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Publikationen »Harper, Kyle«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Harper, Kyle

RI opac: 24 Einträge

1Monographie  Fatum: Das Klima und der Untergang des Römischen Reiches
Harper, Kyle. - München (2024)

2Monographie  Los Rzymu. Klimat, choroby i koniec imperium.
Harper, Kyle. - Oswiecim (2021)

3Monographie  Il destino di Roma. Clima, epidemie e la fine di un impero
Harper, Kyle. - Torino (2019)

4Monographie  The Fate of Rome. Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire
Harper, Kyle. - Princeton, NJ [u.a.] (2017)

5Monographie  From shame to sin: the Christian transformation of sexual morality in late antiquity
Harper, Kyle. - Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] (2013)

6Monographie  Slavery in the late Roman world, AD 275 - 425
Harper, Kyle. - Cambridge [u.a.] (2011)

7Artikel  The First Plague Pandemic in Italy: The Written Evidence
Harper, Kyle. (2023) - In: Speculum Bd. 98 (2023) S. 369-420

8Buchbeitrag  Der Sklave nach Augustinus: Hippo, 4. Jahrhundert
Harper, Kyle. (2023) - In: Welten der Sklaverei. Eine vergleichende Geschichte S. 99-104

9Buchbeitrag  L'esclave selon saint Augustin Hippone, IVe siècle
Harper, Kyle. (2021) - In: Les mondes de l'esclavage. Une histoire comparée S. 89-94

10Buchbeitrag  Germs and Empire: The Agency of the Microscopic
Harper, Kyle. (2021) - In: Empire and religion in the Roman world S. 13-34

11Buchbeitrag  The Climate of the Fifth Century
Harper, Kyle. (2019) - In: The fifth century. Age of transformation S. 19-34

12Buchbeitrag  Invisible Environmental History: Infectious Disease in Late Antiquity .
Harper, Kyle. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 298-313

13Buchbeitrag  Contours of Environmental Change and Human Response in Late Antiquity
Harper, Kyle. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 355-360

14Artikel  Invisible Environmental History: Infectious Disease in Late Antiquity
Harper, Kyle. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 12 (2018) S. 116-131

15Buchbeitrag  Reconstructing the Roman Climate
Harper, KyleMcCormick, Michael. (2018) - In: The Science of Roman History. Biology, Climate, and the Future of the Past S. 11-52

16Buchbeitrag  Roman Slavery and the Idea of "Slave Society"
Harper, KyleScheidel, Walter. (2018) - In: What is a Slave Society? The Practice of Slavery in Global Perspective S. 86-105

17Artikel  Contours of Environmental Change and Human Response in Late Antiquity
Harper, Kyle. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 12 (2018) S. 173-178

18Buchbeitrag  La schiavitù nella tarda antichità e l'impatto del Cristianesimo
Harper, Kyle. (2017) - In: Spartaco. Schiavi e padroni a Roma S. 27-33

19Buchbeitrag  A Time to Die: Preliminary Notes on Seasonal Mortality in Late Antique Rome
Harper, Kyle. (2015) - In: Children and family in late Antiquity. Life, death and interaction S. 15-34

20Buchbeitrag  L'ordine sociale costantiniano. Schiavitu, economia e aristocrazia
Harper, Kyle. (2013) - In: Enciclopedia Costantiniana

21Buchbeitrag  Marriage and Family
Harper, Kyle. (2012) - In: The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity S. 667-714

22Artikel  The transformation of Roman slavery: an economic myth?
Harper, Kyle. (2012) - In: Antiquité tardive Bd. 20 (2012) S. 165-172

23Artikel  Slave Prices in Late Antiquity (and in the Very Long Term)
Harper, Kyle. (2010) - In: Historia. Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte Bd. 59 (2010) S. 206-239

24Artikel  The Greek Census Inscriptions of Late Antiquity
Harper, Kyle. (2008) - In: The journal of Roman studies Bd. 98 (2008) S. 83-119

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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