Publikationen »Howe, Nicholas«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Howe, Nicholas
RI opac: 27 Einträge
1 | Writing the map of Anglo-Saxon England: essays in cultural geography Howe, Nicholas. |
2 | Ceremonial Culture in Pre-Modern Europe Howe, Nicholas [Hrsg.]. |
3 | Conversion and colonization in Anglo-Saxon England Karkov, Catherine E. • Howe, Nicholas [Hrsg.]. |
4 | Home and homelessness in the Medieval and Renaissance world Howe, Nicholas [Hrsg.]. |
5 | Visions of community in the pre-modern world Howe, Nicholas [Hrsg.]. |
6 | Migration and Mythmaking in Anglo-Saxon England Howe, Nicholas. |
7 | The Old English catalogue poems Howe, Nicholas. |
8 | Automated Syriac Script Charts Penn, Michael • Howe, Nicholas • Crawford, Kaylynn. |
9 | Automated Syriac Script Charts Penn, Michael • Howe, Nicholas • Crawford, Kaylynn. |
10 | Who's Afraid of Translating Beowulf? Howe, Nicholas. |
11 | Scullionspeak Howe, Nicholas. |
12 | Introduction Howe, Nicholas. |
13 | Beowulf and the Ancestral Homeland Howe, Nicholas. |
14 | Beowulf in the House of Dickens Howe, Nicholas. |
15 | From Bede's world to "Bede's world" Howe, Nicholas. |
16 | Anglo-Saxon England and the postcolonial void Howe, Nicholas. |
17 | Rome: Capital of Anglo-Saxon England Howe, Nicholas. |
18 | Looking for home in Anglo-Saxon England Howe, Nicholas. |
19 | Falling into place: dislocation in the Junius Book Howe, Nicholas. |
20 | What We Talk about When We Talk about Style Howe, Nicholas. |
21 | The cultural construction of reading in Anglo-Saxon England Howe, Nicholas. |
22 | The landscape of Anglo-Saxon England: inherited, invented, imagined Howe, Nicholas. |
23 | The new millenium Howe, Nicholas. |
24 | An Angle on this earth: sense of place in Anglo-Saxon England Howe, Nicholas. |
25 | The Center on the Margin, or, Self-Fulfilling Prophecies for Medievalists Howe, Nicholas. |
26 | Art. Anglo-Saxon invasions and conquest Howe, Nicholas. |
27 | Sixty-fifth birthday party in honor of Fred C. Robinson Howe, Nicholas. |
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