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Publikationen »Jesch, Judith«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Jesch, Judith

RI opac: 93 Einträge

1Monographie  The Viking diaspora
Jesch, Judith. - London [u.a.] (2015)

2Sammelwerk  Epigraphic literacy and Christian identity: modes of written discourse in the newly Christian European North
Zilmer, KristelJesch, Judith [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2012)

3Sammelwerk  The Scandinavians from the Vendel period to the tenth century: an ethnographic perspective
Jesch, Judith [Hrsg.]. - Woodbridge [u.a.] (2002)

4Sammelwerk  Vikings and the Danelaw: Selected papers from the procedings of the thirteenth Viking Congress, Nottingham and York, 21-30 August 1997
Graham-Campbell, James A.Hall, Richard A.Jesch, JudithParsons, David [Hrsg.]. - London (2001)

5Monographie  Ships and men in the late Viking age: The vocabulary of runic inscriptions and skaldic verse
Jesch, Judith. - Woodbridge (2001)

6Sammelwerk  Wirral and its Viking Heritage
Cavill, Paul R.Harding, StephenJesch, Judith [Hrsg.]. - Nottingham (2000)

7Monographie  Frauen der Vikingzeit
Jesch, Judith. - Wien (1993)

8Sammelwerk  The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic: Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Eleventh Viking Congress, Thurso and Kirkwall, 22 August - 1 September 1989
Batey, Colleen E.Jesch, JudithMorris, Christopher D. [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (1993)

9Monographie  Women in the Viking Age
Jesch, Judith. - Woodbridge (1991)

10Monographie  The lost literature of medieval Iceland: sagas of Icelanders
Jesch, Judith. - [University of London] (1984)

11Buchbeitrag  Shetland and the Runic Diaspora
Jesch, Judith. (2023) - In: Gedenkschrift Doreen Waugh S. 91-101

12Artikel  K. Jonas Nordbys doktordisputas
Jesch, Judithu.a.. (2022) - In: Futhark Bd. 12 (2022) S. 137-150

13Buchbeitrag  Origin Stories in the Viking Diaspora-Norway, Iceland, Orkney
Jesch, Judith. (2022) - In: Origin legends in early medieval Western Europe S. 109-134

14Artikel  Women, War and Words: a Verbal Archaeology of Shield-maidens
Jesch, Judith. (2021) - In: Viking. Tidsskrift for norrøn arkeologi Bd. 84 (2021) S. 127-142

15Artikel  Haplotypes and textual types: Interdisciplinary approaches to Viking Age migration and mobility
Jesch, Judith. (2021) - In: Journal of social archaeology Bd. 21 (2021) S. 216-235

16Buchbeitrag  Healing runes
Jesch, JudithLee, Christina. (2020) - In: Viking Encounters S. 386-398

17Buchbeitrag  Diaspora
Jesch, Judith. (2018) - In: Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary Approaches 1 S. 583-593

18Artikel  Further Thoughts on E18 Saltfleetby
Jesch, Judith. (2018 - 2019) - In: Futhark Bd. 9/10 (2018/19) S. 201-213

19Buchbeitrag  The Viking diaspora
Jesch, Judith. (2017) - In: Migration und Integration von der Urgeschichte bis zum Mittelalter S. 315-323

20Buchbeitrag  The Threatening Wave: Norse Poetry and the Scottish Isles
Jesch, Judith. (2016) - In: Maritime Societies of the Viking and Medieval World S. 320-332

21Buchbeitrag  Kirkwall, Orkney
Jesch, Judith. (2016) - In: Europe. A literary history, 1348-1418 Tl. 1 S. 377-383

22Artikel  Jómsvíkinga Sogur and Jómsvíkinga Drápur: Texts, Contexts and Intertexts
Jesch, Judith. (2014) - In: Scripta Islandica Bd. 65 (2014) S. 81-100

23Buchbeitrag  Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th Century
Jesch, Judith. (2014) - In: Vers l'Orient et vers l'Occident. Regards croisés S. 55-60

24Buchbeitrag  Women and Identities
Jesch, Judith. (2014) - In: Kvinner i vikingtid S. 269-288

25Artikel  Runes and Words: Runic Lexicography in Context
Jesch, Judith. (2013) - In: Futhark Bd. 4 (2013) S. 77-100

26Buchbeitrag  Some Viking Weapons in Sigvatr's Verse
Jesch, Judith. (2013) - In: Studies James Graham-Campbell S. 341-358

27Buchbeitrag  Reading the Jelling Inscription.
Jesch, Judith. (2012) - In: Beretning fra Enogtredivte Tvaerfaglige Vikingesymposium S. 1ff.

