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Publikationen »Jochens, Jenny M.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Jochens, Jenny M.

RI opac: 47 Einträge

1Monographie  Women in Old Norse society
Jochens, Jenny M.. - Ithaca, NY [u.a.] (1995)

2Artikel  Gudrid Thorbjarnardottir: Une globe-trotteuse de l'an mil
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2008) - In: Clio. Histoire, femmes et sociétés Bd. 28 (2008)

3Buchbeitrag  Romance, Marriage, and Social Class in the Saga World
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2008) - In: Essays Marianne Kalinke S. 65-80

4Artikel  Le millénaire de la conversion en Islande
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2006) - In: Médiévales Bd. 50 (2006) S. 169-178

5Artikel  La richesse, la sexualité et l'incitation: outils politiques des femmes dans le Nord
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2006) - In: Médiévales Bd. 50 (2006) S. 121-136

6Buchbeitrag  Germanic Marriage: The Case of Medieval Iceland
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2005) - In: The medieval marriage scene. Prudence, passion, policy S. 71-84

7Artikel  Histoire de femmes. À propos de quelques ouvrages récents. [Bibliographie]
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2004) - In: Le Moyen Âge Bd. 110 (2004) S. 377-382

8Buchbeitrag  Art. Norse women
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2004) - In: Women in the Middle Ages. An encyclopedia S. 730-736

9Buchbeitrag  Vikings westward to Vínland: the problem of women
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2002) - In: Cold counsel. Women in Old Norse literature and mythology S. 129-158

10Buchbeitrag  The western voyages: women and vikings
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2001) - In: Approaches to Vínland S. 78-87

11Buchbeitrag  Representation of skalds in the sagas. 2: gender relations
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2001) - In: Skaldsagas. Text, Vocation, and Desire in the Icelandic Sagas of Poets S. 309-332

12Buchbeitrag  Sexualité et mariage dans l'Islande païenne et chrétienne
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2000) - In: Mariage et sexualité au Moyen Âge S. 81-90

13Buchbeitrag  Art. Viking Age
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2000) - In: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages S. 629-631

14Buchbeitrag  Art. Viking discoveries and settlements: the Faeroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, and Vinland
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2000) - In: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages S. 631-633

15Buchbeitrag  Art. Vinland sagas: "Gr(oe)lendinga saga" and "Eir'ks saga Rauda"
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2000) - In: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages S. 636-637

16Buchbeitrag  Art. Fornaldarsgur
Jochens, Jenny M.. (2000) - In: Trade, travel, and exploration in the Middle Ages S. 196-197

17Buchbeitrag  Triangularity in the pagan north: the case of Bjorn Arngeirsson and Þórdr Kolbeinsson
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1999) - In: Conflicted identities and multiple masculinities S. 111-134

18Artikel  Race and ethnicity in the old Norse world
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1999) - In: Viator Bd. 30 (1999) S. 79-103

19Artikel  Late and Peaceful: Iceland's Conversion through Arbitration in 1000
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1999) - In: Speculum Bd. 74 (1999) S. 621-655

20Buchbeitrag  Gendered trifunctionality: the case of Rígsþula
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1997) - In: Mélanges Régis Boyer S. 111-122

21Buchbeitrag  Race and Ethnicity Among Medieval Norwegians and Icelanders
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1997) - In: Sagas and the Norwegian experience S. 313-322

22Buchbeitrag  Old Norse sexuality: men, women, and beasts
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1996) - In: Handbook of Medieval Sexuality S. 369-400

23Buchbeitrag  Old Norse motherhood
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1996) - In: Medieval Mothering S. 201-222

24Artikel  Feminist Scholarship in Old Norse Studies
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1995) - In: Medieval feminist newsletter Bd. 19, 1 (1995) S. 29-30

25Artikel  Marching to a different drummer: new trends in medieval Icelandic scholarship
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1993) - In: Comparative studies in society and history Bd. 35 (1993) S. 197-207

26Buchbeitrag  "Með Jákvaeði Hennar Sjálfrar": consent as signifier in the Old Norse world
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1993) - In: Consent and Coercion to Sex and Marriage in Ancient and Medieval Societies S. 271-289

27Buchbeitrag  Art. Coronation
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 108

28Buchbeitrag  Art. Succession
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 621

29Artikel  Gender symmetri in law?: The case of medieval Iceland
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1993) - In: Arkiv för nordisk filologi Bd. 108 (1993) S. 46-67

30Buchbeitrag  Art. Marriage and divorce
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1993) - In: Medieval Scandinavia. An encyclopedia S. 408-410

31Buchbeitrag  Gender and drinking in the world of the Icelandic sagas
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1993) - In: Essays Kristof Glamann S. 155-181

32Artikel  Magie et réparation entre hommes et femmes dans les mythes et la société germanico-nordiques à travers les sagas et les lois scandinaves
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1993) - In: Cahiers de civilisation médiévale Bd. 36 (1993) S. 375-389

33Buchbeitrag  From libel to lament: male manifestations of love in Old Norse
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1992) - In: From sagas to society. Comparative approaches to early Iceland S. 247-264

34Buchbeitrag  Before the male gaze: the absence of the female body in Old Norse
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1991) - In: Sex in the Middle Ages. A book of essays S. 3-29

35Artikel  Old Norse magic and gender: þáttr þorvalds ens Víðförla
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1991) - In: Scandinavian studies Bd. 63 (1991) S. 305-317

36Artikel  The illicit love visit: an archaeology of Old Norse sexuality
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1991) - In: Journal of the history of sexuality Bd. 1 (1991) S. 357-392

37Buchbeitrag  Old Norse sources on women
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1990) - In: Medieval women and the sources S. 155-188

38Buchbeitrag  Völuspá: matrix of Norse womanhood
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1990) - In: Poetry in the Scandinavian Middle Ages S. 257-277

39Buchbeitrag  The medieval Icelandic heroine: fact or fiction
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1989) - In: Sagas of the Icelanders. A Book of Essays S. 99-125

40Artikel  "Voluspá": Matrix of Norse Womanhood
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1989) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 88 (1989) S. 344-362

41Artikel  The Female Inciter in the Kings' Sagas
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1987) - In: Arkiv för nordisk filologi Bd. 102 (1987) S. 100-119

42Artikel  The Politics of Reproduction: Medieval Norwegian Kingship
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1987) - In: The American Historical Review Bd. 92 (1987) S. 327-349

43Artikel  Consent in marriage: Old Norse law, life and literature
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1986) - In: Scandinavian studies Bd. 58 (1986) S. 142-176

44Artikel  The medieval Icelandic heroine: fact or fiction?
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1986) - In: Viator Bd. 17 (1986) S. 35-50

45Artikel  En Islande médiévale: à la recherche de la famille nucléaire
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1985) - In: Annales Bd. 40 (1985) S. 95-112

46Buchbeitrag  Art. Denmark
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1984) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 4 S. 148-156

47Artikel  The Church and sexuality in medieval Iceland
Jochens, Jenny M.. (1980) - In: Journal of Medieval History Bd. 6 (1980) S. 377-392

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