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Publikationen »Knight, Alan E.«

Weiterleitung der Anfrage zur Suchmaschine des Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalogs: Knight, Alan E.

RI opac: 61 Einträge

1Sachtitel  Les mystères de la procession de Lille. 5: Légendes romaines et chrétiennes
Knight, Alan E. [Hrsg.]. - Genève (2011)

2Sammelwerk  The religion of fools?: superstition past and present
Smith, Stephen A.Knight, Alan E. [Hrsg.]. - Oxford [u.a.] (2008)

3Monographie  Mexico from the beginning to the Spanish conquest
Knight, Alan E.. - New York, NY [u.a.] (2002)

4Monographie  Les mystères de la procession de Lille. Bd. 1: Le Pentateuque
Knight, Alan E.. - Genève (2001)

5Sachtitel  Le pentateuque
Knight, Alan E. [Hrsg.]. - Genève (2001)

6Sammelwerk  The Stage as Mirror: Civic Theatre in Late Medieval Europe
Knight, Alan E. [Hrsg.]. - Cambridge (1997)

7Buchbeitrag  Le chariot comme scène à Lille .
Knight, Alan E.. (2012) - In: Mélanges Michel Rousse S. 121-130

8Buchbeitrag  The Lille Morality Play of the Assumption
Knight, Alan E.. (2010) - In: Essays Alan Hindley S. 361-372

9Buchbeitrag  The Pregnant Abbesses of Paris and Lille
Knight, Alan E.. (2008) - In: Parisian confraternity drama of the 14th century S. 135-148

10Buchbeitrag  Greban, Arnoul (+ before 1473)
Knight, Alan E.. (2006) - In: Key figures in medieval Europe S. 270

11Buchbeitrag  Manuscript Painting and Play Production: The Evidence from the Processional Plays of Lille
Knight, Alan E.. (2005) - In: The dramatic tradition of the Middle Ages S. 195-202

12Buchbeitrag  Staging the Lille Plays.
Knight, Alan E.. (2005) - In: Études Graham A. Runnalls S. 239-250

13Buchbeitrag  Processional theatre and the rituals of social unity in Lille
Knight, Alan E.. (1999) - In: Drama and Community. People and Plays in Medieval Europe S. 99-109

14Buchbeitrag  The stage as context: two late medieval French Susanna plays
Knight, Alan E.. (1997) - In: The Stage as Mirror. Civic Theatre in Late Medieval Europe S. 201-216

15Artikel  The Roman "Saints Plays" of Lille
Knight, Alan E.. (1997) - In: Medieval English theatre Bd. 19 (1997) S. 15-25

16Buchbeitrag  Magical transformation: a folk tale motif in the farce
Knight, Alan E.. (1997) - In: Between Folk and Liturgy S. 65-76

17Buchbeitrag  The bishop of fools and his feasts in Lille
Knight, Alan E.. (1996) - In: Festive Drama. Papers from the Sixth Triennial Colloquium S. 157-166

18Buchbeitrag  Cyclicity in medieval French drama.
Knight, Alan E.. (1996) - In: Transtextualities. Of Cycles and Cyclicity in Medieval French Literature S. 179-194

19Buchbeitrag  Art. Mystery plays
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 652

20Buchbeitrag  Art. Michel, Jean
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 616-617

21Buchbeitrag  Art. Morality plays
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 638-639

22Buchbeitrag  Art. 'Passion des jongleurs'
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 709

23Buchbeitrag  Art. Greban, Arnoul
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 413-414

24Buchbeitrag  Art. Processional theater
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 762-763

25Buchbeitrag  Art. Farce
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 337-338

26Buchbeitrag  Art. History plays
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 454-455

27Buchbeitrag  Art. 'Seinte Resureccion'
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 869

28Buchbeitrag  Art. Theater
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 905-906

29Buchbeitrag  Art. Marcadé, Eustache
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 585

30Buchbeitrag  Art. Greban, Simon
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 414

31Buchbeitrag  Art. 'Pathelin, Farce de maistre'
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 713

32Buchbeitrag  Art. Liturgical drama
Knight, Alan E.. (1995) - In: Medieval France. An Encyclopedia S. 554

33Buchbeitrag  The Sponsorship of Drama in Lille
Knight, Alan E.. (1993) - In: Studies Hans-Erich Keller S. 275-285

