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Publikationen »Izdebski, Adam«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Izdebski, Adam

RI opac: 52 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  A Companion to the Environmental History of Byzantium
Izdebski, AdamPreiser-Kapeller, Johannes [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2024)

2Monographie  Ein vormoderner Staat als sozioökologisches System: das Oströmische Reich 300-1300 n. Chr.
Izdebski, Adam. - Dresden (2021)

3Monographie  Krakow: An Ecobiography
Izdebski, Adam. - Pittsburgh (2021)

4Sammelwerk  Environment and society in the long late antiquity
Izdebski, AdamMulryan, Michael J. J. [Hrsg.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2019)

5Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Izdebski, Adam. (2016)

6Sammelwerk  Cultures in motion: studies in the medieval and early modern periods
Izdebski, AdamJasinski, Damian [Hrsg.]. - Cracow (2014)

7Monographie  A rural economy in transition: Asia Minor from Late Antiquity into the Early Middle Ages
Izdebski, Adam. - Warszawa (2013)

8Sammelwerk  Religie w swiecie antycznym
Izdebski, AdamMatuszewski, R.Piwowarczyk, Przemyslaw [Hrsg.]. - Poznan (2007)

9Sammelwerk  Formy organizacji zycia spolecznego w starozytnosci. Akta II Studenckiej konferencji Starozytnej MISH UW (11-13 V 2006),
Gendzwill, A.Izdebski, Adam [Hrsg.]. - Poznan (2006)

10Sammelwerk  Przemiany mentalnosci w kulturach starozytnych
Gendzwill, A.Izdebski, AdamSroczynska, E. [Hrsg.]. - Warszawa (2005)

11Buchbeitrag  Palaeoclimatology of Byzantine Lands (AD 300-1500)
Luterbacher, JürgXoplaki, ElenaIzdebski, AdamFleitmann, Dominik. (2024) - In: A Companion to the Environmental History of Byzantium S. 27-58

12Buchbeitrag  Environmental History of Byzantium. An Introduction
Izdebski, AdamPreiser-Kapeller, Johannes. (2024) - In: A Companion to the Environmental History of Byzantium S. 1-23

13Buchbeitrag  Palynology and Historical Research
Izdebski, Adam. (2024) - In: A Companion to the Environmental History of Byzantium S. 59-82

14Buchbeitrag  The Demographic and Economic History of Byzantine Greece in the Long Durée: The Contribution of the Pollen Data
Izdebski, Adam. (2023) - In: Byzantine Greece. Microcosm of empire? S. 207-214

15Buchbeitrag  Space-environment as Historical Actor in Byzantium
Izdebski, Adam. (2022) - In: Spatialities of the Byzantine Culture from the Human Body to the Universe S. 114-127

16Artikel  Vergessenes Extremwetter: umwelthistorische Wegweiser auf dem Pfad der Resilienz
Bork, Hans-RudolfIzdebski, Adam. (2021) - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte Bd. 71, 40/41 (2021) S. 50-54

17Buchbeitrag  Climatic Changes and Their Impacts in the Mediterranean during the First Millennium AD
Labahn, IngaFinne, MartinIzdebski, AdamRoberts, NeilWoodbridge, Jessie. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 247-270

18Buchbeitrag  The "pine signal" as a symptom of crisis in Byzantine history
Izdebski, Adam. (2019) - In: Studies Maciej Salamon S. 155-166

19Buchbeitrag  Introductory Essay: Setting the Scene for an Environmental History of Late Antiquity
Izdebski, Adam. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 3-15

20Buchbeitrag  Settlement, Land Use and Society in the Late Antique Mediterranean, 4th-7th c. An Overview
Chavarría, AlexandraLewit, TamaraIzdebski, Adam. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 314-329

21Buchbeitrag  Catastrophes Aside: Environment and the Knd of Antiquity
Izdebski, Adam. (2019) - In: Environment and society in the long late antiquity S. 367-370

22Artikel  Biskupi i mnisi w Kosciele Wschodu pod panowaniem Sasanidów [Bishops and monks in the Church of the East in the Sassanian period]
Izdebski, Adam. (2018 - 2019) - In: U schylku starozytnosci Bd. 17/18 (2018/19) S. 171-196

23Artikel  Plagues, climate change and the end of an empire. A Response to Kyle Harper's The Fate of Rome: (3): "Disease, agency and collapse
Haldon, John FrederickHübner, Sabine R.Izdebski, Adamu.a.. (2018) - In: History Compass Bd. 16, 12 (2018)

24Artikel  The Social Burden of Resilience: A Historical Perspective
Izdebski, AdamMordechai, LeeWhite, Sam. (2018) - In: Human ecology Bd. 46 (2018) S. 291-303

25Artikel  Environment, Climate and Society in Roman and Byzantine Butrint
Morellón, MarioSinopoli, GaiaIzdebski, AdamSadori, LauraAnselmetti, FlavioHodges, RichardRegattieri, EleonoraWagner, BerndBrushulli, BrunhildaAriztegui, Daniel. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 12 (2018) S. 3-17

26Artikel  Plagues, climate change and the end of an empire. A Response to Kyle Harper's The Fate of Rome: (1): "Climate"
Haldon, John FrederickHübner, Sabine R.Izdebski, Adamu.a.. (2018) - In: History Compass Bd. 16, 12 (2018)

27Artikel  Plagues, climate change and the end of an empire. A Response to Kyle Harper's The Fate of Rome: (2): "Plagues and a crisis of empire
Haldon, John FrederickHübner, Sabine R.Izdebski, Adamu.a.. (2018) - In: History Compass Bd. 16, 12 (2018)

