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Publikationen »Jones, Malcolm«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Jones, Malcolm

RI opac: 27 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Profane Imagery in Marginal Arts of the Middle Ages
Block, Elaine C.Fellows, JenniferJones, Malcolm [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2009)

2Monographie  The secret Middle Ages
Jones, Malcolm. - Westport, Conn. [u.a.] (2003)

3Monographie  The secret Middle Ages: [discovering the real medieval world]
Jones, Malcolm. - Stroud (2002)

4Artikel  The Beautiful Game: Courtly Love Posies in Anglo-Norman Inscribed on Jewellery and Seals
Jones, Malcolm. (2024) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 177 (2024) S. 101-130

5Buchbeitrag  If like a crab you could go backward. ‘Crab'-Riding in European Art and Culture
Jones, Malcolm. (2022) - In: Auf den Schwingen des Pelikans. Studien und Texte zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters S. 587-622

6Buchbeitrag  "Facete and befitting pictures": humour in the prints and paintings of the English Renaissance, 1550-1650.
Jones, Malcolm. (2018) - In: Rire en images à la Renaissance S. 193-225

7Buchbeitrag  Ship Names
Jones, Malcolm. (2016) - In: The Oxford handbook of names and naming S. 655-660

8Buchbeitrag  Sex, Popular Beliefs, and Culture
Jones, Malcolm. (2011) - In: A cultural history of sexuality Tl. 2 S. 139-164

9Artikel  The viewer in late medieval Europe
Jones, Malcolm. (2011) - In: Print quarterly Bd. 28 (2011) S. 196-197

10Buchbeitrag  I, Henrye Watson, symple of understondynge: Onomastics and the Limits of Translation
Jones, Malcolm. (2010) - In: Autour des quenouilles. La parole des femmes (1450 - 1600) S. 83-88

11Buchbeitrag  Mundus perversus. Monde renversé, Verkehrte Welt, World turned upside down
Jones, Malcolm. (2008) - In: Burgen, Länder, Orte S. 633-638

12Buchbeitrag  The cat in the badge: the iconography of late medieval bicaudal and other felines
Jones, Malcolm. (2007) - In: Essays Brian Spencer S. 151-169

13Buchbeitrag  Sacred And Profane: Reinforcement and Amuletic Ambiguity in the Late Medieval Lead Badge Corpus
Jones, Malcolm. (2004) - In: Erotik, aus dem Dreck gezogen S. 111-137

14Buchbeitrag  Monsters of Misogyny: Bigorne and Chicheface - suite et fin?
Jones, Malcolm. (2002) - In: Marvels, monsters, and miracles S. 203-221

15Buchbeitrag  German and Flemish prints as design-sources for the misericords in St George's Chapel, Windsor (1477.84)
Jones, Malcolm. (2002) - In: Windsor. Medieval Archaeology, Art and Architecture in the Thames Valley S. 155-165

16Buchbeitrag  The Misericords
Jones, Malcolm. (2000) - In: Beverley Minster. An Illustrated History S. 157-169

17Buchbeitrag  'Such pretty things would soon be gone': The Neglected Genres of Popular Verse, 1480-1650
Jones, Malcolm. (2000) - In: A companion to English Renaissance literature and culture S. 442-463

18Buchbeitrag  The English Print, c. 1550-c. 1650
Jones, Malcolm. (2000) - In: A companion to English Renaissance literature and culture S. 352-366

19Artikel  The names given to ships in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century England
Jones, Malcolm. (2000) - In: Nomina. Journal of the Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland Bd. 23 (2000) S. 23-36

20Artikel  Proclaiming and prognostication: world upside-down predicted - official
Jones, Malcolm. (1999) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 21 (1999) S. 87-102

21Artikel  The parodic sermon in medieval and early-modern England
Jones, Malcolm. (1997) - In: Medium aevum Bd. 66 (1997) S. 94-114

22Artikel  Proverbial Follies in Late Medieval Art and Literature
Jones, Malcolm. (1996) - In: The profane arts of the Middle Ages Bd. 5, 1 (1996) S. 79-102

23Buchbeitrag  "Slawpase fro the myln-whele": seeing between the lines
Jones, Malcolm. (1996) - In: Festive Drama. Papers from the Sixth Triennial Colloquium S. 242-258

24Artikel  A Bachtinian Approach to the Gospels: The Problem of Authority
Jones, Malcolm. (1996) - In: Scando-Slavica Bd. 42 (1996) S. 58-76

25Buchbeitrag  The secular badges.
Jones, Malcolm. (1993) - In: Heilig en profaan. 1000 laatmiddeleeuwse insignes S. 99-109

26Buchbeitrag  Sex and Sexuality in Late Medieval and Early Modern Art
Jones, Malcolm. (1993) - In: Privatisierung der Triebe? Sexualität in der Frühen Neuzeit S. 187-304

27Artikel  A medieval choirstall desk-end at Haddon Hall: the fox-bishop and the geese-hangmen
Jones, MalcolmTracy, Charles. (1991) - In: Journal of the British Archaeological Association Bd. 144 (1991) S. 92-115

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

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Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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