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Publikationen »Hurlbut, Jesse D.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Hurlbut, Jesse D.

RI opac: 15 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (2016)

2Monographie  'Vive Bourgogne est notre cry': Ceremonial Entries of Philip the Good and Charles the Bold (1419-1477)
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. - Turnhout (2002)

3Monographie  Ceremonial entries in Burgundy: Philip the Good and Charles the Bold (1419-1477)
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. - Ann Arbor, Mich. (1993)

4Monographie  Ceremonial entries in Burgundy: Philip the Good and Charles the Bold (1419-1477)
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. - [Indiana University] (1990)

5Buchbeitrag  The Mystic Lamb of Ghent: Alderman's Seal, Altarpiece, and Tableau Vivant
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (2015) - In: Medieval coins and seals. Constructing identity, signifying power S. 377-396

6Buchbeitrag  Symbols of Authority: Inaugural Ceremonies for Charles the Bold
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (2011) - In: Staging the Court of Burgundy S. 105-112

7Buchbeitrag  Processions in Burgundy: Late-Medieval Ceremonial Entries
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (2009) - In: Pageants and processions. Images and idiom as spectacle S. 93-106

8Buchbeitrag  The duke's first entry: Burgundian inauguration and gift
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (2001) - In: Moving subjects S. 155-186

9Buchbeitrag  Body language in Jeu de Robin et Marion: the Aix witness
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (2001) - In: Davidson, Gesture in Medieval Drama and Art S. 221-229

10Artikel  The Illuminations of Le Jeu de Robin et Marion in Aix-en-Provence
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (2001) - In: European medieval drama Bd. 5 (2001) S. 113-122

11Buchbeitrag  The sound of civic spectacle: noise in Burgundian ceremonial entries
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (1999) - In: Davidson, Material Culture S. 127-140

12Buchbeitrag  Shifting paradigms and the development of hypermedia editions
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (1999) - In: Medievalism and the Academy 1 S. 228-238

13Buchbeitrag  Immobilier et cérémonie urbaine: les joyeuses entrées françaises à la fin du Moyen Âge
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (1997) - In: Civic Ritual and Drama S. 125-142

14Buchbeitrag  Patron as pupil: on becoming the duke of Burgundy
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (1996) - In: The Search for a patron in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance S. 45-53

15Artikel  The city renewed: decorations for the "joyeuses entres" of Philip the Good and Charles the Bold
Hurlbut, Jesse D.. (1992) - In: Fifteenth Century Studies Bd. 19 (1992) S. 73-84

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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