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RI opac: 166 Einträge

1Sammelwerk  Approaches to teaching Dante's divine comedy
Kleinhenz, ChristopherOlson, Kristina Marie [Hrsg.]. - New York (2020)

2Sammelwerk  Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare: saggi sulla Commedia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. - Ariccia (2015)

3Sammelwerk  Approaches to teaching Petrarch's Canzoniere and the Petrarchan tradition
Kleinhenz, Christopher [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2014)

4Sammelwerk  Medieval multilingualism: the francophone world and its neighbours
Kleinhenz, ChristopherBusby, Keith [Hrsg.]. - Turnhout (2009)

5Sammelwerk  Courtly arts and the art of courtliness: selected papers from the eleventh triennial congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 29 July - 4 August 2004
Busby, KeithKleinhenz, Christopher [Hrsg.]. - Madison (2006)

6Sammelwerk  Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia (Vol. 1-2)
Kleinhenz, Christopher [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (2004)

7Sachtitel  The Fiore ; and, the Detto d' amore: a late 13th-century Italian translation of the Roman de la Rose, attributable to Dante
Casciani, SantaKleinhenz, Christopher [Bearb.]. - Notre Dame, Ind. (2000)

8Sammelwerk  Fearful hope: approaching the new millennium
Kleinhenz, Christopher [Hrsg.]. - Madison (1999)

9Sammelwerk  Saint Augustine the Bishop: A Book of Essays
Le Moine, Fanny J.Kleinhenz, Christopher [Hrsg.]. - New York, NY (1994)

10Monographie  The Early Italian Sonnet: The First Century (1220-1321)
Kleinhenz, Christopher. - Lecce (1986)

11Sammelwerk  Medieval studies in North America: past, present, and future
Gentry, Francis G.Kleinhenz, Christopher [Hrsg.]. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (1982)

12Sammelwerk  Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism
Kleinhenz, Christopher [Hrsg.]. - Chapel Hill, NC (1976)

13Buchbeitrag  Dante's Infernal Punishments Revisited
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2024) - In: Essays Ronald B. Herzman S. 271-286

14Buchbeitrag  "Fiore" and "Detto d'Amore"
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2022) - In: Dante's "other works". Assessments and interpretations S. 35-70

15Buchbeitrag  Hysteron Proteron, Teleology, and Dante's Commedia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2022) - In: Essays H. Wayne Storey S. 82-93

16Artikel  Dante and the Sonnet: Poetic Practices in Medieval Italy
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2021) - In: Rivista internazionale di ricerche dantesche Bd. 2 (2021) S. 99-111

17Artikel  American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2018-19
Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Bearb.]. (2019 - 2020) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 16/17 (2019/20) S. 259-273

18Buchbeitrag  Dante and Translation
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2019) - In: A companion to medieval translation S. 125-132

19Artikel  Giovanni Boccaccio fra il Geta e l'Alda
Bisanti, Armando. Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Bearb.]. (2019 - 2020) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 16/17 (2019/20) S. 1-53

20Artikel  Aspetti della relazione tra arte e poesia nel Medioevo: Interdisciplinarità e la Commedia dantesca
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2019) - In: Letteratura italiana antica Bd. 20 (2019) S. 107-126

21Artikel  American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2017-18
Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Bearb.]. (2018) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 15 (2018) S. 281-291

22Artikel  American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2015-16
Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Hrsg.]. (2017) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 14 (2017) S. 361-375

23Buchbeitrag  Dante's Views on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Perspectives from the New (Fourteenth) Century
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 81-96

24Buchbeitrag  Perspectives on Intertextuality in Dante's Divina Commedia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 135-148

25Buchbeitrag  Virgil, Scatius and Dante: An Unusual Trinity
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 423-438

26Buchbeitrag  The Poetics of Citation: Dante's Divina Commedia and the Bible
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 295-304

