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Publikationen »Jack, Ronald D. S.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Jack, Ronald D. S.

RI opac: 15 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The History of Scottish Literature, Bd. 1: Origins to 1660 (Mediæval and Renaissance)
Jack, Ronald D. S. [Hrsg.]. - Aberdeen (1988)

2Artikel  The Dramatic Voice of William Dunbar
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (2015) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 37 (2015) S. 73-89

3Buchbeitrag  Petrarch and the Scottish Renaissance Sonnet
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (2007) - In: Petrarch in Britain. Interpreters, imitators and translators over 700 years S. 259-276

4Buchbeitrag  Henryson and the Art of Precise Allegorical Argument
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (2001) - In: The European sun. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference S. 1-11

5Artikel  '(A!) Fredome is a Noble Thing!': Christian Hermeneutics and Barbour's Bruce
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (2000) - In: Scottish studies review Bd. 1 (2000) S. 26-38

6Buchbeitrag  The language of literary materials: origins to 1700
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1997) - In: The Edinburgh History of the Scots Language S. 213-263

7Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1988) - In: The History of Scottish Literature 1 S. 1-12

8Artikel  The theme of fortune in the verse of Alexander Montgomerie
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1983) - In: Scottish literary journal Bd. 10, 2 (1983) S. 25-44

9Artikel  "The Freiris of Berwik" and Chaucerian fabliau
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1982) - In: Studies in Scottish literature Bd. 17 (1982) S. 145-152

10Artikel  Caxton's Mirrour of the World and Henryson's "Taill of the Cok and the Jasp".
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1978) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 13 (1978) S. 157-165

11Artikel  The Thre Prestis of Peblis and the growth of humanism in Scotland.
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1975) - In: The review of English studies Ser. NS, Bd. 26 (1975) S. 257-270

12Artikel  Arthur's pilgrimage: a study of "Golagros and Gawane"
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1974) - In: Studies in Scottish literature Bd. 12 (1974) S. 3-20

13Artikel  Dunbar and Lydgate
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1971) - In: Studies in Scottish literature Bd. 8 (1971) S. 215-227

14Artikel  Drummond of Hawthornden: the major Scottish sources
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1968) - In: Studies in Scottish literature Bd. 6 (1968) S. 36-46

15Artikel  Scottish sonneteer and Welsh metaphysical: a study of the religious poetry of Sir William Mure and Henry Vaughan
Jack, Ronald D. S.. (1966) - In: Studies in Scottish literature Bd. 3 (1966) S. 240-247

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