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Publikationen »Kemp, Martin«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Kemp, Martin

RI opac: 140 Einträge

1Monographie  Atlas anatomicus: the Royal Collection of Windsor / Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo <da Vinci>. Kemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - Bologna (2023)

2Sammelwerk  Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Leicester: A New Edition, II: Interpretative Essays and the History of the Codex Leicester
Laurenza, DomenicoKemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2019)

3Monographie  Leonardo by Leonardo
Kemp, Martin. - Modena (2019)

4Monographie  Leonardo da Vinci: ritratto di Bianca Sforza: "La bella principessa"
Kemp, Martin. - Reggio nell'Emilia (2014)

5Monographie  La bella principessa di Leonardo da Vinci: ritratto di Bianca Sforza.
Kemp, Martin. - Firenze (2012)

6Monographie  Christ to Coke: how image becomes icon.
Kemp, Martin. - Oxford [u.a.] (2012)

7Monographie  Leonardo da Vinci: las maravillosas obras de la naturaleza y del hombre
Kemp, Martin. - s.l. (2011)

8Monographie  Leonardo da Vinci: La bella principessa ; the profile portrait of a Milanese woman.
Kemp, Martin. - London (2010)

9Monographie  I disegni di Leonardo da Vinci e della sua cerchia nelle collezioni della Gran Bretagna
Leonardo <da Vinci>. Kemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - Firenze [u.a.] (2010)

10Sammelwerk  DuMont Geschichte der Kunst
Kemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - Köln (2007)

11Monographie  The human animal in Western art and science
Kemp, Martin. - Chicago [u.a.] (2007)

12Monographie  Leonardo da Vinci: the marvellous works of nature and men.
Kemp, Martin. - New York, NY [u.a.] (2006)

13Monographie  Seen / unseen: art, science, and intuition from Leonardo to the Hubble telescope.
Kemp, Martin. - Oxford (2006)

14Sammelwerk  Leonardo da Vinci: experience, experiment and design.
Kemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - London (2006)

15Monographie  Leonardo
Kemp, Martin. - Oxford [u.a.] (2005)

16Monographie  Leonardo
Kemp, Martin. - New York (2004)

17Monographie  Lezioni dell'occhio: Leonardo da Vinci discepolo dell'esperienza.
Kemp, Martin. - Milano (2004)

18Monographie  DuMont Geschichte der Kunst
Kemp, Martin. - Köln (2003)

19Monographie  Bilderwissen: die Anschaulichkeit naturwissenschaftlicher Phänomene.
Kemp, Martin. - Köln (2003)

20Monographie  Seen and unseen: the visual ideas behind art and science.
Kemp, Martin. - New York (2001)

21Sammelwerk  The Oxford Ilustrated History of Western Art
Kemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - Oxford (2000)

22Sammelwerk  Spectacular bodies: the art and science of the human body from Leonardo to now ; [on the occasion of the exhibition Spectacular Bodies: The Art and Science of the Human Body from Leonardo to Now, organized by the Hayward Gallery, London, 19 October 2000 - 14 January 2001]
Kemp, MartinWallace, Marina [Hrsg.]. - Berkeley [u.a.] (2000)

23Monographie  Visualizations: the "Nature" book of art and science
Kemp, Martin. - Oxford [u.a.] (2000)

24Monographie  Immagine e verità: per una storia dei rapporti fra arte e scienza.
Kemp, Martin. - Milano (1999)

25Monographie  Behind the picture: art and evidence in the Italian Renaissance
Kemp, Martin. - New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] (1997)

26Monographie  Der Blick hinter die Bilder: Text und Kunst in der italienischen Renaissance
Kemp, Martin. - Köln (1997)

27Sammelwerk  La scienza dell'arte: prospettiva e percezione visiva da Brunelleschi a Seurat
Kemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - Firenze (1994)

28Monographie  The drawings of Leonardo da Vinci
Popham, Arthur Ewart. Kemp, Martin [Bearb.]. - London (1994)

29Sammelwerk  Leonardo da Vinci: the mystery of the 'Madonna of the Yarnwinder
Kemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - Edinburgh (1992)

