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Publikationen »Harris, Max«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Harris, Max

RI opac: 15 Einträge

1Buchbeitrag  The processional theatre of Palm Sunday
Harris, Max. (2017) - In: The Routledge companion to early drama and performance S. 316-331

2Buchbeitrag  Inanimate Performers: The Animation and Interpretive Versatility of the Palmesel
Harris, Max. (2017) - In: Medieval theatre performance. Actors, dancers, automata and their audiences S. 179-196

3Artikel  Charlemagne, Triumphal Entries, and Palm Sunday Processions: How Wrong Was Kantorowicz?
Harris, Max. (2016) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 20 (2016) S. 83-104

4Artikel  The Persecution of the Palmesel: Iconoclasm and Survival in Prague, Zurich, and Augsburg
Harris, Max. (2013) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 17 (2013) S. 69-94

5Buchbeitrag  Feast of Fools
Harris, Max. (2013) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

6Artikel  Interpreting the Role of Christ and His Donkey: The Palmesel as Actor in the Processional Theatre of Palm Sunday
Harris, Max. (2012) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 16 (2012) S. 1-17

7Artikel  Composing Music for the Feast of Fools: the case of the Kyrie Asini
Harris, Max. (2011) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 33 (2011) S. 122-134

8Buchbeitrag  A Rough and Holy Liturgy: A Reassessment of the Feast of Fools
Harris, Max. (2009) - In: Risus sacer - sacrum risibile S. 77-100

9Buchbeitrag  Puppets, Minstrels, Kings, and Shepherds: Expository Narrators in Early Spanish Theatre
Harris, Max. (2007) - In: The narrator, the expositor, and the prompter in European medieval theatre S. 129-160

10Artikel  Claiming Pagan Origins for Carnival: Bacchanalia, Saturnalia, and Kalends
Harris, Max. (2007) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 10 (2006) S. 57-107

11Artikel  Rom Iraq to the English Morris: the early history of the skirted. hobbyhorse
Harris, Max. (2003) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 25 (2003) S. 71-83

12Artikel  A Bolivian Morality Play: Saint Michael and the Sins of the Carnival Virgin
Harris, Max. (2001) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 5 (2001) S. 83-98

13Artikel  Fireworks, Turks, and long-necked mules: pyrotechnic theater in Germany and Catalonia
Harris, Max. (1998) - In: Comparative drama Bd. 32 (1998) S. 362-388

14Artikel  A Catalan Corpus Christi play: the martyrdom of St. Sebastian with the hobby horses and the Turks
Harris, Max. (1997) - In: Comparative drama Bd. 31 (1997) S. 224-247

15Artikel  Flesh and spirits: the battle between virtues and vices in mediaeval drama reassessed
Harris, Max. (1988) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 57 (1988) S. 56-64

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