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Publikationen »Gillis, Matthew Bryan«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Gillis, Matthew Bryan

RI opac: 12 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Carolingian experiments
Gillis, Matthew Bryan [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2022)

2Monographie  Heresy and dissent in the Carolingian empire. The case of Gottschalk of Orbais
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. - New York, NY (2017)

3Sammelwerk  Ego trouble: authors and their identities in the early Middle Ages
Corradini, RichardGillis, Matthew BryanMcKitterick, RosamondReenswoude, Irene van [Hrsg.]. - Wien (2010)

4Monographie  Gottschalk of Orbais: A study of power and spirituality in a ninth-century life
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. - [University of Virginia] (2009)

5Buchbeitrag  Pleasures of Horror: Florus of Lyons's Querela de divisione imperii
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. (2022) - In: Carolingian experiments S. 269-289

6Artikel  The worm and the corpse: Carolingian visions of Gehenna's undead cemetery
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. (2022) - In: Journal of Medieval History Bd. 48 (2022) S. 166-182

7Buchbeitrag  Introducing Carolingian Experiments
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. (2022) - In: Carolingian experiments S. 9-25

8Buchbeitrag  Headless and on the Road: Vagabond Monks in the Carolingian Era
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. (2021) - In: Nach Rom gehen. Monastische Reisekultur von der Spätantike bis in die Neuzeit S. 121-134

9Artikel  The Formation of Christian Europe: The Carolingians, Baptism, and the Imperium Christianum
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. (2017) - In: The Catholic Historical Review Bd. 103 (2017) S. 110-168

10Buchbeitrag  Heresy in the flesh: Gottschalk of Orbais and the predestination controversy in the archdiocese of Rheims
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. (2015) - In: Hincmar of Rheims. Life and work S. 247-267

11Artikel  Confessions and the creation of the will: A weird tale
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. (2014) - In: Postmedieval Bd. 5 (2014) S. 72-91

12Buchbeitrag  Noble and Saxon: the meaning of Gottschalk of Orbais' ethnicity at the Synod of Mainz, 829
Gillis, Matthew Bryan. (2010) - In: Ego trouble. Authors and their identities in the early Middle Ages S. 197-210

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