30Sammelwerk  The Altarpiece in the Renaissance
Humfrey, Peter BrianKemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1990)

31Monographie  The science of art: optical themes in western art from Brunelleschi to Seurat
Kemp, Martin. - New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] (1990)

32Monographie  Leonardo on painting: an anthology of writings by Leonardo da Vinci with a selection of documents relating to his career as an artist
Leonardo <da Vinci>. Kemp, Martin [Hrsg.]. - New Haven, Conn. [u.a.] (1989)

33Monographie  Leonardo da Vinci
Clark, Kenneth Willis. Kemp, Martin [Bearb.]. - Harmondsworth, Middlesex [u.a.] (1988)

34Monographie  Leonardo e lo spazio dello scultore: XXVII lettura vinciana 20 aprile 1987, Città di Vinci, Biblioteca Leonardiana
Kemp, Martin. - Firenze (1988)

35Monographie  Leonardo da Vinci: the marvellous works of nature and man.
Kemp, Martin. - Cambridge, MA (1981)

36Buchbeitrag  Leonardo and sfumare: more than meets the eye.
Kemp, Martin. (2021) - In: Paragone - Leonardo in comparison S. 154-161

37Buchbeitrag  Leonardo's book of negative demonstrations: circular motion and the "perpetual wheel".
Kemp, Martin. (2019) - In: Leonardo da Vinci - a mind in motion S. 216-223

38Buchbeitrag  "E questo fia un racolto sanza ordine": compilazione e caos nel Codice Leicester.
Kemp, Martin. (2018) - In: L'acqua microscopio della natura. Il Codice Leicester di Leonardo da Vinci S. 23-41

39Buchbeitrag  L'acqua nell'arte di Leonardo: alcuni punti di riferimento.
Kemp, Martin. (2018) - In: L'acqua microscopio della natura. Il Codice Leicester di Leonardo da Vinci S. 221-229

40Buchbeitrag  "Mona Lisa": Leonardo and the "Universal Picture".
Kemp, Martin. (2016) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Metodi e tecniche per la costruzione della conoscenza S. 17-24

41Buchbeitrag  "Here's looking at you": the cartoon for the so-called "Nude Mona Lisa"
Kemp, Martin. (2016) - In: FS Carlo Pedretti (2016) S. 151-168

42Buchbeitrag  The whole in the parts and the parts in the whole: Leonardo and the unity of knowledge.
Kemp, Martin. (2015) - In: Leonardo da Vinci 1452 - 1519. The design of the world S. 353-367

43Artikel  The Princeton "Saint Bartholomew" by Bernardino Pinturicchio
Kemp, Martin. (2014) - In: Record of the Art Museum Princeton University Bd. 73 (2014) S. 4-7

44Buchbeitrag  Gombrich and Leonardo: a natural affinity.
Kemp, Martin. (2014) - In: Meditations on a heritage. Papers on the work and legacy of Sir Ernst Gombrich S. 154-167

45Buchbeitrag  Gombrich e Leonardo: un'affinità naturale.
Kemp, Martin. (2013) - In: Leonardo "1952" e la cultura dell'Europa nel dopoguerra S. 339-354

46Buchbeitrag  Precision and pragmatism: Baldassarre Peruzzi's prespectival studies and the Sala delle Prospettive.
Kemp, Martin. (2013) - In: Renaissance studies Joseph Connors (2013) S. 311-321

47Buchbeitrag  Do biographies (and portraits) matter?
Kemp, Martin. (2013) - In: The lives of Leonardo S. 249-258

48Buchbeitrag  "A chaos of intelligence": Leonardo's "Traité" and the perspective wars at the Académie Royale.
Kemp, Martin. (2009) - In: Re-reading Leonardo. The Treatise on painting across Europe, 1550 - 1900 S. 237-254

49Buchbeitrag  What might Leonardo's own "Trattato" have looked like? and what did it actually look like up to the time of the "Editio Princeps"?
Kemp, Martin. (2009) - In: Re-reading Leonardo. The Treatise on painting across Europe, 1550 - 1900 S. 39-60

50Artikel  The Trinity "St Michael": a late mediaeval sculpture discovered in the President's Garden, Trinity College, Oxford
Bijzet, ErikKemp, Martin. (2009) - In: The sculpture journal Bd. 18 (2009) S. 112-115

