Publikationen »Jaquet, Daniel«
Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Jaquet, Daniel
RI opac: 42 Einträge
1 | Martial Culture in Medieval Towns: An Anthology Jaquet, Daniel • Tzouriadis, Iason-Eleftherios • Schmid, Regula [Hrsg.]. |
2 | Combattre au Moyen Âge Jaquet, Daniel. |
3 | Late medieval and early modern fight books: transmission and tradition of martial arts in Europe (14th-17th centuries) Jaquet, Daniel • Verelst, Karin • Dawson, Timothy [Hrsg.]. |
4 | [Bibliographie] Jaquet, Daniel. |
5 | Expérimenter le maniement des armes à la fin du Moyen Âge Jaquet, Daniel • Baptiste, Nicolas P. [Hrsg.]. |
6 | L'art chevaleresque du combat: le maniement des armes à travers les livres de combat (XIVe - XVIe siècles) Jaquet, Daniel [Hrsg.]. |
10 | Jouer de la Hache devant le duc. Combat ritualisé en armure à la cour de Bourgogne Le Coultre, Anne-Caroline • Jaquet, Daniel. |
11 | Martial Culture in Medieval Towns. Forschungsbericht Jaquet, Daniel • Magli, Elena • Roelofsen, Mathijs • Schmid Keeling, Regula. |
12 | European Fight Books 1305-1630: Classification, typology and comparison between manuscripts and prints Jaquet, Daniel. |
13 | Fight books in comparative perspective. An introduction Jaquet, Daniel • Wetzler, Sixt. |
15 | "... schirmen mit FederkIingen": Towards a Terminology of Fencing Swords Jaquet, Daniel. |
16 | The art of fighting under glass: Review of museum exhibitions displaying fight books, 1968-2017 Jaquet, Daniel. |
18 | Moving in Late Medieval Harness: Exploration of a Lost Embodied Knowledge Jaquet, Daniel • Deluz, Vincent. |
20 | Costume and weapon simulator in the reconstruction of ancient martial arts practices An introduction Jaquet, Daniel. |
22 | The collection of Lew the Jew in the lineage of German Fight Books corpus Jaquet, Daniel. |
25 | Experimenting Historical European Martial Arts, a Scientific Method? Jaquet, Daniel. |
26 | Conclusion Jaquet, Daniel. Dawson, Timothy • Verelst, Karin [Bearb.]. |
27 | Two late flying prints informing on the artist involved in the Opera Nova of Achille Marozzo and on the date of an original (lost) edition? Jaquet, Daniel • Gotti, Roberto. |
30 | Introduction Jaquet, Daniel • Verelst, Karin • Dawson, Timothy. |
31 | The Future of Historical European Martial Arts Studies. A discussion Jaquet, Daniel. |
34 | L'expérimentation du geste martial et artistique: regards croisés Jaquet, Daniel • Kiss-Mützenberg, Dora. |
35 | Liegnitzer, Hundsfeld or Lew? The question of authorship of popular Medieval fighting teachings Jaquet, Daniel • Walczak, Bartlomiej. |
36 | Une épée d'armes pour le combat singulier en armure Jaquet, Daniel. |
37 | Introduction Jaquet, Daniel. |
38 | Conclusion Jaquet, Daniel. |
39 | Fighting in the Fightschools late XVth, early XVIth century Jaquet, Daniel. |
40 | Combattre à plaisance ou à outrance ? Le combat en armure à pied d'après les textes fondateurs Jaquet, Daniel. |
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