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Publikationen »James, Simon«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: James, Simon

RI opac: 10 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Roman Germany
James, SimonKrmnicek, Stefan [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2020)

2Sammelwerk  Britons and Romans: advancing an archaeological agenda
James, SimonMillett, Martin [Hrsg.]. - York (2001)

3Artikel  Ancient Arms Race. Antiquity's Largest Fortresses and Sasanian Military Networks of Northern Iran
James, Simon. (2023) - In: Medieval archaeology Bd. 67 (2023) S. 221-222

4Artikel  From phantom town to maritime cultural landscape and beyond: Dreamer's Bay Roman-Byzantine ‘port', the Akrotiri Peninsula, Cyprus, and eastern Mediterranean maritime communications
James, SimonBlue, LucyRogers, AdamScore, Vicki. (2020) - In: Levant. The journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant Bd. 52 (2020) S. 337-360

5Buchbeitrag  New Light on the Roman Military Base at Dura-Europos: Interim Report on a Pilot Season of Fieldwork in 2005
James, Simon. (2007) - In: The late Roman army in the Near East from Diocletian to the Arab conquest S. 29-48

6Buchbeitrag  The Impact of Steppe Peoples and the Partho-Sasanian World on the Development of Roman Military Equipment and Dress, 1st to 3rd Centuries AD
James, Simon. (2006) - In: Arms and armour as indicators of cultural transfer S. 357-392

7Buchbeitrag  Soldiers and civilians: identity and interaction in Roman Britain
James, Simon. (2001) - In: Britons and Romans. Advancing an archaeological agenda S. 77-89

8Buchbeitrag  An early medieval building tradition
James, SimonMarschall, AnneMillett, Martin. (1999) - In: The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England. Basic Readings S. 79-118

9Artikel  An early medieval building tradition
James, SimonMarshall, AnneMillett, Martin. (1984) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 141 (1984) S. 182-215

10Artikel  Excavations at Cowdery's Down, Basingstoke, Hampshire, 1978-1981
Millett, MartinJames, Simonu.a.. (1983) - In: The archaeological journal Bd. 140 (1983) S. 151-279

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