51Artikel  The leonine man: from metaphysics to MGM.
Kemp, Martin. (2008) - In: Bildwelten des Wissens Bd. 6, 2 (2008) S. 90-102

52Buchbeitrag  Computer vision and painters' visions in Italian and Netherlandish art of the fifteenth century
Kemp, Martin. (2007) - In: Perspective, projections and design. Technologies of architectural representation S. 31-46

53Buchbeitrag  Leonardo e il modello di cera di un cavallo ben proporzionato
Kemp, Martin. (2007) - In: Leonardo. Dagli studi di proporzioni al Trattato della pittura S. 47-56

54Buchbeitrag  Die Neue Malerei: Italien und der Norden
Richards, JohnKemp, Martin. (2007) - In: DuMont Geschichte der Kunst S. 152-161

55Buchbeitrag  "Geometrische Spielereien" in den Rundfenstern von Leonardos Madonna mit der Nelke
Kemp, Martin. (2006) - In: Leonardo da Vinci - Die Madonna mit der Nelke S. 83-89

56Buchbeitrag  Costruire la composizione
Kang, Eun-SungKemp, Martin. (2006) - In: Raffaello da Firenze a Roma S. 76-85

57Buchbeitrag  Science and the poetic impulse
Kemp, Martin. (2006) - In: Sixteenth-century Italian art S. 94-114

58Artikel  Reflections of Reality in Jan van Eyck and Robert Campin
Criminisi, AntonioKemp, MartinKang, Sing Bing. (2004) - In: Historical Methods Bd. 37, 3 (2004) S. 109-122

59Buchbeitrag  Wissen in Bildern: Intuitionen in Kunst und Wissenschaft.
Kemp, Martin. (2004) - In: Iconic Turn. Die neue Macht der Bilder S. 382-406

60Buchbeitrag  Drawing the boundaries
Kemp, Martin. (2003) - In: Leonardo da Vinci, master draftsman S. 140-154

61Buchbeitrag  L'art via l'ordinateur: un nouveau cru ou juste une nouvelle étiquette?.
Kemp, MartinLambert, Nicholas. (2002) - In: Ruptures. De la discontinuité dans la vie artistique S. 269-284

62Buchbeitrag  Die Zeichen lesen: zur graphischen Darstellung von physischer und mentaler Bewegung in den Manuskripten Leonardos.
Kemp, Martin. (2002) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Natur im Übergang S. 207-227

63Artikel  'Your humble servant and painter': Towards a History of Leonardo da Vinci in his Contexts of Employment
Kemp, Martin. (2002) - In: Gazette des beaux-arts Ser. 6, Bd. 144 (2002) S. 181-194

64Buchbeitrag  From different points of view: Correggio, Copernics and the mobile observer.
Kemp, Martin. (2001) - In: FS John Shearman S. 207-213

65Buchbeitrag  Vedere lo spazio e misurare le immagini: Brunelleschi e la prospettiva urbana
Kemp, Martin. (2001) - In: Atti del VII centenario del Duomo di Firenze. 1. La cattedra e la città S. 661-672

66Buchbeitrag  "Fate come dico, non fate come faccio": lo spazio e lo spettatore nell'Ultima Cena.
Kemp, Martin. (2001) - In: Il genio e le passioni. Leonardo e il Cenacolo S. 53-59

67Buchbeitrag  Leonardo da Vinci: scienza e impulso poetico
Kemp, Martin. (2000) - In: Leonardiana in memoria di Augusto Marinoni S. 32-45

68Buchbeitrag  Vision and visualisation in the illustration of anatomy and astronomy from Leonardo to Galileo
Kemp, Martin. (2000) - In: 1543 and all that S. 17-51

69Buchbeitrag  The "Temple of Flora": Robert Thornton, plant sexuality and romantic science
Kemp, Martin. (2000) - In: Natura-cultura. L'interpretazione del mondo fisico nei testi e nelle immagini S. 15-28

70Buchbeitrag  The Crisis of Received Wisdom in Leonardo's Late Though
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 4 S. 81-96

