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Publikationen »Higgins, Paula«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Higgins, Paula

RI opac: 13 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Antoine Busnoys: method, meaning, and context in late medieval music
Higgins, Paula [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (1999)

2Monographie  Antoine Busnois and Musical Culture in Late Fifteenth-Century France and Burgundy,
Higgins, Paula. - [Princeton University] (1987)

3Buchbeitrag  Speaking of the Devil and Discipuli: Eloy d'Amerval, Saint-Martin of Tours, and Music in the Loire Valley, c.1465-1505
Higgins, Paula. (2009) - In: Studies Bonnie J. Blackburn S. 169-182

4Buchbeitrag  Lamenting 'Our Master and God Father': Intertextuality and Creative Patrilineage in Musical Tributes by and for Johannes Ockeghem
Higgins, Paula. (2007) - In: Tod in Musik und Kultur. Zum 500. Todestag Philipp des Schönen S. 277-314

5Artikel  The apotheosis of Josquin des Prez and other mythologies of musical genius
Higgins, Paula. (2004) - In: Journal of the American Musicological Society Bd. 57 (2004) S. 443-510

6Buchbeitrag  Celebrating Transgression and Excess: Busnoys and the Boundaries of Late Medieval Culture
Higgins, Paula. (1999) - In: Antoine Busnoys. Method, meaning, and context in late medieval music S. 1-20

7Buchbeitrag  Musical Politics in Late Medieval Poitiers: A Tale of Two Choirmasters
Higgins, Paula. (1999) - In: Antoine Busnoys. Method, meaning, and context in late medieval music S. 155-174

8Buchbeitrag  Love and death in the fifteenth-century motet: a reading of Busnoys's "Anima mea liquefacta est/Stirps Jesse"
Higgins, Paula. (1997) - In: Hearing the motet S. 142-168

9Artikel  From the Ivory Tower to the Marketplace: Early Music, Musicology, and the Mass Media
Higgins, Paula. (1993) - In: Current musicology Bd. 53 (1993) S. 109-123

10Artikel  Parisian nobles, a Scottish princess, and the woman's voice in late medieval song.
Higgins, Paula. (1991) - In: Early music history Bd. 10 (1991) S. 145-200

11Buchbeitrag  Music and Musicians at the Saint-Chapelle of the Bourges Palace, 1405-1415
Higgins, Paula. (1990) - In: Atti del XIV Congresso della Società Internazionale di Musicologia Tl. 3 S. 689-701

12Artikel  Tracing the careers of late medieval composers: the case of Philippe Basiron of Bourges
Higgins, Paula. (1990) - In: Acta musicologica Bd. 62 (1990) S. 1-28

13Artikel  In Hydraulis revisited: new light on the career of Antoine Busnois
Higgins, Paula. (1986) - In: Journal of the American Musicological Society Bd. 39 (1986) S. 36-86

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