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Publikationen »Kalas, Veronica G.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Kalas, Veronica G.

RI opac: 12 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Kalas, Veronica G.. (2016)

2Monographie  Rock-cut architecture of the Peristrema Valley: Society and settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia
Kalas, Veronica G.. - New York, NY (2000)

3Buchbeitrag  The Fortification Wall at Selime and Community Identity in the Peristrema Valley, Cappadocia, (Tenth-Eleventh Centuries)
Kalas, Veronica G.. (2021) - In: Space and Communities in Byzantine Anatolia S. 377-398

4Buchbeitrag  Rock-cut façades from Byzantine Cappadocia
Kalas, Veronica G.. (2017) - In: Cappadocia Hypogea 2017 S. 40-45

5Buchbeitrag  The Byzantine Kitchen in the Domestic Complexes of Cappadocia
Kalas, Veronica G.. (2009) - In: Archaeology of the countryside in medieval Anatolia S. 109-128

6Buchbeitrag  Challenging the sacred landscape of Byzantine Cappadocia
Kalas, Veronica G.. (2009) - In: Negotiating secular and sacred in medieval art. Christian, Islamic, and Buddhist S. 147-173

7Buchbeitrag  Sacred Boundaries and Protective Borders: Outlying Chapels of Middle Byzantine Settlements in Cappadocia
Kalas, Veronica G.. (2009) - In: Sacred landscapes in Anatolia and neighboring regions S. 79-92

8Buchbeitrag  The Georgian Aspects of Medieval Architecture atAni in the Thirteenth Century: The Church of Tigran Honents and the Mosque of Minuchir
Kalas, Veronica G.Özkaya, Yavuz. (2009) - In: Georgian art in the context of European and Asian cultures S. 211-216

9Buchbeitrag  Middle Byzantine art and architecture in Cappadocia: the Ala Kilise in Belisirma in the Peristrema Valley.
Kalas, Veronica G.. (2009) - In: Studies Thomas F. Mathews S. 184-194

10Artikel  The 2004 Survey of the Byzantine Settlement at Selime-Yaprakhisar in The Peristrema Valley, Cappadocia
Kalas, Veronica G.. (2006) - In: Dumbarton Oaks papers Bd. 60 (2006) S. 271-293

11Artikel  Early explorations of Cappadocia and the monastic myth
Kalas, Veronica G.. (2004) - In: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Bd. 28 (2004) S. 101-120

12Buchbeitrag  Art. Cappadocia, Turkey
Kalas, Veronica G.. (1998) - In: Encyclopedia of monasticism Tl. 1 S. 238-239

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