71Buchbeitrag  "A Chaos of Intelligence": Leonardo's "Traité" and The Perspective Wars in the Académie Royale
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 4 S. 389-400

72Buchbeitrag  Leonardo and the Space of the Sculptor
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 2 S. 237-262

73Buchbeitrag  List of Dates in Leonardo's Life for which there is Documentary Evidence
Clark, Kenneth WillisKemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 1 S. 61-64

74Buchbeitrag  Leonardo's Leda and the Belvedere River-Gods: Roman Sources and a New Chronology
Kemp, MartinSmart, Alastair. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 3 S. 168-180

75Buchbeitrag  In the beholder's eye: Leonardo and the the "errors of sight" in theory and practice
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo's science and technology. Essential readings for the non-scientist S. 123-135

76Buchbeitrag  Christo fanciullo
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 2 S. 303-314

77Buchbeitrag  Dissection and divinity in Leonardo's late anatomies
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo's science and technology. Essential readings for the non-scientist S. 230-263

78Buchbeitrag  'Il concetto dell'anima' in Leonardo's early skull studies
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo's science and technology. Essential readings for the non-scientist S. 205-228

79Buchbeitrag  From Scientific Examination to the Renaissance Market: The Case of Leonardo da Vinci's Madonna of the Yarnwinder
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 2 S. 97-112

80Buchbeitrag  Analogy and observation in the Codex Hammer
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo's science and technology. Essential readings for the non-scientist S. 345-376

81Buchbeitrag  Leonardo da Vinci
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 1 S. 40-60

82Buchbeitrag  Leonardo and the visual pyramid
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo's science and technology. Essential readings for the non-scientist S. 96-117

83Buchbeitrag  Leonardo da Vinci: Science and the Poetic Impulse
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 2 S. 430-449

84Buchbeitrag  Leonardo Verso 1500
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 3 S. 23-31

85Buchbeitrag  Late Leonardo: Problems and Implications
Kemp, Martin. (1999) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. Selected scholarship 3 S. 382-390

86Artikel  Verrocchio''s ''San Donato'' and the Chiesina della Vergine di Piazza in Pistoia
Kemp, Martin. (1998) - In: Pantheon Bd. 56 (1998) S. 25-34

87Buchbeitrag  New light on old theories: Piero's studies of the transmission of light
Kemp, Martin. (1996) - In: Piero della Francesca tra arte e scienza S. 33-45

88Buchbeitrag  Temples of the body and temples of the cosmos: vision and visualization in the Vesalian and the Copernican revolutions.
Kemp, Martin. (1996) - In: Picturing knowledge. Historical and philosophical problems concerning the use of art in science S. 40-85

89Buchbeitrag  In the light of Dante: meditations on natural and divine light in Piero della Francesca, Raphael and Michelangelo
Kemp, Martin. (1996) - In: FS Matthias Winner S. 160-177

90Buchbeitrag  Leonardo's drawings for "Il cavallo del Duca Francesco di Bronzo": the program of research
Kemp, Martin. (1995) - In: Leonardo da Vinci's Sforza monument horse S. 64-78

91Buchbeitrag  "Wrought by no artist's hand": the natural, the artificial, the exotic, and the scientific in some artefacts from the Renaissance
Kemp, Martin. (1995) - In: Reframing the Renaissance. Visual Culture in Europe and Latin America, 1450-1650 S. 176-196

92Artikel  Piero and the idiots: the early "fortuna" of his theories of perspective
Kemp, Martin. (1995) - In: Studies in the history of art Bd. 48 (1995) S. 198-211

93Buchbeitrag  Relativity not relativism: some thoughts on the histories of science and art, having reread Panofsky.
Kemp, Martin. (1995) - In: Meaning in the visual arts. Views from the outside S. 225-236

94Artikel  Le tavole della legge: pittura e prospettiva
Kemp, Martin. (1994) - In: Art e dossier Bd. 9, 93 (1994) S. 11-15

95Artikel  From scientific examination to the Renaissance market: the case of Leonardo da Vinci's Madonna of the Yarnwinder.
Kemp, Martin. (1994) - In: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance studies Bd. 24 (1994) S. 259-274