28Buchbeitrag  Runic Inscriptions and the Vocabulary of Land, Lordship, and Social Power in the Late Viking Age
Jesch, Judith. (2011) - In: Settlement and lordship in Viking and early medieval Scandinavia S. 31-44

29Buchbeitrag  The Norse gods in England and the Isle of Man
Jesch, Judith. (2011) - In: Essays John McKinnell S. 11-24

30Buchbeitrag  The view from Nottingham
Royan, NicolaJesch, Judith. (2010) - In: Essays Thorlac Turville-Petre S. 19-22

31Buchbeitrag  Orkneyinga saga: A Work in Progress?
Jesch, Judith. (2010) - In: Creating the medieval saga S. 153-174

32Buchbeitrag  The warrior ideal in the Late Viking Age
Jesch, Judith. (2010) - In: The Viking age. Ireland and the West S. 165-173

33Buchbeitrag  The Once and Future King: History and Memory in Sigvatr's Poetry on Óláfr Haraldsson
Jesch, Judith. (2010) - In: Along the oral-written continuum. Types of texts, relations and their implications S. 103-117

34Buchbeitrag  Constructiong the warrior ideal in the Late Viking Age
Jesch, Judith. (2010) - In: The martial society. Aspects of warriors, fortifications and social change S. 71-78

35Buchbeitrag  Namings and Narratives: Exploration and Imagination in the Norse Voyages Westward
Jesch, Judith. (2009) - In: The world of travellers. Exploration and imagination S. 61-80

36Artikel  Myth and Cultural Memory in the Viking Diaspora
Jesch, Judith. (2008) - In: Viking and medieval Scandinavia Bd. 4 (2008) S. 221-226

37Buchbeitrag  Poetry in the Viking Age
Jesch, Judith. (2008) - In: The Viking world (2008) S. 291-298

38Buchbeitrag  Who was Wulfstan?
Jesch, Judith. (2008) - In: Wulfstan's voyage. The Baltic Sea region in the early Viking Age as seen from shipboard S. 29-36

39Buchbeitrag  Scandinavian women's names in English place-names
Jesch, Judith. (2008) - In: Essays Margaret Gelling S. 154-162

40Buchbeitrag  Memorial in speech and writing
Jesch, Judith. (2006) - In: Runesten, magt og mindesmaerker S. 95-104

41Buchbeitrag  Norse Myth in Medieval Orkney
Jesch, Judith. (2006) - In: The Fantastic in Old Norse Icelandic Literature. Preprint Papers Tl. 1 S. 425-444

42Buchbeitrag  Viking 'geosophy' and some colonial place-names
Jesch, Judith. (2006) - In: FS Gillian Fellows-Jensen S. 131-145

43Buchbeitrag  The 'Meaning of the Narrative Moment': Poets and History in the Late Viking Age
Jesch, Judith. (2006) - In: Narrative and History in the Early Medieval West S. 251-265

44Buchbeitrag  Norse Literature in the Orkney Earldom
Jesch, Judith. (2006) - In: The Edinburgh history of Scottish literature. 1. From Columba to the Union S. 77-82

45Artikel  Skaldic Verse and the Roots of History
Jesch, Judith. (2005) - In: Quaestio insularis Bd. 5 (2005) S. 1-22

46Buchbeitrag  Skaldic Verse, a Case of Literacy Avant la Lettre?
Jesch, Judith. (2005) - In: Literacy in medieval and Early Modern Scandinavian culture S. 187-210

