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Publikationen »Grant, Lindy«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Grant, Lindy

RI opac: 40 Einträge

1Monographie  Blanche of Castile. Queen of France
Grant, Lindy. - London (2016)

2Monographie  Architecture and Society in Normandy
Grant, Lindy. - London (2005)

3Sammelwerk  Westminster Abbey: the Cosmati pavements
Grant, LindyMortimer, Richard [Hrsg.]. - Aldershot [u.a.] (2002)

4Monographie  Abbot Suger of St-Denis. Church and state in early twelfth-century France
Grant, Lindy. - London [u.a.] (1998)

5Sammelwerk  Medieval art, architecture and archaeology in London
Grant, Lindy [Hrsg.]. - Leeds (1990)

6Monographie  Gothic architecture in Normandy, C.1150-1250
Grant, Lindy. - [University of London] (1987)

7Buchbeitrag  Abbot Suger's Paris
Grant, Lindy. (2023) - In: Paris - the powers that shaped the medieval city S. 9-26

8Buchbeitrag  The Montforts and the Capetian Court. Amaury V and His Family
Grant, Lindy. (2020) - In: Simon de Montfort (c. 1170-1218) le croisé, son lignage et son temps S. 179-193

9Buchbeitrag  Time and the Princess: Salvation History in the Psalter of Blanche of Castile
Grant, Lindy. (2020) - In: Visualisieren - Ordnen - Aktualisieren. Geschichtskonzepte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit im Bild S. 15-28

10Buchbeitrag  Dover Castle and King Henry II as a patron of architecture
Grant, Lindy. (2020) - In: The Great Tower of Dover Castle. History, Architecture and Context S. 47-58

11Buchbeitrag  Etienne de Lexington et l'abbaye de Savigny au XIlIe siècle
Grant, Lindy. (2019) - In: L'abbaye de Savigny (1112-2012). Un chef d'ordre anglo-normand S. 193-202

12Artikel  Stephen of Lexington, the Abbey of Savigny, and Problems in the Cistercian Order in the Thirteenth Century
Grant, Lindy. (2019) - In: Reading medieval studies Bd. 45 (2019) S. 29-46

13Buchbeitrag  The Castle of Castile. An image of power, or the power of an image?
Grant, Lindy. (2018) - In: Images, pouvoirs et normes. Exégèse visuelle de la fin du Moyen Âge, XIIIe-XVe siècle S. 215-236

14Buchbeitrag  The Queen and the Abbots: Blanche of Castile
Grant, Lindy. (2018) - In: FS Véronique Gazeau S. 139-148

15Buchbeitrag  u'est que l'architecture gothique ? La perspective des mécènes
Grant, Lindy. (2018) - In: Qu'est-ce que l'architecture gothique ? Essais S. 129-144

16Buchbeitrag  Royal and Aristocratic Hospital Patronage in Northern France in the Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Centuries
Grant, Lindy. (2015) - In: Laienadel und Armenfürsorge im Mittelalter S. 105-114

17Artikel  The Coronation Mantle and the Westminster Sanctuary Pavement
Grant, Lindy. (2014) - In: The Mediaeval Journal Bd. 4, 1 (2014) S. 1-21

18Buchbeitrag  La cathédrale romane et gothique
Grant, Lindy. (2012) - In: La cathédrale de Coutances. Art et histoire S. 33-38

19Buchbeitrag  The chapel of the Hospital of Saint-Jean at Angers: Acta, stautes, architecture and Interpretation.
Grant, Lindy. (2012) - In: Essays Eric Fernie S. 306-314

20Buchbeitrag  Saint Michel peseur d'âmes sur les portails gothiques du jugement dernier vers 1200
Grant, Lindy. (2011) - In: Rappresentazioni del Monte e dell'arcangelo San Michele nella letteratura e nelle arti S. 135-143

21Buchbeitrag  Representing Dynasty: The Transept Windows at Chartres Cathedral
Grant, Lindy. (2010) - In: Representing history, 900 - 1300. Art, music, history S. 109-114

22Artikel  Les relations culturelles et artistiques entre le sud-ouest de la Normandie et le Maine autour de 1106
Grant, Lindy. (2008 - 2009) - In: Le pays bas-normand Bd. 101/102 (2008/09) S. 235-248

23Buchbeitrag  Aux origines du gothique normand
Grant, Lindy. (2008) - In: Chefs-d'oeuvre du Gothique en Normandie S. 27-35

24Buchbeitrag  Les répercussions de 1204 sur l'architecture et la sculpture normande
Grant, Lindy. (2007) - In: 1204, La Normandie entre Plantagenêts et Capétiens S. 389-400

25Buchbeitrag  Savigny and its Saints
Grant, Lindy. (2004) - In: Essays Peter Fergusson S. 109-114

26Buchbeitrag  Geoffrey of Lèves, bishop of Chartres: "Famous wheeler and dealer in secular business"
Grant, Lindy. (2004) - In: Suger en question. Regards croisés sur Saint-Denis S. 45-56

27Buchbeitrag  Aspects of the Architectural Patronage of the Family of the Counts of Anjou in the Twelfth Century
Grant, Lindy. (2003) - In: Anjou medieval art, architecture and archaeology S. 96-110

28Artikel  Fécamp et l'architecture en Normandie
Grant, Lindy. (2002) - In: Tabularia. Études Bd. 2 (2002) S. 83-94

29Buchbeitrag  Naming of parts. Describing architecture in the high Middle Ages
Grant, Lindy. (2000) - In: Architecture and Language. Constructing Identity in European Architecture c.1000 - c.1650 S. 46-57, 178-181

30Buchbeitrag  Building a church in early gothic Normandy
Grant, Lindy. (1999) - In: Études Anne Prache S. 117-126

31Artikel  La chapelle Saint-Aignan à Paris.
Grant, LindyHeber-Suffrin, FrançoisJohnson, Danièle. (1999) - In: Bulletin monumental Bd. 157 (1999) S. 283-299

32Buchbeitrag  Le choeur de la cathédrale de Coutances et sa place dans l'architecture gothique du sud-ouest de la Normandie
Grant, Lindy. (1997) - In: L'architecture normande au Moyen Âge (1997) Tl. 1 S. 137-152

33Buchbeitrag  Suger and the Anglo-Norman world
Grant, Lindy. (1997) - In: Anglo-Norman Studies 19 S. 51-68

34Artikel  Le patronage architectural d'Henri II et de son entourage
Grant, Lindy. (1994) - In: Cahiers de civilisation médiévale Bd. 37 (1994) S. 73-84

35Buchbeitrag  Architectural relationships between England and Normandy, 1100-1204
Grant, Lindy. (1994) - In: England and Normandy in the Middle Ages S. 117-129

36Buchbeitrag  Rouen Cathedral, 1200-1237
Grant, Lindy. (1993) - In: Medieval Art, Architecture and Archeology at Rouen S. 60-68

37Buchbeitrag  Gothic architecture in southern England and the French connection in the early thirteenth century
Grant, Lindy. (1991) - In: Thirteenth Century England 3 S. 113-126

38Buchbeitrag  The choir of St-Etienne at Caen
Grant, Lindy. (1990) - In: Studies Peter Kidson S. 113-125

39Buchbeitrag  The architecture of the early Savignacs and Cistercians in Normandy
Grant, Lindy. (1988) - In: Anglo-Norman Studies 10 S. 111-143

40Artikel  Aspects of the twelfth-century design of La Madeleine at Châteaudun
Grant, Lindy. (1982) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 135 (1982) S. 23-34

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