96Buchbeitrag  Coming into line: graphic demonstrations of skill in Renaissance and Baroque engravings.
Kemp, Martin. (1994) - In: Essays E. H. Gombrich S. 221-244

97Artikel  La conquista dello spazio: alle origini della prospettiva
Kemp, Martin. (1994) - In: Art e dossier Bd. 9, 95 (1994) S. 37-41

98Artikel  La conquista dello spazio: alle origini della prospettiva
Kemp, Martin. (1994) - In: Art e dossier Bd. 9, 94 (1994) S. 35-37

99Buchbeitrag  Virtuous artists and virtuous art: Alberti and Leonardo on decorum in life and art
Kemp, Martin. (1992) - In: Decorum in Renaissance narrative art S. 15-23

100Artikel  Leonardo da Vinci, the National Gallery of Scotland's first Leonardo
Kemp, Martin. (1992) - In: National Art-Collections Fund Review (1992) S. 16-20

101Buchbeitrag  Leonardo verso il 1500
Kemp, Martin. (1992) - In: Leonardo & Venezia S. 45-54

102Artikel  The "Hammer lecture" (1992): in the beholder's eye ; Leonardo and the "errors of sight" in theory and practice.
Kemp, Martin. (1992) - In: Achademia Leonardi Vinci Bd. 5 (1992) S. 153-162

103Artikel  Point of view: the renascence of the Renaissance.
Kemp, Martin. (1992) - In: Annual review. National Art Collections Fund (1992) S. 16-20

104Buchbeitrag  Leonardo's Madonna of the Yarnwinder: the making of a devotional image.
Kemp, Martin. (1992) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. The mystery of the 'Madonna of the Yarnwinder S. 9-24

105Buchbeitrag  "La diminutione di ciascun piano": la rappresentazioine delle forme nello spazio di Francesco di Giorgio
Kemp, Martin. (1991) - In: Prima di Leonardo. Cultura delle macchine a Siena nel Rinascimento S. 105-112

106Artikel  Paolo Uccello's Hunt in the Forest
Kemp, MartinMassing, Ann. (1991) - In: The Burlington magazine Bd. 133 (1991) S. 164-178

107Artikel  An Urbino provenance for the Toulouse 'Boarhunt'
Bury, MichaelKemp, Martin. (1991) - In: The Burlington magazine Bd. 133 (1991) S. 452

108Buchbeitrag  The "Madonna of the Yarnwinder" in the Buccleuch collection reconsidered in the context of Leonardo's studio practice
Kemp, Martin. (1991) - In: I leonardeschi a Milano. Fortuna e collezionismo S. 35-48

109Buchbeitrag  The mean and measure of all things
Kemp, Martin. (1991) - In: Circa 1492 art in the age of exploration S. 95-112

110Artikel  'Christo fanciullo'
Kemp, Martin. (1991) - In: Achademia Leonardi Vinci Bd. 4 (1991) S. 171-176

111Buchbeitrag  Introduction. The altarpiece in the Renaissance: a taxonomic approach
Kemp, Martin. (1990) - In: The Altarpiece in the Renaissance S. 1-20

112Buchbeitrag  "Disciple of experience"
Kemp, Martin. (1989) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. [Hayward Gallery] S. 12-16

113Buchbeitrag  Leonardo then and now
Kemp, Martin. (1989) - In: Leonardo da Vinci. [Hayward Gallery] S. 5-11

114Artikel  The crisis at the V and A: a loss of balance ; the Trustee Boards of National Museums and Galleries.
Kemp, Martin. (1989) - In: The Burlington magazine Bd. 131 (1989) S. 355-357

115Buchbeitrag  Geometrical bodies as exemplary forms in Renaissance space
Kemp, Martin. (1989) - In: World Art. Themes of Unity in Diversity Tl. 1 S. 237-242

116Buchbeitrag  The "Super-artist" as genius: the sixteenth-century view.
Kemp, Martin. (1989) - In: Genius. The history of an idea S. 32-53

117Buchbeitrag  "A chaos of intelligence": Leonardo's "Traité" and the perspective wars in the Académie Royale.
Kemp, Martin. (1987) - In: Études André Chastel S. 415-426