28Artikel  Settlement, Land Use and Society in the Late Antique Mediterranean, 4th-7th c. An Overview
Chavarría, AlexandraLewit, TamaraIzdebski, Adam. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 12 (2018) S. 132-147

29Artikel  Setting the Scene for an Environmental History of Late Antiquity
Izdebski, Adam. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 11 (2018) S. 3-13

30Artikel  Climatic Changes and Their Impacts in the Mediterranean during the First Millennium AD
Labuhn, IngaFinné, MartinIzdebski, AdamRoberts, NeilWoodbridge, Jessie. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 12 (2018) S. 65-88

31Artikel  Catastrophes Aside: Environment and the End of Antiquity
Izdebski, Adam. (2018) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 12 (2018) S. 185-188

32Artikel  Bread and Class in Medieval Society: Foodways in Anatolia
Izdebski, Adam. (2017) - In: The Journal of Interdisciplinary History Bd. 48 (2017) S. 335-357

33Buchbeitrag  Rural Settlements
Izdebski, Adam. (2017) - In: The archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia S. 82-89

34Artikel  Syriackie zródla normatywne okresu póznej starozytnosci [Syriac legal sources for the study of Late Antiquity]
Izdebski, Adam. (2016) - In: U schylku starozytnosci Bd. 15 (2016) S. 145-164

35Artikel  On the use of palynological data in economic history: new methods and an application to agricultural output in Central Europe, 0-2000 AD
Izdebski, Adam. (2016) - In: Explorations in economic history Bd. 59 (2016) S. 17-39

36Artikel  Exploring Byzantine and Ottoman economic history with the use of palynological data: a quantitative approach
Izdebski, AdamKoloch, GrzegorzSloczynski, Tymon. (2015) - In: Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik Bd. 65 (2015) S. 67-110

37Artikel  Kanony Szkoly w Nisibis. Przeklad [The Canons of the School of Nisibis. Translation]
Izdebski, Adam. (2014) - In: U schylku starozytnosci Bd. 13 (2014) S. 115-132

38Buchbeitrag  Cultural Contacts between the Superpowers of Late Antiquity: the Syriac School of Nisibis and the transmission of Greek educational experience to the Persian Empire
Izdebski, Adam. (2014) - In: Cultures in motion. Studies in the medieval and early modern periods S. 185-204

39Artikel  Kanony Szkoly w Nisibis. Wprowadzenie [The Canons of the School of Nisibis. Introduction]
Izdebski, Adam. (2014) - In: U schylku starozytnosci Bd. 13 (2014) S. 101-114

40Artikel  The Economic Expansion of the Anatolian Countryside in Late Antiquity: The Coast versus Inland Regions
Izdebski, Adam. (2013) - In: Late Antique Archaeology Bd. 10 (2013) S. 343-376

41Artikel  The Changing Landscapes of Byzantine Northern Anatolia
Izdebski, Adam. (2012) - In: Archaeologia bulgarica Bd. 16, 1 (2012) S. 47-66

42Artikel  Bishops in late antique Italy: social importance vs. political power
Izdebski, Adam. (2012) - In: Phoenix. The journal of the Classical Association of Canada Bd. 66 (2012) S. 158-175

43Buchbeitrag  Was there a Link between Cultural Renaissance and Economic Revival in the Case of Byzantium?
Izdebski, Adam. (2012) - In: Bizancjum a renesansy. Dialog kultur, dziedzictwo antyku S. 163-170

44Artikel  Sily rynku i potega symboli: marmur, jedwab i mechanizmy gospodarki bizantyjskiej od V do XII w.
Izdebski, Adam. (2011) - In: Kwartalnik historyczny Bd. 118 (2011) S. 5-31

45Artikel  The Slavs' political institutions and the Byzantine policies (ca. 530-650)
Izdebski, Adam. (2011) - In: Byzantinoslavica Bd. 69 (2011) S. 50-69

46Artikel  Why did agriculture flourish in the late antique East? The role of climate fluctuations in the development and contraction of agriculture in Asia Minor and the Middle East from the 4th till the 7th c. AD
Izdebski, Adam. (2011) - In: Millennium-Jahrbuch Bd. 8 (2011) S. 291-312

47Artikel  The School of Nisibis: an ancient religious community?
Izdebski, Adam. (2010) - In: Orientalia Christiana Cracoviensia Bd. 2 (2010) S. 67-72

48Artikel  Spolecznosc Neapolu wobec wojsk Belizariusza w 536 roku - klasyczna polityka miejska czy literacka stylizacja Prokopiusza?
Izdebski, Adam. (2009) - In: U schylku starozytnosci Bd. 8 (2009) S. 33-50

49Buchbeitrag  Bibliografia prac prof. Wlodzimierza Lengauera za lata 1971-2008
Lengauer, Wlodzimierz. Izdebski, Adam [Bearb.]. (2009) - In: FS Wlodzimierz Lengauer S. 12-25

50Artikel  Aktywnosc spoleczna biskupów w Italii w pierwszych dekadach panowania longobardzkiego (568-604) [Social Activities of Italian Bishops in the First Decades of Lombard Rule in Italy (568-604)]
Izdebski, Adam. (2008) - In: Studia bydgoskie Bd. 2 (2008) S. 303-320

51Artikel  Kontakty arian i katolików w ostrogockiej Italii (489-554)
Izdebski, Adam. (2008) - In: Przeglad historyczny Bd. 99 (2008) S. 205-226

52Buchbeitrag  Troska biskupów i mnichów o zagrozone spolecznosci Italii w latach 450-550
Izdebski, Adam. (2006) - In: Formy organizacji zycia spolecznego w starozytnosci S. 81-93

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