Publikationen »Given-Wilson, Chris«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Given-Wilson, Chris
RI opac: 58 Einträge
1 | Continuatio Eulogii: the continuation of the "Eulogium Historiarum", 1364-1413 Given-Wilson, Chris [Hrsg.]. |
2 | Edward II: the terrors of kingship Given-Wilson, Chris. |
3 | Henry IV Given-Wilson, Chris. |
4 | War, government and aristocracy in the British Isles, c.1150 - 1500 Given-Wilson, Chris [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Chronicles: the writing of history in medieval England Given-Wilson, Chris. |
7 | The parliament rolls of medieval England, 1275-1504 Given-Wilson, Chris [Hrsg.]. |
8 | Chronicles: the writing of history in medieval England Given-Wilson, Chris. |
9 | Les prisonniers de la bataille de Poitiers Bériac-Lainé, Françoise • Given-Wilson, Chris. |
10 | The chronicle of Adam Usk: 1377-1421 Adamus <de Usk>. Given-Wilson, Chris [Hrsg.]. |
11 | An Illustrated History of Late Medieval England Given-Wilson, Chris [Hrsg.]. |
12 | Chronicles of the revolution, 1397-1400. The reign of Richard II. Given-Wilson, Chris [Hrsg.]. |
13 | The English nobility in the late Middle Ages: the 14th-century political community Given-Wilson, Chris. |
14 | The Royal Household and the King's Affinity: Service, Politics and Finance in England, 1360-1413 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
15 | The royal bastards of medieval England Given-Wilson, Chris • Curteis, Alice. |
16 | Medieval Monasteries of Great Britain Butler, Lionel Harry • Given-Wilson, Chris. |
17 | The court and household of Edward III, 1360-1377 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
18 | The King's Confessors and the Royal Conscience in Late Medieval England Given-Wilson, Chris. |
19 | English Translation of John Strecche 's Chronicle for the Reign of Henry IV Given-Wilson, Chris. |
20 | The bishop of Winchester, the abbey of Titchfield and the ‘Pretended Chapel' of Hook, 1375-1405 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
21 | Rank and Social Orders Given-Wilson, Chris. |
22 | Adam Usk Given-Wilson, Chris. |
23 | Les Allemands à la bataille de Poitiers (1356) Given-Wilson, Chris • Lainé, Françoise. |
24 | Chivalric Biography and Medieval Life-Writing Given-Wilson, Chris. |
25 | The Earl of Arundel, the war with France, and the anger of King Richard III Given-Wilson, Chris. |
26 | Rank and Status among the English Nobility, c. 1300-1500 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
27 | The Ransom of Olivier du Guesclin (1981) Given-Wilson, Chris. |
28 | The Coronation of Richard II, 16 July 1377 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
31 | Official and Semi-Official History in the Later Middle Ages: The English Evidence in Context Given-Wilson, Chris. |
32 | Usk, Adam (c.1350-1430) Given-Wilson, Chris. |
34 | The Rolls of Parliament, 1399-1421 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
35 | Chronicles of the Mortimer Family, c.1250-1450, Given-Wilson, Chris. |
36 | Introduction Given-Wilson, Chris. |
37 | Edward III's Prisoners of War. The Battle of Poitiers and its Context Given-Wilson, Chris • Bériac-Lainé, Françoise. |
38 | Service, serfdom and English labour legislation, 1350-1500 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
39 | The Problem of Labour in the Context of English Government, c. 1350-1450 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
40 | Richard II and the Higher Nobility Given-Wilson, Chris. |
41 | Vita Edwardi Secundi: memoir or journal? Given-Wilson, Chris. |
42 | Late medieval England, 1215-1485 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
43 | Introduction: the late Middle Ages in England Given-Wilson, Chris. |
44 | England and its neighbours Given-Wilson, Chris. |
45 | The dating and structure of the chronicle of Adam Usk Given-Wilson, Chris. |
46 | Richard II, Edward II and the Lancastrian Inheritance Given-Wilson, Chris. |
47 | Adam Usk, the Monk of Evesham and the Parliament of 1397-8 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
48 | Wealth and Credit, Public and Private. The Earls of Arundel, 1306-1397 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
49 | Royal charter witness lists 1327-1399 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
50 | The Bishop of Chichester and the Second Statute of Praemunire, 1365 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
51 | The King and the Gentry in Fourteenth-Century England Given-Wilson, Chris. |
52 | Art. Cornwall. I. Geschichte. 2. Nach 1066 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
53 | War, politics and Parliament Given-Wilson, Chris. |
54 | Art. Buckingham, Earls und Herzöge (Dukes) von Given-Wilson, Chris. |
55 | Purveyance for the Royal Household, 1362-1413 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
56 | The Ransom of Olivier du Guesclin Given-Wilson, Chris. |
57 | The Merger of Edward III's and Queen Philippa's Households, 1360-69 Given-Wilson, Chris. |
58 | Richard II and his grandfather's will Given-Wilson, Chris. |
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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg
Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz
Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a
Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas
Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko
Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*
Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m
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