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Publikationen »Kalligas, Paul«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Kalligas, Paul

RI opac: 15 Einträge

1Monographie  The " Enneads " of Plotinus: a commentary. 1
Kalligas, Paul. - Oxford (2014)

2Artikel  Honey from Hymettus: Platonic Philosophy in the Cave of Pan
Kalligas, Paul. (2020) - In: Classics Ireland Bd. 27 (2020) S. 165-196

3Buchbeitrag  Eusebius' Contribution to the Transmission of Plotinus' Enn. IV.7 [2] On the Immortality of the Soul
Kalligas, Paul. (2019) - In: Tempus quaerendi. Nouvelles expériences philologiques dans le domaine de la pensée de l'Antiquité tardive S. 185-196

4Buchbeitrag  Plotinus' criticism of Aristotle's doctrine of primary substance and its background
Kalligas, Paul. (2019) - In: Aristotle and his commentators S. 83-94

5Artikel  Plotinus on Number as Quantity
Kalligas, Paul. (2015) - In: Philosophical inquiry Bd. 39 (2015) S. 207-216

6Artikel  Eiskrisis, or the Presence of Soul in the Body: A Plotinian Conundrum
Kalligas, Paul. (2012) - In: Ancient philosophy Bd. 32 (2012) S. 147-166

7Buchbeitrag  From Being an Image to Being What-Is-Not
Kalligas, Paul. (2012) - In: Presocratics and Plato. Festschrift at Delphi in honor of Charles Kahn S. 391-410

8Artikel  The structure of appearances: Plotinus on the constitution of sensible objects
Kalligas, Paul. (2011) - In: The philosophical quarterly Bd. 61 (2011) S. 762-782

9Buchbeitrag  Plotinus against the Corporealists on the Soul. A Commentary on enn. IV 7 [2],8.1-23
Kalligas, Paul. (2005) - In: Studi sull'anima in Plotino S. 95-112

10Buchbeitrag  Plotinus on Evidence and Truth
Kalligas, Paul. (2004) - In: La vérité. Antiquite-Modernité S. 65-76

11Buchbeitrag  Basil of Caesarea on the semantics of proper names
Kalligas, Paul. (2002) - In: Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources S. 31-48

12Artikel  Living Body, Soul, and Virtue in the Philosophy of Plotinus
Kalligas, Paul. (2000) - In: Dionysius Bd. 18 (2000) S. 25-37

13Artikel  Plotinus against the Gnostics
Kalligas, Paul. (2000) - In: Hermathena Bd. 169 (2000) S. 115-128

14Artikel  Forms of Individuals in Plotinus: A Re-Examination
Kalligas, Paul. (1997) - In: Phronesis. A journal for ancient philosophy Bd. 42 (1997) S. 206-227

15Artikel  Logos and the Sensible Object in Plotinus
Kalligas, Paul. (1997) - In: Ancient philosophy Bd. 17 (1997) S. 397-410

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