47Artikel  Memorials in speech and writing
Jesch, Judith. (2005) - In: Hikuin Bd. 32 (2005) S. 95-104

48Buchbeitrag  Geography and travel
Jesch, Judith. (2005) - In: A companion to Old Norse-Icelandic literature and culture S. 119-135

49Buchbeitrag  Literature in medieval Orkney
Jesch, Judith. (2005) - In: The World of Orkneyinga Saga. 'The Broad-Cloth Viking Trip' S. 11-24

50Buchbeitrag  Old and new in Markús Skeggjason's Eiriksdrápa
Jesch, Judith. (2005) - In: Scandinavian and Christian Europe in the Middle Ages S. 268-274

51Buchbeitrag  Scandinavians and "cultural paganism" in later Anglo-Saxon England
Jesch, Judith. (2004) - In: The Christian tradition in Anglo-Saxon England S. 55-68

52Buchbeitrag  Vikings on the European continent in the late Viking Age
Jesch, Judith. (2004) - In: Scandinavia and Europe 800-1350. Contact, Conflict, and Coexistence S. 255-268

53Buchbeitrag  "Youth on the prow": three young kings in the late Viking Age
Jesch, Judith. (2004) - In: Youth in the Middle Ages S. 123-139

54Artikel  Skaldic Verse and the Roots of History
Jesch, Judith. (2004) - In: Quaestio insularis Bd. 5 (2004) S. ??

55Artikel  Revisiting Dingesmere
Cavill, Paul R.Harding, StephenJesch, Judith. (2003 - 2004) - In: Journal of the English Place Name Society Bd. 36 (2003/04) S. 25-38

56Buchbeitrag  Old and new in Markiis Skeggjason's Eiriksdrápa
Jesch, Judith. (2003) - In: Scandinavia and Christian Europe in the Middle Ages S. 268-274

57Buchbeitrag  Sea-battles in skaldic poetry
Jesch, Judith. (2002) - In: Maritime Warfare in Northern Europe S. 57-64

58Buchbeitrag  Eagles, ravens and wolves: beasts of battle, symbols of victory and death
Jesch, Judith. (2002) - In: The Scandinavians from the Vendel period to the tenth century S. 251-280

59Buchbeitrag  Introduction
Jesch, Judith. (2002) - In: The Scandinavians from the Vendel period to the tenth century S. 1-4

60Buchbeitrag  Skaldic verse in Scandinavian England
Jesch, Judith. (2001) - In: Vikings and the Danelaw S. 313-325

61Buchbeitrag  Old Norse víkingr: a question of contexts
Jesch, Judith. (2001) - In: Essays Christine E. Fell S. 107-121

62Artikel  Women and ships in the Viking world
Jesch, Judith. (2001) - In: Northern Studies Bd. 36 (2001) S. 49-68

63Artikel  De vestnordiske futharkinnskriftene fra vikingtid og middelalder -- form og funksjon.
Fjellhammer Seim, KarinBarnes, Michael P.Jesch, Judith. (2000) - In: Maal og minne , 2 (2000) S. 141-170

64Buchbeitrag  Knútr in poetry and history
Jesch, Judith. (2000) - In: Studies Gerd Wolfgang Weber S. 243-256

65Buchbeitrag  Sagas and scaldic poetry
Jesch, Judith. (2000) - In: Artikler Preben Meulengracht Sørensen S. 7-18

66Buchbeitrag  Scandinavian Wirral. From Scandinavia to the Wirral
Jesch, Judith. (2000) - In: Wirral and its Viking Heritage S. 1-16

67Buchbeitrag  The power of poetry
Jesch, Judith. (2000) - In: Beretning fra nittende tværfaglige vikingesymposium S. 21-39

68Buchbeitrag  Murder and treachery in the Viking Age
Jesch, Judith. (1998) - In: Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages S. 63-85

69Buchbeitrag  Still standing in Ågersta: textuality and literacy in late Viking-age rune stone inscriptions
Jesch, Judith. (1998) - In: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinärer Forschung S. 462-475

