baker, An Assessment of Scotland's Sites and Monuments Records
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (2002) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 46 (2002) S. 309

39Artikel  "Unique, traditional and charming". The Shapwick project, Somerset
Aston, Michael A.Gerrard, Christopher M.. (1999) - In: The antiquaries journal Bd. 79 (1999) S. 1-58

40Artikel  Opposing identity: Muslims, Christians and the military orders in rural Aragon
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (1999) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 43 (1999) S. 143-160

41Artikel  Misplaced Faith? Medieval Pottery and Fieldwalking
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (1997) - In: Medieval ceramics Bd. 21 (1997) S. 61-72

42Artikel  A bronze socketed mount and blade from Shapwick House, Somerset
Gerrard, Christopher M.Youngs, Susan M.. (1997) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 41 (1997) S. 210-214

43Artikel  Excavación en el patio suroeste del castillo de Grisel (Zaragoza)
Gutiérrez, AlejandraGerrard, Christopher M.. (1992) - In: Turiaso Bd. 10 (1992) S. 81-125

44Buchbeitrag  Lustreware and tin-glazed pottery from Spain: an overview of its origin and development
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (1992) - In: Technology and innovation. Pre-printed papers S. 145-150

45Buchbeitrag  A regional approach to faunal data from Somerset
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (1987) - In: Studies in Palaeoeconomy and Environment in South West England S. 81-87

46Artikel  Ham Hill stone: a medieval distribution pattern from Somerset
Gerrard, Christopher M.. (1985) - In: Oxford journal of archaeology Bd. 4 (1985) S. 105-115

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