27Buchbeitrag  Celebration of Poetry: A Reading of Putgatory XXII
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 393-412

28Buchbeitrag  Mito e verità biblica in Dante
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 97-118

29Buchbeitrag  The Visual Tradition of Inferno vu: The Relationship of Plutus and Fortune
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 239-264

30Buchbeitrag  On Dante and the Visual Arts
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 181-198

31Buchbeitrag  Rome and Florence in Dante's Divine Comedy
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 67-80

32Buchbeitrag  A Nose for Art {Purgatorio vu): Notes on Dante's Iconographical Sense
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 385-392

33Buchbeitrag  Deceivers Deceived: Devilish Doubletalk in Inferno XXI-XXIII
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 305-326

34Buchbeitrag  Movement and Meaning in the Divine Comedy: Toward an Understanding of Dante's Processional Poetics
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 149-180

35Buchbeitrag  The Birds-Eye View: Dante's Use of Perspective
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 199-208

36Buchbeitrag  Lectura dantis: Paradise XXXIII
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 453-475

37Buchbeitrag  The Land of the Living and the Land of the Dead: Burial, Entombment, and Cemeteries in Dante's Divine Comedy
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 283-294

38Artikel  American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2014
Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Hrsg.]. (2015 - 2016) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 12/13 (2015/16) S. 331-337

39Buchbeitrag  Plutus, Fortune, and Michael: The Eternal Triangle
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 223-238

40Buchbeitrag  Paradise XXX
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 439-452

41Buchbeitrag  Infernal Guardians Revisited: "Cerbero, il gran vermo" (Inf. VI 22)
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 209-222

42Buchbeitrag  Purgatorio IV: Made in the Shade, the Posture of Indolence, and Dance's Strategy in the Ante-Purgatory
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 367-384

43Buchbeitrag  Notes on Dantes Use of Classical Myths and the Mythographical Tradition
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 41-50

44Buchbeitrag  Leggere la Divina Commedia: un approccio testuale
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 33-40

45Buchbeitrag  Dante as Reader and Critic of Courtly Literature
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 51-66

46Buchbeitrag  Inferno VIII: The Passage across the Styx
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 265-282

47Buchbeitrag  Iconographic Parody in Inferno XXI
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 327-344

48Buchbeitrag  Food for Thought: Purgatorio XXII 146-147
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 413-422

49Buchbeitrag  Medieval French and Italian literature: towards a manuscript history
Busby, KeithKleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: The medieval manuscript book. Cultural approaches S. 215-242

50Buchbeitrag  Biblical Citation in Dantes Divine Comedy
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 119-134

51Buchbeitrag  Dante's Towering Giants: Inferno XXXI
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2015) - In: Kleinhenz, Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare S. 345-366

52Buchbeitrag  The Arthurian Tradition in the Three Crowns
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2014) - In: The Arthur of the Italians. The Arthurian Legend in Medieval Italian Literature and Culture S. 158-177

53Artikel  American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2013
Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Hrsg.]. (2014) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 11 (2014) S. 153-161

54Buchbeitrag  Petrarch's Lyric Poetry: Prosody, Rhymes, Forms
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2014) - In: Approaches to teaching Petrarch's Canzoniere and the Petrarchan tradition S. 47-60

55Artikel  Le Poesie di Lemmo Orlandi da Pistoia
Kleinhenz, Christopher [Bearb.]. (2013) - In: Letteratura italiana antica Bd. 14 (2013) S. 17-30

56Buchbeitrag  Dante's Comedy: The Poetics of Translation
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2012) - In: Translating the Middle Ages S. 84-96

57Artikel  The City of Rome in Dante's Divine Comedy
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2012) - In: Essays in Medieval studies Bd. 28 (2012) S. 51-68

58Buchbeitrag  A nose for style: olfactory sensitivity in Dante and Boccaccio
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2012) - In: Boccaccio in America S. 79-92

59Buchbeitrag  Petrarch
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2012) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

