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Publikationen »Ingham, Richard«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Ingham, Richard

RI opac: 43 Einträge

1Monographie  The transmission of Anglo-Norman
Ingham, Richard. - Amsterdam [u.a.] (2012)

2Sammelwerk  The Anglo-Norman language and its contexts
Ingham, Richard [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge (2010)

3Artikel  Lexical borrowing in the Middle English period: a multi-domain analysis of semantic outcomes
Sylvester, Louise M.Tiddeman, MeganIngham, Richard. (2022) - In: English language and linguistics Bd. 26 (2022) S. 237-261

4Artikel  Semantic Shift in Middle English: Farming and Trade As Test Cases
Sylvester, Louise M.Tiddeman, MeganIngham, Richard. (2022) - In: Transactions of the Philological Society Bd. 120 (2022) S. 427-446

5Buchbeitrag  Patterns of Borrowing, Obsolescence and Polysemy in the Technical Vocabulary of Middle English
Sylvester, Louise M.Parkin, HarryIngham, Richard. (2021) - In: Current Issues in Medieval England S. 143-170

6Buchbeitrag  Verb use in Charles d'Orléans' English
Ingham, Richard. (2020) - In: Charles d'Orléans' English Aesthetic. The Form, Poetics, and Style of Fortunes Stabilnes S. 169-188

7Buchbeitrag  Penetration of French-origin lexis in Middle English occupational domains
Ingham, RichardMarcus, ImogenSylvester, Louise M.. (2019) - In: Historical Linguistics 2015 S. 459-477

8Artikel  Special issue on mechanisms of French contact influence in Middle English: diffusion and maintenance
Timofeeva, OlgaIngham, Richard. (2018) - In: English language and linguistics Bd. 22 (2018) S. 197-205

9Artikel  The diffusion of higher-status lexis in medieval England: the role of the clergy
Ingham, Richard. (2018) - In: English language and linguistics Bd. 22 (2018) S. 207-224

10Buchbeitrag  Middle English Borrowing from French: Nouns and Verbs of Interpersonal Cognition in the Early South English Legendary
Ingham, Richard. (2017) - In: Essays Jocelyn Wogan-Browne S. 128-139

11Buchbeitrag  Vernacular Bilingualism in Professional Spaces, 1200 to 1400
Ingham, RichardMarcus, Imogen. (2016) - In: Multilingualism in the middle ages and early modern age S. 145-164

12Buchbeitrag  Some Historical Notes on English Negation: unethes, almost and hardly
Tubau, SusagnaIngham, Richard. (2015) - In: Studies in Linguistic Variation and Change. From Old English to Middle English S. 215-226

13Artikel  The Maintenance of French in Later Medieval England
Ingham, Richard. (2014) - In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Bd. 115 (2014) S. 425-448

14Buchbeitrag  L'ancien français dialectal. Une comparaison du marquage du genre grammatical en anglo-normand et en wallon oriental
Ingham, Richard. (2014) - In: L'histoire du français. Etat des lieux et perspectives S. 45-60

15Buchbeitrag  Evidence from a correspondence corpus for diachronic change in French indefinites 1450-1715
Ingham, RichardKallel, Amel. (2014) - In: The diachrony of negation S. 213-234

16Buchbeitrag  A Derivational Approach to Negative Polarity Item Licensing in Old French
Ingham, Richard. (2013) - In: Research on Old French. The state of the art S. 261-282

17Buchbeitrag  Language-Mixing in Medieval Latin Documenta: Vernacular Articles and Nouns
Ingham, Richard. (2013) - In: Multilingualism in medieval Britain c. 1066 - 1520 S. 105-122

18Artikel  Middle English and Anglo-Norman in Contact
Ingham, Richard. (2012) - In: Bulletin des anglicistes médiévistes Bd. 81 (2012) S. 1-24

19Buchbeitrag  Sense Extension through English-French Language Contact in Medieval England: The Case of as
Ingham, Richard. (2012) - In: Papers Ursula Schäfer S. 115-132

20Buchbeitrag  Code-switching in the later medieval English lay subsidy rolls
Ingham, Richard. (2011) - In: Code-switching in early English S. 95-114

