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Publikationen »Hornby, Emma«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Hornby, Emma

RI opac: 27 Einträge

1Monographie  Music and Meaning in Old Hispanic Lenten Chants: Psalmi, Threni and Easter Vigil Canticles
Hornby, EmmaMaloy, Rebecca. - Woodbridge (2013)

2Sammelwerk  Essays on the history of English music in honour of John Caldwell: sources, style, performance, historiography
Hornby, EmmaMaw, David [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge (2010)

3Monographie  Medieval liturgical chant and patristic exegesis: words and music in the second-mode tracts
Hornby, Emma. - Woodbridge (2009)

4Monographie  Gregorian and Old Roman eighth-mode tracts: a case study in the transmission of Western chant
Hornby, Emma. - Aldershot [u.a.] (2002)

5Artikel  Processional liturgy in the urban space of seventh-century Tarragona
Carrero Santamaría, EduardoHornby, EmmaMaloy, Rebecca. (2023) - In: Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies Bd. 15 (2023) S. 240-269

6Artikel  Continuity and change in medieval Iberian processional practices
Andrés Fernández, DavidHornby, Emma. (2023) - In: Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies Bd. 15 (2023) S. 181-216

7Artikel  Old Hispanic pre-baptism initiation rites, chants and processions
Hornby, EmmaMaloy, Rebecca. (2023) - In: Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies Bd. 15 (2023) S. 270-299

8Artikel  Las procesiones y su canto en la liturgia hispánica
Andrés Fernández, DavidGutiérrez, Carmen JuliaHornby, EmmaRojo-Carrillo, Raquel. (2023) - In: Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia Bd. 32 (2023) S. 249-308

9Artikel  Chant editing and analysis program: a tool for analyzing liturgical chant
Hornby, EmmaMaloy, RebeccaRouse, Paul. (2022) - In: Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies Bd. 14 (2022) S. 82-95

10Buchbeitrag  The Use of the New Testament in the Old Hispanic Holy Thursday Liturgies
Hornby, EmmaMaloy, Rebecca. (2022) - In: Liturgische Bibelrezeption. Dimensionen und Perspektiven interdisziplinärer Forschung S. 355-394

11Artikel  Scribal identity and scribal roles in Early Medieval Iberia: a case study of Santo Domingo de Silos, Biblioteca del monsterio MS 6
Hornby, EmmaJones, MarcusWride, Emily. (2022) - In: Early music history Bd. 41 (2022) S. 181-231

12Artikel  Processions and their chants in the old hispanic liturgy
Andrés Fernández, DavidGutiérrez, Carmen JuliaHornby, EmmaRojo Carillo, Raquel. (2020) - In: Traditio Bd. 75 (2020) S. 177-223

13Artikel  Continuous psalmody in the Old Hispanic liturgy
Hornby, EmmaIhnat, Kati. (2019) - In: Scriptorium Bd. 73 (2019) S. 1-33

14Buchbeitrag  Melodic Style and the Transmission History of the Beneventan Easter Vigil Canticles
Hornby, Emma. (2017) - In: Essays Joseph Dyer S. 217-244

15Artikel  Melodic dialects in Old Hispanic chant
Hornby, Emma. (2016) - In: Plainsong and medieval music Bd. 25 (2016) S. 37-72

16Artikel  Biblical commentary in the Old Hispanic liturgy: a Passiontide case study
Hornby, EmmaMaloy, Rebecca. (2016) - In: Early music Bd. 44 (2016) S. 383-394

17Artikel  Fixity, Flexibility, and Compositional Process in Old Hispanic Chant
Hornby, EmmaMaloy, Rebecca. (2016) - In: Music and letters Bd. 97 (2016) S. 547-574

18Buchbeitrag  Analysis of Old Hispanic Chant: Problems and Proposals
Hornby, EmmaMaloy, Rebecca. (2013) - In: Papers read at the 15th meeting of the IMS study group CANTUS PLANUS S. 109-132

19Buchbeitrag  Aspectos de la liturgia cuaresmal viejo-hispánica: la teología, las melodías y la transmisión de los psalmi
Hornby, EmmaMaloy, Rebecca. (2013) - In: El canto mozárabe y su entorno S. 157-200

20Artikel  Text and formula in the Milanese cantus
Hornby, Emma. (2013) - In: Plainsong and medieval music Bd. 22 (2013) S. 1-35

21Buchbeitrag  Toward a Methodology for Analyzing the Old Hispanic Responsories
Maloy, RebeccaHornby, Emma. (2012) - In: Cantus Planus 16 S. 242-249

22Buchbeitrag  Interactions between Brittany and Christ Church, Canterbury in the Tenth Century: The Linenthal leaf
Hornby, Emma. (2010) - In: Essays John Caldwell S. 47-65

23Buchbeitrag  The Transmission of Western Chant in the 8th and 9th Centuries: Evaluating Kenneth Levy's Reading of the Evidence
Hornby, Emma. (2008) - In: Oral and written transmission in chant Tl. XIII S. 319-358

24Buchbeitrag  Reading the Bible: Grammar, Rhetoric and Exegesis in Gregorian Chant
Hornby, Emma. (2006) - In: Papers read at the 12th Meeting of the IMS Study Group Cantus Planus S. 285-302

25Buchbeitrag  Reading the Bible: Grammar, Rhetoric and Exegesis in Gregorian Chant
Hornby, Emma. (2006) - In: Cantus planus. Papers read at the 12th meeting S. 285-302

26Artikel  The transmission history of the Proper chant for St Gregory: the eighth-mode tract Beatus uir
Hornby, Emma. (2003) - In: Plainsong and medieval music Bd. 12 (2003) S. 97-127

27Artikel  The origins of the eighth mode tracts: what kept the oral transmission stable?
Hornby, Emma. (1998) - In: Etudes grégoriennes Bd. 26 (1998) S. 135-162

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