60Buchbeitrag  Adventures in Textuality: Lyric Poetry, the Tenzone, and Cino da Pistoia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2011) - In: Textual cultures of Medieval Italy S. 81-114

61Artikel  American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2011-12
Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Hrsg.]. (2011 - 2012) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 8/9 (2011/12) S. 135-147

62Buchbeitrag  The Poetry of Lemmo Orlandi da Pistoia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2011) - In: Essays Keith Busby S. 205-222

63Artikel  American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2010
Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Hrsg.]. (2010) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 7 (2010) S. 183-190

64Artikel  American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2009
Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Hrsg.]. (2010) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 7 (2010) S. 177-181

65Buchbeitrag  Alighieri, Dante
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2010) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

66Buchbeitrag  Boccaccio, Giovanni
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2010) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

67Artikel  American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2005-2008
Kleinhenz, ChristopherFilosa, Elsa [Hrsg.]. (2009) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 6 (2009) S. 81-96

68Buchbeitrag  Dante's Views on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Perspectives from the New (Fourteenth) Century
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2009) - In: Studies Helen Damico (2009) S. 302-318

69Artikel  Remembering Bob Kindrick
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2007) - In: Enarratio Bd. 14 (2007) S. VII-X

70Buchbeitrag  Some Thoughts on an Old French Pastourelle
Kleinhenz, ChristopherBusby, Keith. (2007) - In: Essays Samuel N. Rosenberg S. 153-162

71Artikel  Perspectives on Intertextuality in Dante's Divina Commedia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2007) - In: Romance quarterly Bd. 54 (2007) S. 183-194

72Artikel  Amore in città: le dimore urbane della poesia italiana del Due e Trecento
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2006) - In: Letteratura italiana antica Bd. 7 (2006) S. 87-96

73Buchbeitrag  Some Thoughts on the Early Italian Madrigal in its Literary and Musical Contexts
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2006) - In: Firenze alla vigilia del Rinascimento. Antonio Pucci e i suoi contemporanei S. 145-156

74Artikel  Studies on Medieval Italian Literature in North America: Past, Present, and Future
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2006) - In: Journal of English and Germanic Philology Bd. 105 (2006) S. 245-256

75Buchbeitrag  Cino da Pistoia (c. 1270-c. 1336 or 1337)
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2006) - In: Key figures in medieval Europe S. 141-142

76Buchbeitrag  Petrarca, Francesco (20 July 1304-19 July 1374)
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2006) - In: Key figures in medieval Europe S. 517-524

77Buchbeitrag  Italian Arthurian Literatur
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2006) - In: A history of Arthurian scholarship S. 190-197

78Artikel  Alan de Lille and Dante: Questions of Influence
Casagrande, GinoKleinhenz, Christopher. (2005) - In: Italica. Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian Bd. 82 (2005) S. 356-365

79Buchbeitrag  Rome and Florence in Dante's Divine Comedy
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2005) - In: Essays Rupert T. Pickens S. 339-352

80Buchbeitrag  Malmaritata
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 674

81Buchbeitrag  Lippo Pasci de' Barbi
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 639-640

82Artikel  North American Boccaccio Bibliography (2002-04)
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 2, 2 (2004) S. 55-62

83Buchbeitrag  Monteriggioni
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 736-737

84Buchbeitrag  Petrarca, Francesco
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 881-888

85Buchbeitrag  Ritmo cassinese
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 967-968

86Buchbeitrag  Cino da Pistoia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 225-227

87Buchbeitrag  Lanfranchi da Pistoia, Paolo
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 602-603

88Buchbeitrag  Uguggione da Lodi
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 1105

89Buchbeitrag  Orlandi da Pistoia, Lemmo
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 800-801

90Buchbeitrag  Sonnet
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 1053-1054

91Buchbeitrag  Italian poetry: lyric
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 540-553

