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Publikationen »Hall, Jackie«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Hall, Jackie

RI opac: 18 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Peterborough and the Soke: art, architecture and archaeology
Baxter, RonHall, JackieMarx, Claudie [Hrsg.]. - London (2019)

2Sammelwerk  Conservation and discovery: Peterborough Cathedral nave ceiling and related structures
Hall, JackieWright, Susan M. [Hrsg.]. - London (2015)

3Sammelwerk  Sepulturae cistercienses - sépulture, mémoire et patronage dans les monastères cisterciens au Moyen Âge: sépulture, mémoire et patronage dans les monastères cisterciens au Moyen Âge - burial, memorial and patronage in medieval cistercian memories - Grablegen, Memoria und Patronatswesen in mittelalterlichen Zisterzienserklöstern
Hall, Jackie [Hrsg.]. - Forges-lez-Chimay (2005)

4Monographie  Croxden Abbey: Buildings and community
Hall, Jackie. - [University of York] (2003)

5Artikel  Southwark Cathedral: the Prior's doorway and stoup, and adjacent excavations
Hall, JackieHayward, Kevin M. J.. (2020 - 2022) - In: The London archaeologist Bd. 16 (2020/22) S. 180-188

6Buchbeitrag  Contexts of discovery of Roman and Anglo-Saxon stone
Hall, Jackie. (2019) - In: Peterborough and the Soke. Art, architecture and archaeology S. 83-88

7Buchbeitrag  Abbey and town: Post-Conquest topography and lay access
Hall, Jackie. (2019) - In: Peterborough and the Soke. Art, architecture and archaeology S. 140-160

8Artikel  Thetford Priory: the Unpublished Documents of the Office of Works
Hall, Jackie. (2012) - In: English heritage historical review Bd. 7 (2012) S. 78-93

9Artikel  Peterborough Cathedral: early memorials and a late medieval house discovered
Hall, Jackie. (2010) - In: Church archaeology Bd. 12 (2008) S. 1-29

10Buchbeitrag  The church of Mount Grace Priory: its development and origins
Coppack, GlynHall, Jackie. (2008) - In: Studies in Carthusian monasticism in the late middle ages S. 299-322

11Artikel  Croxden Abbey Church: Architecture, Burial and Patronage
Hall, Jackie. (2007) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 160 (2007) S. 39-128

12Buchbeitrag  Architecture and meaning in Cistercian eastern ranges
Hall, Jackie. (2006) - In: The medieval cloister in England and Wales S. 208-221

13Artikel  Architecture and meaning in Cistercian eastern ranges
Hall, Jackie. (2006) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 159 (2006) S. 208-221

14Artikel  The legislative background to the burial of laity and other patrons in Cistercian abbeys
Hall, Jackie. (2005) - In: Citeaux Bd. 56 (2005) S. 363-372

15Artikel  Table of legislation concerning the burial of laity and other patrons in Cistercian abbeys
Hall, JackieSneddon, ShelaghSohr, Nadine. (2005) - In: Citeaux Bd. 56 (2005) S. 373-418

16Buchbeitrag  East of the Cloister: Infirmaries, Abbots' Lodgings and other Chambers
Hall, Jackie. (2004) - In: Essays Peter Fergusson S. 199-212

17Artikel  English Cistercian Gatehouse Chapels
Hall, Jackie. (2001) - In: Citeaux Bd. 52 (2001) S. 61-91

18Artikel  The precinct and buildings of Tilty Abbey
Hall, JackieStrachan, David. (2001) - In: Essex archaeology and history. Transactions Ser. 3, Bd. 32 (2001) S. 198-208

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