34Artikel  Editing the unique manuscript: the case of the Lille plays
Knight, Alan E.. (1991) - In: Text. An interdisciplinary annual of textual studies Bd. 5 (1991) S. 145-155

35Buchbeitrag  France
Knight, Alan E.. (1991) - In: The Theatre of Medieval Europe. New Research in Early Drama S. 151-168

36Buchbeitrag  From model to problem: the development of the hero in the French morality play
Knight, Alan E.. (1989) - In: Everyman and Company S. 75-89

37Artikel  The enacted narrative: from Bible to stage in late-medieval France
Knight, Alan E.. (1989) - In: Fifteenth Century Studies Bd. 15 (1989) S. 233-244

38Artikel  The Image of the city in the processional theater of Lille
Knight, Alan E.. (1988) - In: Research opportunities in Renaissance drama Bd. 30 (1988) S. 153-165

39Buchbeitrag  Art. Puy
Knight, Alan E.. (1988) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 10 S. 218

40Artikel  Professional theater in Lille in the fifteenth century
Knight, Alan E.. (1988) - In: Fifteenth Century Studies Bd. 13 (1988) S. 347-358

41Buchbeitrag  Art. Miracle plays
Knight, Alan E.. (1987) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 8 S. 431-432

42Buchbeitrag  Art. Passion plays, French
Knight, Alan E.. (1987) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 9 S. 447-448

43Buchbeitrag  Art. Jeu de Robin et Marion, le
Knight, Alan E.. (1986) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 7 S. 62

44Artikel  Manuscript painting and play production: evidence from the processional plays of Lille
Knight, Alan E.. (1986) - In: The EDAM newsletter Bd. 9, 1 (1986) S. 1-7

45Buchbeitrag  Art. Jeu de la feuillée, le
Knight, Alan E.. (1986) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 7 S. 62

46Buchbeitrag  Art. Garçon et l'aveugle
Knight, Alan E.. (1985) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 5 S. 358

47Buchbeitrag  Art. Drama, French
Knight, Alan E.. (1984) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 4 S. 263-266

48Buchbeitrag  Art. Confrérie
Knight, Alan E.. (1983) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 3 S. 536

49Buchbeitrag  Art. Courtois d'Arras
Knight, Alan E.. (1983) - In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages Tl. 3 S. 674

50Artikel  The condemnation of pleasure in late medieval French morality plays
Knight, Alan E.. (1983) - In: The French review Bd. 57 (1983) S. 1-9

51Buchbeitrag  Uses of Rhetoric in Medieval French Drama
Knight, Alan E.. (1982) - In: Essays Barbara M. Craig S. 73-80

52Buchbeitrag  French Literature
Knight, Alan E.. (1982) - In: The present state of scholarship in fourteenth-century literature S. 55-93

53Buchbeitrag  La Farce et la moralité: Deux genres distincts
Knight, Alan E.. (1981) - In: Le théâtre au Moyen Âge. Actes du deuxième colloque S. 239-251

54Artikel  Drama and society in late medieval Flanders and Picardy
Knight, Alan E.. (1980) - In: The Chaucer review Bd. 14 (1980) S. 379-389

55Buchbeitrag  Bilingualism in Medieval French Drama
Knight, Alan E.. (1977) - In: Jean Misrahi Memorial Volume S. 247-264

56Artikel  The farce lover: serpent in a false Eden
Knight, Alan E.. (1976) - In: L'esprit créateur Bd. 16, 1 (1976) S. 61-67

57Artikel  Fragments de trois farces du Recueil de Florence
Knight, Alan E.. (1973) - In: Romania Bd. 94 (1973) S. 542-548

58Buchbeitrag  The Farce Wife: Myth, Parody, and Caricature
Knight, Alan E.. (1972) - In: A Medieval French Miscellany. Papers of the 1970 Kansas Conference on Medieval Literature S. 15-25

59Artikel  The medieval theater of the absurd
Knight, Alan E.. (1971) - In: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America Bd. 86 (1971) S. 183-189

60Artikel  A previously unknown prose Joseph d'Arimathie
Knight, Alan E.. (1967 - 1968) - In: Romance philology Bd. 21 (1967/68) S. 174-183

61Artikel  Notes on three farces of the Florence collection
Knight, Alan E.. (1967) - In: Romania Bd. 88 (1967) S. 258-269

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