92Artikel  North American Boccaccio Bibliography (2001)
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 2, 1 (2004) S. 107-111

93Buchbeitrag  Paolo da Perugia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 845-846

94Buchbeitrag  Italian prosody
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 557-564

95Buchbeitrag  Ugolino di Vieri
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 1104

96Buchbeitrag  Francesco di Vannozzo
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 366-367

97Buchbeitrag  Bianco da Siena
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2004) - In: Medieval Italy. An Encyclopedia S. 119-120

98Buchbeitrag  On Dante and the visual arts
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2003) - In: Dante for the new millennium S. 274-292

99Artikel  North American Boccaccio Bibliography (1985-2000)
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2003) - In: Heliotropia Bd. 1, 1 (2003) S. 103-105, 106-109, 110-112, 113-117, 118-123, 124-131, 132-137, 138-144, 145-153, 154-159, 160-163, 164-169, 170-176, 177-181, 182-186, 187-194

100Buchbeitrag  Tradition and Innovation in the Poetry of Guido Cavalcanti
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2003) - In: Guido Cavalcanti tra i suoi lettori S. 131-148

101Buchbeitrag  Dante's Towering Giants: Inferno XXXI
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2002) - In: Dante. The critical complex Tl. 7 S. 157-173

102Buchbeitrag  Courtly codes and popular diction in medieval Italian poetry.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2002) - In: Word, image, number S. 263-285

103Artikel  American Dante Bibliography for 2001
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2002) - In: Dante studies Bd. 120 (2002) S. 121-157

104Buchbeitrag  The Poetics of Citation: Dante's Divina Commedia and the Bible
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2002) - In: Dante. The critical complex Tl. 4 S. 301-321

105Buchbeitrag  Tales of Ships and Seas: The Mediterranean in the Medieval Imagination
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2002) - In: Alexander's revenge S. 181-208

106Artikel  American Dante Bibliography for 2000
Storey, Harry WayneKleinhenz, Christopher. (2001) - In: Dante studies Bd. 119 (2001) S. 217-273

107Buchbeitrag  Erotismo e carnalitá nella poesia italiana del Due e Trecento.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2000) - In: Essays Norris J. Lacy S. 293-310

108Artikel  Comic strategies in early Italian poetry: the Contrasto of Cielo d'Alcamo and the anonymous Detto del gatto lupesco.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (2000) - In: Italian quarterly Bd. 37 (2000) S. 25-31

109Buchbeitrag  Virgil in Dante's Divine Comedy
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1999) - In: The Author as Character. Representing Historical Writers in Western Literature S. 52-67

110Buchbeitrag  Art. Glory, idea of
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Tl. 3 S. 73-74

111Buchbeitrag  Mito e verità biblica in Dante.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1999) - In: Dante - mito e poesia S. 367-389

112Buchbeitrag  Art. Petrarch
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1999) - In: Encyclopedia of the Renaissance Tl. 4 S. 451-458

113Artikel  The land of the living and the land of the dead: burial, entombment, and cemeteries in Dante's "Divine comedy"
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1999) - In: Religion and literature Bd. 31, 1 (1999) S. 49-59

114Buchbeitrag  Michele Barbi (1867-1941)
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1998) - In: Medieval Scholarship. Biographical Studies on the Formation of a Discipline 2 S. 325-338

115Buchbeitrag  Dante and the Bible: citation in the Divine Comedy.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1997) - In: Dante. Contemporary Perspectives S. 74-93

116Buchbeitrag  Courtly cooking all'italiana: gastronomical approaches to medieval Italian literature
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1997) - In: The Court and Cultural Diversity S. 343-356

117Artikel  A Trio of Sonnets in Occitan: A Lyrical Duet and an Historic Solo
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1997 - 1998) - In: Tenso Bd. 13, 2 (1997/98) S. 33-49

118Buchbeitrag  Italy
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1996) - In: Medieval Arthurian literature. A guide to recent research S. 323-347