21Artikel  Le latin tardif et le cyble des indéfinis dans la diachronie du français
Ingham, Richard. (2011) - In: De lingua Latina Bd. 6 (2011)

22Artikel  Grammar change in Anglo-Norman and Continental French: The replacement of non-affirmative indefinite nul by aucun
Ingham, Richard. (2011) - In: Diachronica Bd. 28 (2011) S. 441-467

23Buchbeitrag  Variation, change and the Status of negatives in peripheral varieties of Old French: The case of néant
Larrivée, PierreIngham, Richard. (2011) - In: Studies R. Anthony Lodge S. 99-112

24Buchbeitrag  The Transmission of Later Anglo-Norman: Some Syntactic Evidence
Ingham, Richard. (2010) - In: The Anglo-Norman language and its contexts S. 164-182

25Buchbeitrag  Anglo-Norman: New Themes, New Contexts
Ingham, Richard. (2010) - In: The Anglo-Norman language and its contexts S. 1-7

26Buchbeitrag  "Aussi en anglo-normand": Ordre syntaxique Vx et adverbe antepose en francais medieval
Ingham, Richard. (2010) - In: Les voix des Français S. 53-66

27Buchbeitrag  Later Anglo-Norman as a Contact Variety of French?
Ingham, Richard. (2010) - In: The Anglo-Norman language and its contexts S. 8-25

28Buchbeitrag  L'anglo-normand et la variation syntaxique en français médiéval
Ingham, Richard. (2010) - In: Actes du XXVe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes 6 S. 163-174

29Artikel  Mixing languages on the manor
Ingham, Richard. (2009) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 78 (2009) S. 80-97

30Buchbeitrag  The Persistence of Anglo-Norman 1230-1362: A Linguistic Perspective
Ingham, Richard. (2009) - In: Language and culture in medieval Britain. The French of England S. 44-54

31Buchbeitrag  L'ordre syntaxique V3 aux débuts du moyen francais
Ingham, Richard. (2008) - In: Evolutions en français. Etudes de linguistique diachronique S. 153-170

32Artikel  Contact with Scandinavian and Late Middle English negative concord
Ingham, Richard. (2008) - In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia Bd. 44 (2008) S. 121-137

33Artikel  The grammar of later medieval French: an initial exploration of the Anglo Norman Dictionary textbase
Ingham, Richard. (2008) - In: Corpus Bd. 8 (2008)

34Buchbeitrag  Le changement linguistique et l'oralité du texte: la syntaxe du connecteur et aux débuts du moyen français
Ingham, Richard. (2007) - In: Texte et discours en moyen français. Actes du XIe Colloque international sur le moyen français S. 135-148

35Buchbeitrag  A structural constraint on multiple negation in Late Middle and Early Modern English
Ingham, Richard. (2007) - In: To make his English Sweete upon his Tonge S. 55-68

36Artikel  Syntactic change in Anglo-Norman and continental French chronicles: was there a 'Middle' Anglo-Norman?
Ingham, Richard. (2006) - In: Journal of French language studies Bd. 16 (2006) S. 25-50

37Artikel  Negative concord and the loss of the negative particle ne in Late Middle English
Ingham, Richard. (2006) - In: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia Bd. 42 (2006) S. 77-99

38Artikel  À la recherche des origines de la syntaxe de ja et de onques antéposés en ancien français
Ingham, Richard. (2006) - In: Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie Bd. 122 (2006) S. 57-78

39Artikel  The status of French in Medieval England: Evidence from the use of object pronoun syntax
Ingham, Richard. (2006) - In: Vox Romanica Bd. 65 (2006) S. 86-107

40Artikel  Bilingualism and syntactic change in medieval England
Ingham, Richard. (2005) - In: Reading working papers in linguistics Bd. 8 (2005) S. 1-25

41Artikel  Adverbs and the syntax of subjects in old french
Ingham, Richard. (2005) - In: Romania Bd. 123 (2005) S. 99-122

42Artikel  The Development of Middle English Expletive Negative Sentences
Ingham, Richard. (2003) - In: Transactions of the Philological Society Bd. 101 (2003) S. 411-452

43Artikel  Negation and OV order in Late Middle English
Ingham, Richard. (2000) - In: Journal of Linguistics Bd. 36 (2000) S. 13-38

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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