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Publikationen »Kircher, Timothy«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Kircher, Timothy

RI opac: 21 Einträge

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Kircher, Timothy. (2016)

2Sammelwerk  Neo-Latin and the humanities: essays in honour of Charles E. Fantazzi
Deitz, LucKircher, TimothyReid, Jonathan A. [Hrsg.]. - Toronto (2014)

3Monographie  Living well in Renaissance Italy: the virtues of humanism and the irony of Leon Battista Alberti
Kircher, Timothy. - Tempe, Ariz. (2012)

4Monographie  The poet's wisdom: the humanists, the church, and the formation of philosophy in the early Renaissance
Kircher, Timothy. - Leiden [u.a.] (2006)

5Monographie  Luther's conception of language: Forms of religious expression in late medieval and Renaissance Europe
Kircher, Timothy. - [Yale University] (1989)

6Artikel  The Community of Letters in Renaissance Italy
Kircher, Timothy. (2022) - In: Antike und Abendland Bd. 68 (2022) S. 37-58

7Artikel  Cultura come cura: lo scambio epistolare da Petrarca agli umanisti del Quattrocento
Kircher, Timothy. (2021) - In: Atti e memorie della Accademia Petrarca di Lettere, Arti e Scienze Bd. 83 (2021) S. 51-78

8Artikel  Boccaccio and the Appearance of Reality (Decameron 8.3/9.3)
Kircher, Timothy. (2019 - 2020) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 16/17 (2019/20) S. 83-105

9Buchbeitrag  Boccaccio's Humanist Brigaia: Reading the Decameron in the Quattrocento
Kircher, Timothy. (2019) - In: A Boccaccian renaissance. Essays on the early modern impact of Giovanni Boccaccio and his works S. 36-57

10Artikel  At Play in the Republic of Letters: The Correspondence of Lapo da Castiglionchio the Younger
Kircher, Timothy. (2018) - In: Renaissance Quarterly Bd. 71 (2018) S. 841-867

11Artikel  Eros and Evanescence in the Decameron: The Weave of Love, Time, and Memory
Kircher, Timothy. (2017) - In: Quaderni d'italianistica Bd. 38, 2 (2017) S. 113-137

12Buchbeitrag  Riddles of Renaissance philosophy and humanism
Kircher, Timothy. (2017) - In: The Routledge history of the Renaissance S. 75-102

13Artikel  Landino, Alberti, and the invention of the neo-vernacular
Kircher, Timothy. (2016) - In: Albertiana Bd. 19, 1 (2016) S. 29-48

14Buchbeitrag  Petrarch and the Humanists
Kircher, Timothy. (2015) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Petrarch S. 179-190

15Artikel  Renaissance Humanism and Its Discontents
Kircher, Timothy. (2015) - In: The European legacy Bd. 20, 5 (2015) S. 435-449

16Buchbeitrag  The Fruits of Neo-Latin Learning: An Introductory Note
Kircher, Timothy. (2014) - In: Essays Charles E. Fantazzi S. 13-20

17Buchbeitrag  Wrestling with Ulysses: Humanist Translations of Homeric Epic around 1440
Kircher, Timothy. (2014) - In: Essays Charles E. Fantazzi S. 61-93

18Artikel  Humanism and Holiness: Leon Battista Alberti between Florence and Rome
Kircher, Timothy. (2013) - In: Modern language notes Bd. 128 (2013) S. 1-19

19Artikel  L.B. Alberti and the fortunes and virtues of Petrarchan humanism
Kircher, Timothy. (2006) - In: Albertiana Bd. 9 (2006) S. 99-119

20Buchbeitrag  The Sea as an Image of Temporality among Tuscan Dominicans and Humanists in the Fourteenth Century
Kircher, Timothy. (2003) - In: Time and eternity. The medieval discourse S. 283-296

21Artikel  Anxiety and Freedom in Boccaccio's History of the Plague of 1348
Kircher, Timothy. (2002) - In: Letteratura italiana antica Bd. 3 (2002) S. 319-358

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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