119Buchbeitrag  Iconographic Parody in Inferno XXI
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1995) - In: Dante's Inferno. The Indiana Critical Edition S. 325-339

120Artikel  Autorità biblica e citazione poetica. Osservazioni su Dante e la Bibbia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1995) - In: Filologia e critica. Rivista quadrimestrale Bd. 20 (1995) S. 353-364

121Buchbeitrag  Pulzelle e maritate: coming of age, rites of passage, and the question of marriage in some early Italian poems
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1995) - In: Matrons and Marginal Women in Medieval Society S. 89-110

122Buchbeitrag  Dante and the art of citation.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1995) - In: Dante Now. Current Trends in Dante Studies S. 43-61

123Buchbeitrag  The quest motif in medieval Italian literature
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1994) - In: Studies Douglas Kelly S. 235-251

124Buchbeitrag  Perspectives on the quest motif in medieval Italian literature: comic elements in Antonio Pucci's Gismirante
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1994) - In: Literary Aspects of Courtly Culture S. 249-256

125Artikel  American Dante bibliography for 1992.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1993) - In: Dante studies Bd. 111 (1993) S. 267-312

126Buchbeitrag  Cino da Pistoia and the Italian lyric tradition
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1992) - In: L'imaginaire courtois et son double S. 147-163

127Artikel  American Dante bibliography for 1991.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1992) - In: Dante studies Bd. 110 (1992) S. 279-326

128Artikel  American Dante bibliography for 1990.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1991) - In: Dante studies Bd. 109 (1991) S. 163-216

129Buchbeitrag  Texts, naked and thinly veiled: erotic elements in medieval Italian literature
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1991) - In: Sex in the Middle Ages. A book of essays S. 83-109

130Artikel  Biblical citation in Dante's "Divine comedy"
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1990) - In: Annali d'italianistica Bd. 8 (1990) S. 346-359

131Artikel  American Dante bibliography for 1989.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1990) - In: Dante studies Bd. 108 (1990) S. 113-172

132Buchbeitrag  Dante as reader and critic of courtly literature
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1990) - In: Courtly Literature - Culture and Context S. 379-393

133Artikel  Dante and the tradition of visual arts in the middle ages
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1990) - In: Thought. A review of culture and ideas Bd. 65 (1990) S. 17-26

134Buchbeitrag  The Poetics of Citation: Dante's Divina Commedia and the Bible
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1990) - In: Italiana 1988. Selected papers S. 1-21

135Artikel  American Dante bibliography for 1988.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1989) - In: Dante studies Bd. 107 (1989) S. 121-176

136Artikel  Deceivers deceived: devilish doubletalk in "Inferno" 21-23
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1989) - In: Quaderni d'italianistica Bd. 10 (1989) S. 133-156

137Buchbeitrag  Virgil, Statius, and Dame: An Unusual Trinity
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1988) - In: Lectura Dantis Newberryana 1 S. 37-55

138Artikel  The celebration of poetry: a reading of Purgatory XXII.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1988) - In: Dante studies Bd. 106 (1988) S. 21-41

139Buchbeitrag  A Half-Century of Dante Scholarship in America
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1988) - In: The Divine Comedy and the Encyclopedia of Arts and Sciences S. 1-13

140Artikel  American Dante bibliography for 1987.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1988) - In: Dante studies Bd. 106 (1988) S. 123-158

141Buchbeitrag  Art. Sicilian poetry
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1988) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 11 S. 257-261

142Artikel  American Dante bibliography for 1986.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1987) - In: Dante studies Bd. 105 (1987) S. 137-176

143Artikel  The art of translation: Boccaccio's Decameron
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1987) - In: Yearbook of comparative and general literature Bd. 36 (1987) S. 104-111

144Artikel  American Dante bibliography for 1985.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1986) - In: Dante studies Bd. 104 (1986) S. 163-192