70Artikel  Skaldic studies
Jesch, Judith. (1998) - In: Collegium medievale Bd. 11 (1998) S. 105-117

71Buchbeitrag  The Norse Tradition
Jesch, Judith. (1998) - In: The Triumph Tree. Scotland's Earliest Poetry 550-1350 S. 40-43

72Buchbeitrag  Knútr in Poetry and History: Reconstructing Hallvardr Háreksblesi's "Knútsdrápa"
Jesch, Judith. (1997) - In: Sagas and the Norwegian experience S. 303-312

73Buchbeitrag  The Senja neck-ring and viking activity in the eleventh century
Jesch, Judith. (1997) - In: Blandade Runstudier 2 S. 7-12

74Buchbeitrag  Norse historical traditions and the Historia Grufudd vab Kenan: Magnús Berfœttr and Haraldr Hárfagri
Jesch, Judith. (1996) - In: Gruffudd ap Cynan. A collaborative biography S. 117-147

75Artikel  Presenting traditions in Orkneyinga saga
Jesch, Judith. (1996) - In: Leeds studies in English Ser. NS, Bd. 27 (1996) S. 69-86

76Artikel  In praise of Ástríðr Óláfsdóttir
Jesch, Judith. (1994) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 24, 1 (1994) S. 1-18

77Buchbeitrag  Skaldic and runic vocabulary and the Viking Age: a research project
Jesch, Judith. (1994) - In: The Twelfth Viking Congress. Developments around the Baltic and the North Sea in the Viking Age S. 294-301

78Buchbeitrag  Runic inscriptions and social history. Some problems of method
Jesch, Judith. (1994) - In: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Runes and Runic Inscriptions S. 149-162

79Buchbeitrag  Art. "Illuga saga Grídarfóstra" (the saga of Illugi, foster-son of Grídr)
Jesch, Judith. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 322-323

80Artikel  History in the "political sagas"
Jesch, Judith. (1993) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 62 (1993) S. 210-220

81Buchbeitrag  England and Orkneyinga saga.
Jesch, Judith. (1993) - In: The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic S. 222-239

82Buchbeitrag  Skaldic verse and Viking semantics
Jesch, Judith. (1993) - In: Viking Revaluations S. 160-171

83Buchbeitrag  Art. "Hrómundar saga Gripssonar" (the saga of Hrómundr Gripsson)
Jesch, Judith. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 305

84Artikel  Narrating Orkneyinga Saga
Jesch, Judith. (1992) - In: Scandinavian studies Bd. 64 (1992) S. 336-355

85Buchbeitrag  "Good men" and peace in Njáls saga
Jesch, Judith. (1992) - In: Introductory Essays on Egils saga and Njáls saga S. 64-82

86Artikel  Who was hulmkir? Double apposition in the Ramsund inscription
Jesch, Judith. (1991) - In: Arkiv för nordisk filologi Bd. 106 (1991) S. 125-136

87Artikel  New finds from Orkney
Jesch, Judith. (1990) - In: Nytt om runer Bd. 5 (1990) S. 13-14

88Buchbeitrag  Frauen in der altnordischen Literatur
Jesch, Judith. (1989) - In: Auf-Brüche. Uppbrott och uppbytningar i skandinavistisk metoddiskussion S. 152-180

89Artikel  Women poets in the Viking Age: an exploration
Jesch, Judith. (1987) - In: New comparison Bd. 4 (1987) S. 2-15

90Artikel  Early Christians in Icelandic history - a case study
Jesch, Judith. (1987) - In: Nottingham medieval studies Bd. 31 (1987) S. 17-36

91Artikel  Hrómundr Gripsson revisited.
Jesch, Judith. (1984) - In: Skandinavistik Bd. 14 (1984) S. 89-105

92Artikel  Ásmundar saga flagðagæfu
Jesch, Judith. (1982) - In: Arv. Nordic yearbook of folklore Bd. 38 (1982) S. 103-131

93Artikel  Two lost sagas
Jesch, Judith. (1982 - 1983) - In: Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research Bd. 21, 1 (1982/83) S. 1-14

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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