118Artikel  Late Leonardo: problems and implications
Kemp, Martin. (1987) - In: Art journal Bd. 46, 2 (1987) S. 94-102

119Buchbeitrag  Les inventions de la nature et la nature de l'invention
Kemp, Martin. (1987) - In: Léonard de Vinci. Ingénieur et architecte S. 131-144

120Buchbeitrag  Perspective and meaning: illusion, allusion and collusion.
Kemp, Martin. (1987) - In: Philosophy and the visual arts. Seeing and abstracting S. 255-268

121Artikel  "Equal excellence": Lomazzo and the explanation of individual style in the visual arts
Kemp, Martin. (1987) - In: Renaissance studies Bd. 1 (1987) S. 1-26

122Buchbeitrag  Analogy and observation in the Codex Hammer
Kemp, Martin. (1986) - In: Studi Nando De Toni S. 103-134

123Artikel  Leonardo da Vinci: science and the poetic impulse
Kemp, Martin. (1985) - In: Journal. Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce Bd. 133 (1985) S. ??

124Buchbeitrag  Yellow, red and blue: the limits of colour science in painting, 1400 - 1730.
Kemp, Martin. (1985) - In: The natural sciences and the arts S. 98-105

125Artikel  Geometrical perspective from Brunelleschi to Desargues: a pictorial means or an intellectual end?
Kemp, Martin. (1984) - In: Proceedings of the British Academy Bd. 70 (1984) S. 89-132

126Artikel  The taking and use of evidence; with a Botticellian case study
Kemp, Martin. (1984) - In: Art journal Bd. 44, 3 (1984) S. 207-215

127Artikel  Leonardo dopo Milano
Kemp, Martin. (1982) - In: The Burlington magazine Bd. 124 (1982) S. 788

128Buchbeitrag  The crisis of received wisdom in Leonardo's late thought
Kemp, Martin. (1982) - In: Leonardo e l'età della ragione S. 27-42

129Artikel  Navis ecclesiae: an Ambrosian metaphor in Leonardo's allegory of the nautical Wolf and imperious Eagle
Kemp, Martin. (1981) - In: Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance Bd. 43 (1981) S. 257-268

130Artikel  Leonardo's Leda and the Belvedere River-Gods: roman sources and a new chronology.
Kemp, Martin. (1980) - In: Art history Bd. 3 (1980) S. 182-193

131Artikel  Leonardo da Vinci: anatomical drawings from the Royal Collection.
Kemp, Martin. (1978) - In: The Burlington magazine Bd. 120 (1978) S. 44-47

132Artikel  Science, non-science and nonsense: the interpretation of Brunelleschi's perspective
Kemp, Martin. (1978) - In: Art history Bd. 1 (1978) S. 134-161

133Artikel  From mimesis to fantasia: the Quattrocento vocabulary of creation, inspiration and genius in the visual arts
Kemp, Martin. (1977) - In: Viator Bd. 8 (1977) S. 347-398

134Artikel  Botticelli's Glasgow "Annunciation": patterns of instability
Kemp, Martin. (1977) - In: The Burlington magazine Bd. 119 (1977) S. 181-184

135Artikel  Leonardo and the visual pyramid
Kemp, Martin. (1977) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Bd. 40 (1977) S. 128-149

136Buchbeitrag  "Ogni dipintore se": a Neoplatonic echo in Leonardo's art theory?
Kemp, Martin. (1976) - In: Essays Paul Oskar Kristeller (1976) S. unpag.

137Artikel  Dissection and divinity in Leonardo's late anatomies
Kemp, Martin. (1972) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Bd. 35 (1972) S. 200-225

138Artikel  "Il Concetto dell'Anima" in Leonardo's early skull studies
Kemp, Martin. (1971) - In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Bd. 34 (1971) S. 115-134

139Artikel  A drawing for the "Fabrica"; and some thoughts upon the Vesalius muscle-men
Kemp, Martin. (1970) - In: Medical history Bd. 14 (1970) S. 277-288

140Buchbeitrag  Leonardo da Vinci: motions of life in the lesser and greater worlds.
Kemp, Martin. - In: Nine lectures on Leonardo da Vinci S. 10-21

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