145Artikel  Notes on Dante's use of classical myths and the mythographical tradition
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1986) - In: Romance quarterly Bd. 33 (1986) S. 477-484

146Artikel  Dante and the Bible: intertextual approaches to the Divine Comedy
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1986) - In: Italica. Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian Bd. 63 (1986) S. 225-236

147Buchbeitrag  Art. Italian literature: versification and prosody
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1985) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 6 S. 665-670

148Artikel  Literary and philosophical perspectives on the wheel of the five senses in Longthorpe Tower
Casagrande, GinoKleinhenz, Christopher. (1985) - In: Traditio Bd. 41 (1985) S. 311-327

149Artikel  American Dante bibliography for 1984.
Kleinhenz, ChristopherPellegrini, Anthony L.. (1985) - In: Dante studies Bd. 103 (1985) S. 139-171

150Buchbeitrag  Art. Italian literature: lyric poetry
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1985) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 6 S. 640-656

151Artikel  Iconographic parody in Inferno 21
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1982) - In: Res publica litterarum Bd. 5 (1982) S. 125-137

152Buchbeitrag  Medieval journals and publications series in North America
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1982) - In: Medieval studies in North America. Past, present, and future S. 121-178

153Artikel  Inferno, VII: Cariddi e l'avarizia
Casagrande, GinoKleinhenz, Christopher. (1980) - In: Aevum Bd. 54 (1980) S. 340-344

154Artikel  Plutus, fortune, and Michael: the eternal triangle.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1980) - In: Dante studies Bd. 98 (1980) S. 35-52

155Artikel  Giacomo da Lentini and Dante: the early Italian sonnet tradition in perspective
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1978) - In: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance studies Bd. 8 (1978) S. 217-234

156Artikel  Food for thought: Purgatorio XXII, 146-147.
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1977) - In: Dante studies Bd. 95 (1977) S. 69-79

157Artikel  Giacomo da Lentino and the advent of the sonnet: divergent patterns in early Italian poetry
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1976) - In: Forum Italicum Bd. 10 (1976) S. 218-232

158Buchbeitrag  The nature of an edition
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1976) - In: Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism S. 273-283

159Artikel  A nose for art (Purgatorio VII): note on Dante's iconographical sense
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1975) - In: Italica. Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian Bd. 52 (1975) S. 372-379

160Buchbeitrag  Petrarch and the Art of the Sonnet
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1975) - In: Francis Petrarch, Six Centuries Later. A Symposium S. 177-191

161Buchbeitrag  Tristan in Italy: the death or rebirth of a legend
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1975) - In: Studies in Medieval Culture 5 S. 145-158

162Artikel  Infernal guardians revisited: "Cerbero, il gran vermo" (Inf. VI, 22).
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1975) - In: Dante studies Bd. 93 (1975) S. 185-199

163Artikel  Dante's towering giants: Inferno XXXI
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1973 - 1974) - In: Romance philology Bd. 27 (1973/74) S. 269-285

164Artikel  Italian literature in translation: a bibliography of currently available texts
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1973) - In: Italica. Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian Bd. 50 (1973) S. 349-374

165Artikel  The interrupted dream of Paolo Lanfranchi da Pistoia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1972) - In: Italica. Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian Bd. 49 (1972) S. 187-201

166Artikel  Esegesi del sonetto provenzale di Paolo Lanfranchi da Pistoia
Kleinhenz, Christopher. (1971) - In: Studi e problemi di critica testuale Bd. 2 (1971) S. 29-39

Alphabetisches Register

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Nachname beginnt mit 'Zg': zg

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz': kucz

Nachname beginnt mit 'Kucz' und Vorname mit "A": kucz*, a

Nachname beginnt mit 'Ku' und Vorname 'Andreas': ku*andreas

Vorname 'Fumiko': *fumiko

Varianten von 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*

Varianten von 'Mayboom': m__b__m

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